Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close Bir Zeit U.'s new campus for 2 mos. following 3/1 raid [LAT 3/9].
Other Countries: In interview with Parisbased al-Watan al-'Arabi, Chmn. Arafat asserts Israel, Syria holding secret negotiations over mutual withdrawal of forces from Lebanon; cites 12,000 Syrian troops pulled back from ceasefire line after 1st stage of IDF withdrawal as proof of collusion [MG 3/7]. US, Israel reach "understanding" on Israeli request for $2.6 billion in new aid, specifics yet to be arranged [NYT 3/9].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: SLA officer killed by resistance in Jezzine [NYT 3/9]. IDF fire rockets around homes in Bidias [LT 3/9]. Resistance fighters battle IDF unit at Qasmiya Bridge for several hours, firing more than 50 RPGs, mortar rounds; 5 Israelis wounded, 1 critically [NYT 3/11].