Acting PLO security head Atif Basaysu assassinated by gunmen in Paris. Basaysu assumed security function left by Salah Khalaf (Abu Tyad) following his assassination in January 1991. (WP 6/9)
Two anonymous phone calls - one claiming Kach responsibility, the other claiming Kahana Hay responsibility for the killing - were received at the Paris offices of the Associated Press. Al-Hayat cites French "political sources" to confirm PLO charge of Mossad responsibility; Israel denies charges. (FBIS, MM 6/9)
Belgian MP Michael Maertens and two Israelis are released after being arrested 6/7 in peace march round-up; 112 remaining are expected to be released 6/9. (MM 6/8)
IDF slightly eases entry restrictions on Gaza Strip imposed 5/24; "trickle" of workers allowed to enter Israel. (MM 6/8)
Head of Israeli mil. intelligence Maj.- Gen. Uri Saguy says the 4 infiltrators from Aqaba in 5/30 attack on Eilat beach were Fateh members trained in Libya, not Islamists, as revealed from interrogation of captured infiltrator. (MM 6/11)
Chmn. Arafat appoints new 7-member Fateh command in Lebanon. (Al-Shira' 6/8 in FBIS 6/9)