Wednesday, December 7, 1994

1st round of talks on interim arrangement btwn. Israel, PA ends in Cairo. Sides agree Israel should hand PA control of "packages" of offices in West Bank as funds become available to PA, even before interim stage is completed. 1st to be transfer will be 33 Civil Administration offices. (MENA, QY, VOP 12/7 in FBIS 12/8; HA 12/8 in FBIS 12/9)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher holds separate talks with Israeli FM Peres, Arafat, briefs them on his mtg. with Syrian Pres. al-Asad. Says he won assurances fr. Peres that Israel would not renege on agmts. made in the DOP. (IDF Radio, RMC, VOP 12/7 in FBIS 12/8; NYT, WP, WT 12/8; MEI 12/16)

Joint Jordanian-Israeli comm. on treaty implementation meets in Amman to discuss duties, dates of mtgs. of various committees. (JTV, RJ 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

Israeli, PA negotiators meet at Erez checkpoint to discuss building port in Gaza. Israel demands PA present detailed plans for construction at mtg. 12/17. PA says port will cost $60 m.; France, Holland have agreed to help fund construction. (QY 12/7 in FBIS 12/8; PR 12/11)

High-level Jordanian-Palestinian talks are held in Amman in preparation for mtg. of 4-party comm. on repatriation of displaced Palestinians. Parties agree DOP, Human Rights Charter, UN Res. 237 will be legal framework for talks; agree on definition of "displaced Palestinians." (Al-Dustur 12/7 in FBIS 12/7; Al-Aswaq 12/8 in FBIS 12/9)

Cooperative agmt. btwn. Histadrut, Palestinian trade unionists, negotiated for months, collapses in Brussels when Palestinian delegates insist on last-minute inclusion of clause calling for Histadrut to support creation of Palestinian state, division of Jerusalem. (QY 12/7 in FBIS 12/8; Al-Hamishmar 12/13 in FBIS 12/21)