Friday, January 26, 1996

Syria, Israel end 3 days of talks in Maryland, reportedly hit an impasse. Israeli Environmental M Sarid blames FM Barak. (MM 1/25, 1/26; QY, SARR 1/26, IDF Radio 1/27, HA, MA, QY, YA 1/28 in FBIS 1/29; WT 1/27; MM 1/29; JP 2/3)

Without admitting responsibility, Israel gives $400,000 in restitution to widow of Moroccan man (mistakenly believed to be PLO intelligence chief Hassan Salameh) allegedly killed by Mossad agents in Norway in 1973. (NYT, WP 1/27)

Congress passes (371-42 House, 82-8 Senate) 1996 foreign appropriations bill as part of continuing resolution to fund the government through 3/15. Resolution allows full payment to Israel within 2 wks. of $3 b. in civilian and military aid, $80 m. for refugee resettlement; includes provisions giving Israel equal-to-NATO status for stockpiling of U.S. weapons, preventing U.S. defense contractors fr. legally overcharging Israel. (QY 1/28 in FBIS 1/29; JP 2/3, 2/10)