Tuesday, August 25, 1992

Israel presents new plan for interim self-government arrangements including elections for an administrative council with responsibility for a number of areas; foreign policy and defense would remain under Israeli control. (WP 8/26)

In special Knesset session, motion attacking govt. position on territorial compromise with Syria is defeated, 42 to 34. Motion protesting govt. opposition to Jewish settlement in Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem is defeated 41 to 40. (MM 8/26)

Undercover Border Police unit raids house in Janin, killing 2 Black Panther activists and 1 other woman. Unit's commander is also killed. (IDF Radio, Qol Yisra'el 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; NYT, WP 8/27)

IDF announces it has discharged the commander of an undercover unit for issuing unlawful orders to shoot at Palestinian activists. (WP 8/26)