31 / 15493 Results
  • August 31, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: New Israeli settlement in W. Bank, 'Ofarim, is inaugurated near the settlement of Bet Arye [FBIS 9/1].

    Military Action


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  • August 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8...

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  • August 29, 1989


    Other Countries: Algeria blocks Israel's admission to international conference in Geneva negotiating ban on chemical weapons in response to U.S. opposition to...

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  • August 28, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rabbi Moshe Levinger, afounder of Gush Emunim and indicted for the murder of a Palestinian merchant, demonstrates in front of the E....

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  • August 27, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports five Palestinians accused of leading the intifada in the W. Bank. 4 are deported to Lebanon, while the fifth, Dr. Taysir...

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  • August 26, 1989


    Arab World: PLO asks UN Security Council to intervene and stop the expulsion of five Palestinians, including Dr. Taysir Aruri. Egypt denounces the deportations...

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  • August 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].


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  • August 24, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th Israeli High Court of Justice upholds Central Command decision to deport Mahmud al-Matur, that 'Awda Ma'ali, Majid Labadi, and Taysir...

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  • August 23, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir says he has recently met with well-educated and experienced Palestinians who heard him out and are convinced he wants peace...

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  • August 22, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with Israeli soldiers throughout O. T. Palestinian sources report at least 20 Israeli army and...

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  • August 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21]....

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  • August 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22...

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  • August 19, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24-year-old man shot by men dressed as tourists visiting Bethlehem [LAT, WP 8/21]. Military sources say shots had been fired by soldiers, but...

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  • August 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: From now on, Gazans working in Israel must present Israeli-issued ID cards in order to pass into Israel [LAT 8/19; CSM 9/6].


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  • August 17, 1989


    Occupied Palesine/lsrael: In a test of magnetic ID system that becomes mandatory on 8/18, Israeli civil administration prevents hundreds of Gaza Strip Palestinians...

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  • August 16, 1989


    Arab World: Lebanese Christian leader Michel Aoun accepts UN Security Council cease-fire, warns that Syria must lift blockade of Christian ports [FBIS 8/16].

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  • August 15, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: New military orders in W. Bank allow soldiers to open fire on masked Palestinians; similar order has been in effect in Gaza for months [...

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  • August 14, 1989


    Arab World: U.S., PLO start 4th round of talks in Tunis; PLO gives U.S. memo criticizing U.S. slowness [FBIS 8/14].

    Other Countries: U. S. Defense...

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  • August 13, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Responding to heckler's call to expel Palestinians from O.T., D. M. Rabin declares, "I've expelled more Arabs than you" [FBIS 8/16]....

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  • August 12, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Khan Yunis soldiers shoot, kill 3-year-old Palestinian, wound 2 others [NYT, FBIS 8/14]. 2 Palestinians accused of collaboration are killed [...

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  • August 11, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rabin doubles, from 6 to 12 months, length of administrative detention [FJ 8/14, MET 8/22].

    Arab World: In response to criticism...

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  • August 10, 1989


    Arab World: In Tunis Fateh's 5th General Congress ends [FBIS 8/11].

    Other Countries: Bush administration criticizes Fateh's announcementhat it will escalate...

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  • August 9, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians observe general strike throughout 0.T. [FBIS 8/11].

    Arab World: In Jordan, UNRWA employees stage sit-in to demand...

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  • August 8, 1989


    Arab World: Palestine National Fund announces that Jordanian government has authorized it to move back to Amman after 3 years in Abu Dhabi [MET 8/15].


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  • August 7, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Survey of Israeli youth finds 40% hate all or most Arabs [FBIS 8/8]. Central Bureau of Statistics states that population of Jewish...

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  • August 6, 1989


    Arab World: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, Prime Minister Zayd ibn-Shakir [...

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  • August 5, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza Strip soldiers injure at least 7 Palestinians. At least 7 Palestinians are injured during demonstrations in W. Bank [FJ 8/14].

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  • August 4, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close mosque in Rafah for 10 days [FJ 8/7].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of 39-...

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  • August 3, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly meets with 13 Palestinians from O.T.; Palestinians give Kelly...

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  • August 2, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel opens 300 schools in W. Bank [MET 8/15].

