Thursday, May 6, 1993

Israel presents Palestinians with draft joint declaration of principles on the substance of autonomy. Palestinian mini-delegation travels to Tunis for consultations; PLO rejects it. (ITV, JTV 5/7 in FBIS 5/10; MM 5/11)

Syrian delegation head Muwaffaq al-'Allaf calls on Arabs to reconsider participation in multilateral talks, saying progress must be made in the bilaterals first. (al-Dustur 5/7 in FBIS 5/10)

Ten Palestinian rejectionist orgs. issue statement calling for immediate withdrawal from peace talks, strike days in May. (QPAR 5/6 in FBIS 5/7)

Last of 30 post-1967 Palestinian deportees returns to o.t. (Qol Yisra'el 5/6 in FBIS 5/6)

Israeli policeman is shot, seriously wounded near Rehovot, south of Tel Aviv. (Qol Yisra'el 5/6 in FBIS 5/6)

IDF shells Lebanese villages in response to Amal roadside bombing attempt. (Qol Yisra'el, VOL 5/6 in FBIS 5/6)