Arafat, FM Peres meet at Erez checkpoint to discuss elections, troop withdrawal, implementation of DOP. Both say mtg. was constructive. (QY 12/8 in FBIS 12/8)
Israeli government releases vaguely worded statement saying it will uphold the DOP, but, Israeli cabinet remains divided on troop withdrawal. (QY 12/8 in FBIS 12/9; MM, NYT, WP 12/9; JP 12/17)
Jordanian FMin. initiates contacts with Syrian government in hopes of easing tensions following signing of Jordan-Israel peace treaty. (Al-Akhbar Al-Usbu` 12/8 in FBIS 12/8)
AIPAC announces it has restructured its operations to step up Congressional lobbying out of fear new Republican majority wants to reduce aid to Israel. (WT 12/14; WJW 12/15) (see 12/2)
Israeli Central Command Cmdr. Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran approves confiscation of 3,000 dunums of land to link Ma'ale Adumim settlement to Jerusalem, plans for 1,500 housing units, 10 hotels on site. Says expansion of Giv'at Ze'ev settlement fr. 22,000 to 40,000 dunums to link it with Jerusalem should be approved soon. (Ma'ariv 12/8 in FBIS 12/13; PR 12/24)
King Hussein asks M Ahmad 'Ubaydat, the only Senate mbr. to openly oppose the Jordan-Israel treaty and normalized relations with Israel, to resign. (JTV 12/8 in FBIS 12/8; CSM 12/22) (see 12/5)
1st issue of Hamas's daily Al-Watan is issued in Gaza. Shaykh `Imad al-Faluji, a Hamas leader in Gaza, is editor. (AFP, ITV 12/8 in FBIS 12/9; PR 12/18)
8 SLA soldiers killed in southern Lebanon when Hizballah detonates bomb as SLA patrol passes. (MM 12/9; ITV, RL 12/9 in FBIS 12/9; MEI 1/20)
Suha Tawil, Arafat's wife, announces she is pregnant. (NYT, WP, WT 12/9)