    Military Action

    Occupied PalestinelIsrael: Israeli troops injure at least...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: New Israeli settlement in W. Bank, 'Ofarim, is inaugurated near the settlement of Bet Arye [FBIS 9/1].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF forceshoot, kill unidentified man in the "security zone" in Lebanon. 2 others escape unharmed [FBIS 9/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8/31; MET 9/12]. Israeli defense source says over the past 3 weeks IDF and Shin Bet have rounded up some 170 W. Bank Palestinians who "make up the backbone of the hard core leadership of the intifada in the W. Bank" [FBIS 9/1].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with President Hosni Mubarak and senior Egyptian officials [FBIS 8/30].

Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution "deploring" Israel's deportation of Palestinians, and calls on Israel to respect the Geneva Convention in the O.T. [WP 8/31]. The resolution passes with 14 of 15 Security Council members voting for it; the U.S. abstains [FBIS 9/1; MET 9/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israeli soldiers are wounded by stones in Khan Yunis. Classes for 10th and 11th grade students resume in the W. Bank. Curfew in Bayt Sahur is lifted, curfew is imposed on Dayr al-Balah. IDF Radio reports that the departure of workers for jobs in Israel is sporadic [FBIS 8/30]. Army reports 3 Katyusha rockets fired into the Galilee panhandle causing slight damage but no injuries, claims Hizballah is responsible [FBIS 8/311.


Other Countries: Algeria blocks Israel's admission to international conference in Geneva negotiating ban on chemical weapons in response to U.S. opposition to admitting PLO into the UN [NYT 8/30]. The World Tourism Organization's congress rejects PLO's request to join under the name Palestine. In a secret ballot 40 countries rejected the motion, 34 supported it, and 6 abstained [FBIS 8/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 26-year-old intifada leader in Gaza is shot, killed by troops; news of his death sparks demonstrations throughout Gaza [NYT 8/30]. Israeli security forces demolish two houses and seal five others [FBIS 8/30]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rabbi Moshe Levinger, afounder of Gush Emunim and indicted for the murder of a Palestinian merchant, demonstrates in front of the E. Jerusalem house of Faisal Husayni, calling for Husayni to be tried in his place [NYT, LAT 8/29; MET 9/5].

Arab World: Arab League UN representative Clovis Maksoud says that Arab countries will call for transferring General Assembly meetings to Geneva if Washington refuses to grant Arafat an entry visa [FBIS 8/29].

Other Countries: U.S. Consulate says there were 10,588 U.S. tourist-visa applications from Palestinians during the first six months of 1989 and 1,499 applications for permanent immigration visas. 48,500 Israelis applied for tourist visas during the first five months of 1989 [NYT 8/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In overnight skirmish, Israeli police in Beit Safafa shoot, kill 20-year-old Palestinian, then attempt to break up a memorial procession for him. 4 officers are wounded, as well as an Israeli cameraman who is shot with a rubber bullet. 23-year-old Palestinian dies of gunshot wounds received last week in Gaza Strip [NYT 8/29; MET 9/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports five Palestinians accused of leading the intifada in the W. Bank. 4 are deported to Lebanon, while the fifth, Dr. Taysir Aruri, is expelled to France [NYT, LAT 8/28; MET 9/5].

Other Countries: PLO spokesman in Washington says Arafat is "seriously considering" coming to New York in September for the UN General Assembly, and that the purpose of the visit "would not be to challenge the United States . . . [but] to facilitate and encourage the peacemaking process" [NYT 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 14 Gaza residents are detained after Molotov cocktail is thrown at army post. Petrol bombs are thrown at soldiers in Gaza and Jabaliyyah. Curfews on Rafah and Jabaliyyah lifted, curfew imposed on 'Ayn 'Arik near Ramallah after stonethrowing incident. At least 18 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF forces throughout the O.T.; two children from Kafr Ni'mah are injured when a suspicious object explodes in their faces. Military court sentences 17-year-old Palestinian woman to 13 months in prison for attacking an IDF officer with a knife [FBIS 8/28].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force fighters bomb Hizballah camps in South Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding at least 10 [NYT 8/28]. At least 7 others are killed, 15 wounded in further Israeli raids on South Lebanon Hizballah bases [WP, LAT 8/29].


