Monday, September 19, 1994

U.S. issues "angry warning" to PM Rabin to stop talks with Iraq following reports 2 Iraqi-born MK's initiated contacts in July; suggests military, economic aid is at risk. Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer admits secret negotiations with Syria over a peace treaty occurred. Rabin claims he knew nothing, Syrian government denies reports. (AFP, ITV, JP, QY 9/19 in FBIS 9/19; WT 9/23)

PECDAR concludes econ. mtg. in Cairo. PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi issues statement encouraging new mtg. of donor states, quick disbursal of aid so autonomy process is not hampered. (Al-Hayat 9/20 in FBIS 9/20)

Islamic Unification Movement issues leaflet in Gaza announcing its establishment; claims it advocates unity and coordination, does not oppose any Islamic or national faction (inc. PNA). (Al-Manar 9/19 in FBIS 9/22)

Declassified British documents admit British intelligence secretly established, ran Sharq al-Adna radio in Palestine fr. 1941-56. The station, fronted as an Arab radio, was influential during the Suez crisis, broadcasting anti-Nasir/anti-Israeli propaganda. (WT 9/19)