Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview with Jerusalem Arabic-language paper al-Quds, PM Peres advocates exchanging land for "total peace"; supports...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency, World Zionist Org. Settlement Dept. announce 3 new settlements to be established in N. Galilee [JP 3/26]. More than 300...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres indicates he no longer objects to Pres. Mubarak's proposed US talks with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation as long as...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality...
Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat objects to portions of Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals; states talks must take place under UN supervision, PLO appointments...
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview with Jerusalem Arabic-language paper al-Quds, PM Peres advocates exchanging land for "total peace"; supports greater autonomy for residents of occupied territories [JP 3/31, FT 4/1]. Occupation authorities make numerous pre-emptive arrests, censor papers in W. Bank in preparation for 3/30 Land Day commemorations [FJ 4/5].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Lebanese Forces militia shell Mieh Mieh camp; 3 killed, 40 wounded; Palestinian reinforcements from 'Ain al-Hilweh camp enter Mieh Mieh [NYT 3/30].
450 PLO fighters loyal to Chmn. Arafat secretly land near Sidon, join in defense of Mieh Mieh [PI 3/30]. Katyusha fired at IDF position near Lake Karoun injures 4 [JP 3/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency, World Zionist Org. Settlement Dept. announce 3 new settlements to be established in N. Galilee [JP 3/26]. More than 300 relatives of striking Palestinian political prisoners at Ashkelon prison demonstrate in front of Intl. Red Cross offices in E. Jerusalem [FJ 3/29].
Arab World: In Amman, Fateh Deputy-incommand Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) states PLO forces loyal to Chmn. Arafat have moved back into S. Lebanon and that over 60 have been killed fighting the IDF in past 5 mos. [JP 3/26]. In Damascus, "Palestine National Salvation Front" is created to obstruct 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord, to work for greater "strategic alliance" with Syria; front includes PFLP, PFLP-GC, Sa'iqa, Popular Struggle Front, Palestinian National Front, and Abu Musa's Fateh dissidents [WP 3/26].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF summon mukhtars from villages SE of Tyre to meeting in Bint Jbeil; are told 500 IDF advisors will remain in security zone subsequent to IDF withdrawal [LT 3/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres indicates he no longer objects to Pres. Mubarak's proposed US talks with joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation as long as direct Arab-Israeli talks follow [CSM 3/21]. Attorney Gen. Yitzhak Zamir indicates 6 Israelis who met with Chmn. Arafat 2/16 will not be prosecuted for "meeting with the enemy" [JP 3/21].
Other Countries: UN figures, released to The Times of London indicate average daily attacks against IDF troops in S. Lebanon have doubled since recent initiation of IDF "iron fist" policy [LT 3/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF Gen. Amnon Shahak bans political demonstrations in W. Bank [JTA 3/21]. Bomb at bus stop injures 3 in Petah Tikva UP 3/21].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: SLA initiates 4-hr. gun battle with Irish UNIFIL troops near Ber'asheet; uses 40 schoolchildren as shield [DT 3/21, LT 3/22]. IDF, SLA come under attack in 4 locations in Tyre, Hasbaya areas; no casualties reported [FJ 3/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality in S. Lebanon, discrimination faced by Arabs in Israel and occupied territories [FJ 3/22]. Al Hamishmar reports Jordan's Min. for Religious Affairs dismissed Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Saad al-Din al-Alami; cites al-Alami's outspoken support of PLO Chmn. Arafat as one reason [NER 3/25].
Arab World: King Hussein states 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord is "last chance" for peace; asserts PLO must be part of peace plans [NYT 3/17].
Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz announces US will send State Dept. official Richard Murphy to Middle East soon to "maintain momentum" of peace talks [NYT, WP 3/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Barish; 70 detained [WP 3/16]. IDF kill 2 Lebanese Army troops, 3 resistance fighters, N. of IDF defense line at Litani River [MG 3/16]. IDF arrest 4 journalists near Tyre [LT 3/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close Bir Zeit U.'s new campus for 2 mos. following 3/1 raid [LAT 3/9].
Other Countries: In interview with Parisbased al-Watan al-'Arabi, Chmn. Arafat asserts Israel, Syria holding secret negotiations over mutual withdrawal of forces from Lebanon; cites 12,000 Syrian troops pulled back from ceasefire line after 1st stage of IDF withdrawal as proof of collusion [MG 3/7]. US, Israel reach "understanding" on Israeli request for $2.6 billion in new aid, specifics yet to be arranged [NYT 3/9].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: SLA officer killed by resistance in Jezzine [NYT 3/9]. IDF fire rockets around homes in Bidias [LT 3/9]. Resistance fighters battle IDF unit at Qasmiya Bridge for several hours, firing more than 50 RPGs, mortar rounds; 5 Israelis wounded, 1 critically [NYT 3/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any negotiations [BG 3/5]. Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), PLO Central Com. Mbr. Mahmoud 'Abbas arrive in Amman to renegotiate portions of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [MG 3/5].
Other Countries: US, Israel conclude free trade agreement; all tariffs between the 2 countries to be eliminated by 1995 [NYT 3/5]. US State Dept. rejects congressional request to allow PLO UN observer Zuhdi Terzi to travel to Washington and address members of Congress [WP 3/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close 8 stores in Halhoul after Israeli taxi stoned. 2 detained in Beit Jalla after Israeli car similarly attacked [JP 3/5]. In Issawiya (jerusalem) Border Police destroy 2 homes built without permit [FJ 3/8].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes in Ma'rakah religious bldg., at least 12 killed, over 50 wounded; among the dead are 2 top Amal guerrilla leaders, Muhammad Saad, Khatit Jaradi; blast occurred less than 30 hrs. after IDF completed massive raid [NYT, LAT 3/5]. 16- yr.-old 'Ali Ma'rouf dies of heart attack while running from attacking IDF troops in Sila [NYT 3/10]. IDF raid Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre, beat director Dr. Ahmad Mroueh, fire shots, destroy property; at least 35 arrested, including some donating blood for victims of Ma'rakah blast [LAT 3/5]. IDF announce it will require special passes to cross Qasmiya Bridge on Litani River; southbound trucks carrying food, products across bridge also need permits; northbound vehicles forbidden, required to use Qa'qa'iya Bridge [JP 3/4]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post at Qasmiya Bridge. RPGs, shots fired at IDF posts in Bidias, Tyre. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles In Tyre, 'Abbasiya. No casualties in any of the actions [JP 3/5].
Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat objects to portions of Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals; states talks must take place under UN supervision, PLO appointments to joint delegation cannot be subject to conditions or limitations; denounces US "hypocrisy" towards PLO [NYT 3/3].
Military Action Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF move 800 troops, 3 tanks, over 30 other vehicles into Ma'rakah; 1 killed, 17 arrested, 2 homes destroyed; winter food stocks ransacked, mosques desecrated; IDF fire upon Reuters photographer Patrick Baz, 2nd joumalist, as they carried white flag in village. IDF destroy house in Teir Dibba. In Beirut, Nabih Berri threatens attacks on Israeli towns if S. Lebanese villages are attacked by IDF [NYT, WP 3/3, JP 3/4].