Arab World: PLO asks UN Security Council to intervene and stop the expulsion of five Palestinians, including Dr. Taysir Aruri. Egypt denounces the deportations saying they violate "international law and the Geneva Convention" [FBIS 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian accused of collaboration is killed in Qalqiliyyah. Army places curfew on Jabaliyyah after 8/25 shooting of masked youth. Guards use tear gas and fire shots to quell riots at Junayd prison near Nablus. In at-Tall near Tulkarm, 14-year-old Palestinian is wounded in clash with troops. In Dayr al-Sudan near Ramallah, troops shoot, kill Palestinian teenager during a stonethrowing incident [FBIS 8/28]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].

Arab World: In Aden for visit, Arafat says latest round of U.S.-PLO talks did not go as they should have, blames U.S. intransigence [FBIS 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 46-year-old Israeli is found in a W. Bank village after reportedly being kidnapped on 8/24 by masked Palestinians [FBIS 8/25; NYT 8/26; MET 9/5]. Israeli figures say 13 Palestinians have been killed in the O.T. in the past eight days; that the violence has increased because Palestinian leaders have vowed to step up the intifada [WP 8/26]. Acting under new regulation that allows troops to shoot at masked Palestinians, soldiers shoot, wound one of several masked youths who clashed with IDF patrol in Jabaliyyah [FBIS 8/28].

Other Countries: Five-vessel French Navy task force remains off the Lebanese coast [NYT 8/26]; the French are joined by eight U.S. ships, including the battleship Iowa. Soviet guided missile cruiser Kirov is also there [FBIS 8/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th Israeli High Court of Justice upholds Central Command decision to deport Mahmud al-Matur, that 'Awda Ma'ali, Majid Labadi, and Taysir Aruri on grounds that deportations are necessary for security reasons [FBIS 8/24]. Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says deportation is the best weapon against the intifada, and that since legal obstacles have been removed, the pace and number of deportations should be increased [FBIS 8/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir says he has recently met with well-educated and experienced Palestinians who heard him out and are convinced he wants peace [FBIS 8/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: An 11-year-old Palestinian from Rafah is shot, killed, and 2 more are wounded, prompting demonstrations; Rafah placed under curfew. At least one Palestinian is killed, 8 others wounded in clashes throughout the Gaza Strip; IDF detains "dozens of inhabitants" of 'Anabta; IDF soldiers raid al-Ahali Hospital in Gaza, capture 4 youths accused of throwing stones [FBIS 8/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with Israeli soldiers throughout O. T. Palestinian sources report at least 20 Israeli army and civilian vehicles had their tires punctured by nails spread on the Trans-Samaria highway near Zawiyah [FBIS 8/23].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21].

Arab World: Palestine National Fund (PNF) offices in Amman are reopened [FBIS 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians are killed, 6 wounded in clashes throughout O.T. General strike in W. Bank. IDF soldier in Tulkarm injured by a rock. Molotov cocktail hurled at a patrol in Jabaliyyah camp, no injuries. Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse stone-throwing youths in E. Jerusalem. Curfew imposed on al-Ram and Dahiyat al-Barid, north of Jerusalem, following clashes between youths and IDF [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: UNIFIL places forces on alert because of heavy Israeli and SLA military activity in S. Lebanon [FBIS 8/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Arafat arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein and senior Jordanian officials [FBIS 8/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 15-year-old Palestinian is killed, 12 are wounded in clash with IDF forces in Jabaliyyah camp. Commercial strike held in Ramallah [FBIS 8/ 21]. 3 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire while collecting magnetic ID cards in Jabaliyyah camp [FBIS 8/23]. In Jerusalem, Israeli soldier is stabbed by Palestinian youth, who is later arrested; the soldier was slightly injured [MET 8/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24-year-old man shot by men dressed as tourists visiting Bethlehem [LAT, WP 8/21]. Military sources say shots had been fired by soldiers, but would not comment on troops' appearance [FBIS 8/2 1]. At least 11 Palestinians are killed, including 12-year-old and 15- year-old, and 3 are wounded in incidents throughout O.T. Israeli-imposed curfew on Khirbat Ikhza'a and the Shayhk al-Radwan neighborhood in Gaza is lifted [FBIS 8/21]; Palestinian who refused to give up his ID card is killed by other Palestinians [MET 8/29].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: From now on, Gazans working in Israel must present Israeli-issued ID cards in order to pass into Israel [LAT 8/19; CSM 9/6].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat, King Hussein of Jordan, and President Saddam Hussayn of Iraq meet in Baghdad to discuss latest developments in Lebanon and the O.T. [FBIS 8/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli security arrests 3 masked men trying to prevent Palestinian laborers from crossing into Israel [FBIS 8/18]. Facing question by army about the beating death of an Arab last August, Israeli soldier shoots himself; suicide note expresses fear over becoming scapegoat for other officers [LAT 8/19].

