Wednesday, September 15, 1993

Nayif Hawatmah of DFLP, George Habash of PFLP meet in Tripoli with Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. Libya and Iraq are only Arab states to explicitly oppose PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16, 9/17)

U.S. Pres. Clinton, in telephone conversation with Jordan's King Hussein, discloses U.S. will release $30 m. in aid to Amman frozen due to Jordan's position in 1990-91 Gulf crisis. Release is due to signing of Jordan-Israel common agenda. Clinton also calls Syrian Pres. al-Asad, urges him to rein in Damascus-based Palestinian factions opposed to PLO-Israel agreement. (NYT 9/16; CSM, NYT 9/17; NYT 9/18)

U.S. joins with Russia, Egypt, and Israel to eliminate, revise, or defer 32 UNGA resolutions critical of Israel. Resolutions to be changed or discarded include those establishing Comm. on Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, criticizing Israeli human rights practices, examining Israeli-South African relations, and calling on Israel to renounce nuclear weapons. (NYT 9/16)