Saturday, November 13, 1993
PLO Chmn. Arafat condemns 10/29 killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by 5 Palestinians later identified as mbrs. of Fateh. Statement says operation "carried out without the knowledge of the [Fatehl leadership," demands "everyone comply with what was agreed on and stop violent acts to safeguard the peace process." Israeli PM Rabin says test of PLO pledges "will be in ceasing all terror and violent activities by this organization." U.S. Pres. Clinton calls Arafat statement "a very positive sign." (NYT, WP 11/14)
Turkish FM Hikmet Cetin starts 3-day visit to Israel, 1st ever by a Turkish FM. Cetin meets FM Peres, invites Pres. Ezer Weizman to visit Ankara. (MM 11/15)