Yasir Arafat chairs meeting of mbrs. of PNC, PLO Exec. Comm., Fateh Cent. Comm., and Palestinian delegation to peace talks in preparation for PLO Central Council meeting 10/15 in Tunis. (Sanaa VOP 10/15 in FBIS 10/16)
Israeli commission and Palestinian lawyers and prisoners meet in Junayd prison, Nablus, and reach compromise accord on prison condition improvements, to be signed 10/20. Israel agrees to about 20 concession including improvement of recreation areas and medical treatment, curtailment of physical pressure, and extension of family visit from 30 to 45 minutes. Demands that were rejected will be studied further, and a decision given in 2 months. (MM 10/16)
Over 10,000 Israelis, including at least 20 MKs, demonstrate their opposition to withdrawal from Golan Heights in Katzrin. (MM 10/15)
Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike dies, apparently ofheart attack, in hospital in Ashqelon. Residents of his neighborhood in E. Jerusalem demonstrate. (Qol Yisra'el 10/14, 10/15 in FBIS 10/15; MM 10/15)
Palestinian youth is killed by IDF gunfire during clashes despite curfew in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 10/14 in FBIS 10/15)