Saturday, July 15, 1995

Syria says it will not send military chief of staff Gen. Shihabi to upcoming talks with Israel in Washington unless Israel drops demands for early warning station on the Golan, use of IDF soldiers in a multilateral observer force. FM Peres says talks have reached a crisis point, fault lays entirely with Syrians. (MM 7/17; CSM 7/17, 7/18; WJW 7/20; JP 7/22)

In East Jerusalem, Austrian Secy. of State Benita-Maria Gerrero-Waldner attends opening of clinic build with Austrian funds, visits Orient House; says she supports PA demands for sovereignty over East Jerusalem, has no plans of mtg. with Israeli officials. (QY 7/15 in FBIS 7/20)

IMF Dep. Dir. Stanley Fischer says Israel no longer needs financial aid, would serve itself better by demonstrating economic independence; notes Israel has had greater export growth since 1948 than Japan. (JP 7/15)