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  • September 22, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands demonstrate against MK Meir Kahane, drowning out his words, at Givatayim; Kahane threatens audience, leaves [JP 9/23].


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  • September 16, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Am'ari camp placed under 2-day curfew following stoning and fire bomb aimed at army patrol [FJ 9/20].

    Arab World: Jordanian P.M....

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  • August 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]....

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  • April 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands demonstrate against MK Meir Kahane, drowning out his words, at Givatayim; Kahane threatens audience, leaves [JP 9/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Booby-trapped van discovered in Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter is defused; no injuries [JP 9/23]. Al-Am'ari refugee camp and 'Anabta town are put under curfew. Settlers reportedly joined Israeli soldiers' search-and-arrest campaign in al-Am'ari [FJ 9/27].

Arab World: Israeli forces shoot and kill 2 armed men near Hasbaya [JP 9/24]. Mines explode near wreckage of Israeli helicopter in Tyre, killing 1 Shi'ite militiaman and wounding 8 others [JP 9/24]. 107-mm. katyusha rocket fired at SLA strongpoint near Bint Jubayl; no injuries. UNIFIL dismantles 2 katyushas north of Marjayun. SLA dismantles 100-kilo bomb near 'Ayshe [JP 9/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Am'ari camp placed under 2-day curfew following stoning and fire bomb aimed at army patrol [FJ 9/20].

Arab World: Jordanian P.M. Zayd Rifa'i and Syrian P.M. 'Abd al-Ra'uf Kasm meet in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to discuss ways of mending differences and paving the way for an Arab summit conference. The talks are termed "highly positive" and the two prime ministers agree to meet again in October [WP 9/16; WP, FT 9/18].

Other Countries: The Reagan admin. criticizes Israel for deporting 18 Palestinians [BG 9/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several katyusha rockets land in the Galilee panhandle before dawn, reportedly fired from outside the security zone in South Lebanon; no injuries or damage reported. The attack is the 4th in 3 weeks [JP, BG 9/18]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Guardian reports 3 Israelis and 6 Palestinians have been detained in connection with land fraud investigation [MG 8/24]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin warns Amal that Israel will not allow it to carry out attacks across the northern border [MG 8/25]. The Washington Post reports Knesset Internal Affairs Committee voted 7-4 to block construction of the Mormon Center on Mount of Olives [WP 8/24]. A new memorial, called the Center for Special Studies in the Memory of the Fallen of Israel's Intelligence Community, opens in Tel Aviv [NYT 8/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Andre Alush, 40, is shot and killed by lone gunman in Tulkarm. Curfew is imposed [WP 8/25]. Avi Oved, of Tiberias, is shot three times in the marketplace of Jenin. His condition is serious. Curfew is immediately imposed [WP 8/25]. Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon falls in northern Israel, causing no casualties [WP 8/25].

Arab World: IDF carry out large-scale search operations in 3 south Lebanese villages: Qabrikha, Majd al-Salim, and Shaqra. Search follows firing of a katyusha into the Galilee earlier in the week. Several arrests are made and a variety of weapons seized [MG 8/25]. The Arab Socialist Ba'th party claims suicide bomber killed or wounded 60 at a SLA checkpoint; Israel's army radio says one Lebanese Christian soldier was killed and 2 others wounded [MG 8/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate accused Jewish underground defendants now in custody will be released on 48-hr. leave for Passover holiday; 5 held for murder will not be released [JP 4/4]. New IDF SLA liaison chief asserts predecessor, Col. Avraham Hido (killed in 2/19 clash with resistance in S. Lebanon), may have been killed "in error" by SLA troops traveling with him UP 4/4]. Fight breaks out between Palestinian, Jewish students at Haifa U. (scene of several recent incidents) [P 4/4].

Other Countries: US State Dept. states Israel violated Articles 49, 76, 77 of 4th Geneva Convention in its 4/2 transfer of 1,100 Ansar inmates to Israel [NYT 4/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border Police shoot and injure 18-yr.-old Sameh Sha'ar in Nablus during mock funeral for Karim Khalaf [PI 4/4, FJ 4/5].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF release 752 Ansar prisoners near Tyre [NYT, WP 4/4]. IDF raid Shihabiya; several arrested [NYT 4/4]. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Douer; 1 injured. 2 IDF soldiers wounded by roadside bomb near al-Bazouriya. Katyusha, RPGs, shots directed at IDF liaison HQ, Nabatiya; no report of casualties. RPG fired at IDF HQ, Tyre; no reported injuries. IDF raid Deir Zabna [JP 4/4].

Other Countries: Anti-tank rocket fired at building housing Jordanian embassy in Rome; Black September claims responsibility [WP 4/5].