Jordan's Press and Publications Dept. cautions newspapers that it is illegal to publish proceedings of the Shubailat case (see 12/9). Press law states papers may only write on proceedings of a case once the court has issued a verdict, given permission for the article. (JT 12/19 in FBIS 12/19) (see 12/18)
UN comm. in charge of distributing reparations to Israelis who were injured by Iraqi missiles during the Gulf War transfers $307,500 in damages to 93 persons who submitted claims of serious physical, emotional suffering. 430 claims have yet to be assessed. (IL 12/20)
Rand Institute, working on behalf of the U.S. Defense Dept., estimates Israel could build 70 nuclear weapons with its estimated 770 lbs. of weapons-grade plutonium produced by Dimona since 1964; estimates Dimona is producing 35 lb./yr. of plutonium (or 3 bombs/yr.). (HA 12/19 in FBIS 12/21; WT 2/7)
SLA soldier is wounded by roadside bomb in s. Lebanon. (IDF Radio 12/20 in FBIS 12/20)