Fateh Central Comm. approves DoP at meeting in Tunis by 12-6 vote. (M1NA 9/4 in FBIS 9/7; NYT, WP, WT 9/5; MM 9/6)
U.S. sets 9/13 as date for Washington signing of DoP. (WP, WT 9/5)
Islamic Conference Organization (ICO) endorses DoP, statement by ICO Sec.-Gen. Hamid al-Ghabid in Jeddah calls agreements "bold 1st steps towards achieving the goal of a just and comprehensive settlement." (MM 9/6)
Demonstration supporting PLO-Israel accord held in Tel Aviv; organizers claim 200,000 attend, police say only 50,000. (MM 9/6; NYT 9/8)
Iranian FM condemns Israel-PLO agreement, expresses Tehran's "opposition to the negotiations btwn. the Arabs and the Zionist regime." (Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran 9/4 in FBIS 9/7)
Israel allows deported Palestinian-American pacifist Mubarak 'Awad to return for a conference. (WT 9/5)