Arab World: At least 2 people are killed, 14 wounded by shell fire in Beirut [FBIS 8/18].


Occupied Palesine/lsrael: In a test of magnetic ID system that becomes mandatory on 8/18, Israeli civil administration prevents hundreds of Gaza Strip Palestinians without the IDs from entering Israel [FBIS 8/18].

Arab World: PLO leader Salah Khalaf has said 4th round of U.S.-PLO talks "was very bad" and that the only new things were "the tough U.S. tone and the threats" [FBIS 8/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF soldier in Gaza is injured by rock. Army reports soldiers manning an outpost in Nablus come under gunfire. 6 Palestinians wounded by IDF gunfire in West Bank [FBIS 8/181.


Arab World: Lebanese Christian leader Michel Aoun accepts UN Security Council cease-fire, warns that Syria must lift blockade of Christian ports [FBIS 8/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 11 residents of 'Askar camp near Nablus are woundeduring clashes with IDF forces. At least 3 Palestinians are shot, wounded elsewhere in O.T. 2 Jewish settlers are wounded when their car, pelted by rocks, overturns. General strike observed in Gaza to protesthe issuance of magnetic ID cards to Palestinian residents [FBIS 8/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: New military orders in W. Bank allow soldiers to open fire on masked Palestinians; similar order has been in effect in Gaza for months [FBIS 8/15]. Unified National Command of the Uprising calls on Gazan workers to boycott jobs in Israel for week to protest new I. D. cards [LAT 8/16]. The West Bank Database Project headed by Meron Benvenisti announces its closure [MEI 8/25].

Arab World: Jordan announces that upcoming elections will be held on 11/8 [MET 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian dies from wounds received 8/14 [LAT 8/16, FJ 8/21]. At least 16 Palestinians are shot, wounded during clashes throughout O.T. [LAT 8/16]. At least 25 Palestinians are arrested near Tulkarm [FJ 8/21].


Arab World: U.S., PLO start 4th round of talks in Tunis; PLO gives U.S. memo criticizing U.S. slowness [FBIS 8/14].

Other Countries: U. S. Defense Department announces that Kuwait will purchase 40 FA-18 warplanes; planes will cost $389 million [MET 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Asirah troops injure 5 Palestinians during demonstrations [FJ 8/21]. Firebomb injures 4 Israeli tax collectors in Ramallah [FBIS 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Responding to heckler's call to expel Palestinians from O.T., D. M. Rabin declares, "I've expelled more Arabs than you" [FBIS 8/16].

Arab World: Israel announces that it will register cars in south Lebanon's "security zone" in order to curtail car bombings [MET 8/22].

Other Countries: The Sunday Times [London] reports that Israel has told the families of 2 soldiers captured in Lebanon that the soldiers are dead; Israeli official states that "our soldiers are considered to be alive unless proved otherwise" [FBIS 8/14].

Military Action

Occupied PalestinelIsrael: Israeli troops shoot, kill 13-year-old Palestinian in Rafah [NYT 8/14, FBIS 8/16]. At least 25 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 8/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Khan Yunis soldiers shoot, kill 3-year-old Palestinian, wound 2 others [NYT, FBIS 8/14]. 2 Palestinians accused of collaboration are killed [FBIS 8/14]. In Gaza Strip at least 5 Palestinians are shot, wounded [FJ 8/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rabin doubles, from 6 to 12 months, length of administrative detention [FJ 8/14, MET 8/22].

