6 / 15500 Results
  • April 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate...

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  • April 1, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: High Court rejects petition by MK Kahane to cancel Knesset's 12/18 decision to strip Kahane of parliamentary immunity with regard to...

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  • March 9, 1985


    Other Countries: Pres. Mubarak arrives in Washington to urge greater US role in Middle East peace process; also seeks $870 million in increased economic, military...

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  • January 26, 1985

    Military Action

    Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: 4 Katyushas fired at IDF position near Kamed al-Luz. Katyusha fired from Burj al-Shamali at IDF position in Tyre. 6th Katyusha fired at IDF...

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  • January 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Manufacturers, govt. and Histadrut union agree on 8-mo. proposal to cut wages, subsidies [JP 1/25, LAT 1/26]. Over 600 Ethiopian Jews...

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  • January 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF N. Command Cmdr. Orr predicts commandos will attempt return to S. Lebanon after IDF withdrawal [JP 1/20].

    Other Countries:...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying IDF curfew, 1,500 Palestinians attend funeral of Karim Khalaf in Ramallah [PI 4/4]. Min. of Police, Prisons Service indicate accused Jewish underground defendants now in custody will be released on 48-hr. leave for Passover holiday; 5 held for murder will not be released [JP 4/4]. New IDF SLA liaison chief asserts predecessor, Col. Avraham Hido (killed in 2/19 clash with resistance in S. Lebanon), may have been killed "in error" by SLA troops traveling with him UP 4/4]. Fight breaks out between Palestinian, Jewish students at Haifa U. (scene of several recent incidents) [P 4/4].

Other Countries: US State Dept. states Israel violated Articles 49, 76, 77 of 4th Geneva Convention in its 4/2 transfer of 1,100 Ansar inmates to Israel [NYT 4/4].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border Police shoot and injure 18-yr.-old Sameh Sha'ar in Nablus during mock funeral for Karim Khalaf [PI 4/4, FJ 4/5].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF release 752 Ansar prisoners near Tyre [NYT, WP 4/4]. IDF raid Shihabiya; several arrested [NYT 4/4]. Roadside bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Douer; 1 injured. 2 IDF soldiers wounded by roadside bomb near al-Bazouriya. Katyusha, RPGs, shots directed at IDF liaison HQ, Nabatiya; no report of casualties. RPG fired at IDF HQ, Tyre; no reported injuries. IDF raid Deir Zabna [JP 4/4].

Other Countries: Anti-tank rocket fired at building housing Jordanian embassy in Rome; Black September claims responsibility [WP 4/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: High Court rejects petition by MK Kahane to cancel Knesset's 12/18 decision to strip Kahane of parliamentary immunity with regard to freedom of movement; orders Kahane to pay IS 500,000 court costs [JP 4/2]. Foreign Min. official David Kimche tells UN diplomat Jean-Claude Aime that Israel does not want UNIFIL troops to be deployed along Israel-Lebanon border after IDF withdrawal [JP 4/2]. Inner cabinet unanimously approves plan to exchange 1,150 prisoners held by Israel for 3 IDF soldiers held by PFLP-GC in Syria (see 5/20/85) [JP 5/22].

Other Countries: US State Dept. spokesman Bernard Kalb, referring to 3/31 report by West Bank Data Base Project, states US opposed to W. Bank settlements, feels that settlement activity does not preclude chances for negotiated settlement [JP, JTA 4/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border Police shoot and injure 4 students after stonethrowing incident during Land Day protest outside Bethlehem U. [LAT, JP 4/2]. IDF order settlers to evacuate hill near Umm Safa after they began clearing land for an illegal settlement in response to 3/31 killing of settler in Ramallah [JP 4/2].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF convoy attacked with RPGs near Jwaiyeh. 8 Katyushas fired at IDF position, Douer; no casualties reported. 2 SLA soldiers killed during ambush near 'Arab Salim [JP 4/2]. IDF soldier injured 3/30 in Douer, S. Lebanon, dies of wounds [JP 4/2].


Other Countries: Pres. Mubarak arrives in Washington to urge greater US role in Middle East peace process; also seeks $870 million in increased economic, military aid [NYT 3/10].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: 2 Katyushas fired at IDF units, undisclosed locations. RPGs fired at IDF troops, Bidias; no reported injuries. RPG fired at IDF liaison unit HQ, Nabatiya; no injuries reported [JP 3/10].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: 4 Katyushas fired at IDF position near Kamed al-Luz. Katyusha fired from Burj al-Shamali at IDF position in Tyre. 6th Katyusha fired at IDF troops near Ansariya. RPG fired at SLA position in Harouf [JP 1/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Manufacturers, govt. and Histadrut union agree on 8-mo. proposal to cut wages, subsidies [JP 1/25, LAT 1/26]. Over 600 Ethiopian Jews airlifted to Israel have been drafted into IDF; plans indicate induction of additional 2,000, creation of Ethiopian battalion in W. Bank [DW 1/24].

Other Countries: New York jury clears Time magazine of libeling Ariel Sharon in controversial article (11/12), but criticizes Time's reporting; previously ruled that article was inaccurate and had defamed Sharon [NYT 1/25]. [Many of Sharon's legal bills paid by rich Americans, Israeli residents of U.S.] [VV 1/29]. US Pres. Reagan asserts PLO, Col. Qadhafi, Ayatollah Khomeini assisting Nicaragua, creating "new danger" in Central America [NYT 1/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Israeli vehicles hit by gasoline bombs near Dheisheh camp; no injuries [FJ 2/1].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb injures 2 IDF troops near Deir Zahrani. RPGs fired at IDF liaison bldg., Nabatiya; no injuries. Katyusha fired at SLA position in Deir Qanun; no injuries. RPGs fired at SLA roadblock near Nabatiya; none reported wounded. IDF kill Palestinian in gun battle with masked men near 'Ain al-Hilweh; kill 6 commandos near jezzine [JP 1/25]. SLA soldier killed by resistance near 'Abassiya [JP 1/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF N. Command Cmdr. Orr predicts commandos will attempt return to S. Lebanon after IDF withdrawal [JP 1/20].

Other Countries: New York jury declares Time magazine article on Ariel Sharon (11/12) false; still debates 3rd point [NYT 1/19].

Military Action

Arab World: In in S. Lebanon 3 IDF troops wounded in bomb explosion near Jwaiyeh. Katyusha fired on IDF position near jib Jinnine. IDF patrol attacked with RPGs as it passes over Qasimiya Bridge. RPGs destroy IDF jeep on coastal road south of Zahrani River. SLA soldier wounded by gunshots near Nabatiya [FJ 1/25]. Near Qlai'ah (3 km. N. of Metulla), IDF discover 2 Katyusha rockets, launchers [JP 1/20].