Occupied Palestine/Israel: UNRWA Commissioner General Giorgio Giacomelli expresses concern to Israeli defense and foreign ministry officials over Israel's "rather...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. envoy Charles Hill meets with Israeli P. M. Shamir to discuss proposed international peace conference [LAT 8/13]. Fu'ad Ishkantna...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settler violence in Dahayshah camp continues; Israeli soldiers disperse settlers and Palestinians with tear gas and live ammunition; 6...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Striking waqf teachers hold sit-in at al-Fatah al-Laji'ah Girls School in Jerusalem. Union of Workers in Private Schools in Jerusalem...
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: UNRWA Commissioner General Giorgio Giacomelli expresses concern to Israeli defense and foreign ministry officials over Israel's "rather heavy-handed reaction" to protesting Palestinians. Palestinian wounded by gunfire 12/16 after stabbing Israeli soldier in Rafah dies. Gen. Yitzhaq Mordechai, commander of southern military district, orders arrest of Shin Bet officer who fired on protesters 12/16 [LAT 12/18]. Shops in Arab E. Jerusalem remain closed to protest Ariel Sharon's move into a Muslim quarter apartment [NYT 12/18]. Curfew on Jabalya refugee camp is lifted [FJ 12/20]. Israeli settler who shot, killed Gaza student 11/10 is released on bail [FJ 12/20]. Soldiers seal 4 Ramallah stores participating in general strike [FJ 12/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Scattered demonstrations are reported in W. Bank and E. Jerusalem [NYT 12/18; FJ 12/20]. Israeli troops use tear gas to disperse large demonstration related to 12/11 clash at Balatah. Balatah and Rafah are ordered under curfew [LAT 12/18].
Arab World: Israeli and SLA troops kill 6 Lebanese National Resistance Front fighters in battle near S. Lebanon security zone [NYT 12/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli cabinet votes to cancel 7-year-old Lavi jet fighter project. Demonstrating Israeli Aircraft workers block highway near factory [LAT 8/31]. In Rafah, Palestinian child is shot in leg by Israeli truck driver who alleges he opened fire after group of children threw stones at him [FJ 9/6]. Trial of Mordechai Vanunu begins under extraordinarily heavy security; Vanunu faces life imprisonment for selling The Times of London information about Israel's nuclear facility at Dimona [WP, LAT 8/3 1]. In Jenin area, 5 people are injured when 2 gas bombs are thrown at Arab bus. In Gaza, Israeli police order 30 stores closed after gas bomb is thrown at Israeli car [FJ 9/6]. Palestinian-owned poultry farm in Nablus-area village of Naqura is demolished by Israeli bulldozers. It is the 3d farm destroyed in the past week [FJ 9/6]. Israeli authorities reopen Rafah crossing to Egypt after 4-day closure. The crossing was closed after acollaborator was attacked [FJ 9/6].
Arab World: Jordanian Ministry for Occupied Territories Affairs agrees to allocate JD 140,000 for development projects in Gaza Strip [FJ 9/6].
Military Action
Arab World: Shi'i guerrillas claim 4 Israeli soldiers were killed in overnight clash in S. Lebanon security zone. Israeli sources state 4 Shi'i fighters were killed north of the security zone [CSM 8/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. envoy Charles Hill meets with Israeli P. M. Shamir to discuss proposed international peace conference [LAT 8/13]. Fu'ad Ishkantna from Rafah is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on charges of Fateh membership and building explosives; another Rafah resident, Nabil Ghazi Sha'th, receives 15-year sentence on similar charges [FJ 8/16]. Israeli authorities confiscate nearly 300 sheep in 'Ayn Malih in Jordan Valley area; sheep are returned after owner pays JD 900 fine [FJ 8/16]. Palestinian is arrested trying to enter Baytar Ilit settlement near Bethlehem [FJ 8/16].
Arab World: Egypt cancels media coverage of upcoming joint Egyptian-U.S. land, sea, and air military maneuvers [WP 8/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha rockets land in N. Israel and S. Lebanon security zone in 2d day of attacks [CSM 8/11].
Arab World: Israeli helicopter attack in Nabatiyyah region of S. Lebanon kills 1 Lebanese, wounds 2 others; retaliating Lebanese militiamen shoot, injure 6 Israeli soldiers in attack on Israeli-SLA post in security zone [WP 8/11; FJ 8/16].
Arab World: Lebanon's Pres. Jumayyil signs legislation declaring 1969 Cairo agreement null and void [PI 6/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli troops occupy Norwegian-manned UNIFIL position near Marja'uyun inside Israeli security zone and withdraw several hours later; Israeli military denies incident [LAT 6/16].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA troops attack Shi'i village just north of Israeli security zone; one Nepalese UNIFIL soldier is wounded [LAT 6/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Settler violence in Dahayshah camp continues; Israeli soldiers disperse settlers and Palestinians with tear gas and live ammunition; 6 settlers are arrested; curfew is imposed on camp. Military breaks up protest at Askar refugee camp and imposes curfew. Estimated 1,500 students gather at Islamic University in Gaza to protest 20 years of occupation [BG 6/8]. Israeli cabinet approves nomination of Moshe Arad as new ambassador to U.S. [WP, CSM 6/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli and SLA forces clash with Amal and Hizballah fighters in Biqa' Valley; at least 3 Lebanese are killed. In separate incident, Israeli soldier is killed, 2 wounded by bomb in town of Taybah, 3 miles north of security zone [WP 6/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Striking waqf teachers hold sit-in at al-Fatah al-Laji'ah Girls School in Jerusalem. Union of Workers in Private Schools in Jerusalem has stated support for the strike [FJ 4/3]. Former U.S. Pres. Carter and his wife travel to Hebron area village of Bayt Ummar to observe projects sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and U.S. government [FJ 4/3].
Military Action
Arab World: Explosion near Syrian command post in Beirut kills 8, injures at least 10. In Kafr Hazir, village in N. Lebanon, unidentified gunmen ambush an army jeep, killing 1 Syrian officer, wounding 5 soldiers [WP 3/29]. Amal snipershoot at Shatila refugees protesting Amal siege, kill 5 [WP 3/30]. Hizballah and SLA forces clash inside Israeli security zone; Israeli military claims 5 SLA soldiers are wounded, 3 Hizballah fighters killed [FJ 4/3].