Arab World: In response to criticism Fateh's congress issues second statement softening call for armed struggle [LAT, NYT 8/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian dies in Ansar 3; death is attributed to camp conditions. Near Jenin unidentified exploding object injures 3 Palestinian children. Curfew in Nur Shams enters 11th day [FJ 8/14].

Arab World: SLA, IDF troops shoot, wound, capture Palestinian guerrilla in Israeli "security zone" in south Lebanon [MET 8/22].


Arab World: In Tunis Fateh's 5th General Congress ends [FBIS 8/11].

Other Countries: Bush administration criticizes Fateh's announcementhat it will escalate armed struggle [NYT 8/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Near Nablus, troops kill 16-year-old Palestinian. In Beach camp troops shoot, wound 23 Palestinians [FJ 8/14].

Arab World: SLA troops open fire, wound 2 Norwegian UNIFIL soldiers [MET 8/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians observe general strike throughout 0.T. [FBIS 8/11].

Arab World: In Jordan, UNRWA employees stage sit-in to demand wage increase to offset drop in dinar [MET 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli settler opens fire on Israeli soldiers thoughto be Palestinian; soldiers return fire killing 1- year-old Israeli, wounding settler and another child [WP 8/10, MET 8/22]. In Beach camp soldiershoot, kill 7-year-old and 23-year-old, wound 5. In Hebron settlers shoot, kill 18-year-old. In Rafah 45- year-old Palestinian accused of collaboration is killed. At least 23 Palestinians are injured during demonstrations [FBIS 8/10, FJ 8/14].

Arab World: Booby-trapped car explodes in south Lebanon killing Arab driver, wounding 5 Israeli soldiers [FBIS 8/9, MET 8/22].


Arab World: Palestine National Fund announces that Jordanian government has authorized it to move back to Amman after 3 years in Abu Dhabi [MET 8/15].

Other Countries: PLO is seeking to sign Geneva Convention, 3 other UN treaties on war; U.S. lobbys Switzerland, which is responsible for texts, to stop move [NYT 8/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Buruqin soldiers shoot, kill 18-year-old Palestinian. In Gaza Strip soldiers shoot, wound 10 Palestinians [FBIS 8/9, FJ 8/14]. Several dozen Druze demonstrate at 'Atlit prison to protest incarceration of Druze soldiers for refusing to serve in O.T. [FBIS 8/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Survey of Israeli youth finds 40% hate all or most Arabs [FBIS 8/8]. Central Bureau of Statistics states that population of Jewish settlers in O.T. increased by 10% in past year, to 66,000 [FBIS 8/11].

Arab World: Fateh's congress supports Arafat's diplomatic initiatives and "struggle against Israel by all methods, including armed struggle" [WP 8/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jordanian soldier crosses border near Elate, wounds 25-year-old American kibbutz volunteer, takes 2nd woman hostage before being killed [FBIS 8/8]. In Jenin soldiers shoot, wound 3 Palestinians. At least 7 other Palestinians are wounded by troops throughout O.T. Soldiers demolish 6 Palestinian homes in Bayt Furik [FBIS 8/9, FJ 8/14]


Arab World: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, Prime Minister Zayd ibn-Shakir [FBIS 8/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya soldiers shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian, in Tel Aviv 16-year-old Palestinian from Khan Yunis dies from wounds received 8/2 [FJ 8/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza Strip soldiers injure at least 7 Palestinians. At least 7 Palestinians are injured during demonstrations in W. Bank [FJ 8/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close mosque in Rafah for 10 days [FJ 8/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of 39- year-old Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel is found near Tulkarm [MET 8/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly meets with 13 Palestinians from O.T.; Palestinians give Kelly letter stating that meeting is part of PLO-U.S. dialogue, rejects election proposal under Shamir's terms, demand that Israel accept territory for peace [FBIS 8/3].

Arab World: In Tunis Fateh opens 5th General Congress [FBIS 8/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade thrown at Israeli patrol in Khan Yunis injures 3 Palestinians, 3 soldiers; troops respond by opening fire injuring 14 Palestinians [FJ 8/7, MET 8/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel opens 300 schools in W. Bank [MET 8/15].

Military Action

Occupied PalestinelIsrael: Israeli troops injure at least 49 Palestinians in Gaza Strip [FJ 8/7].