8 / 15500 Results
  • October 31, 1993

    West Bank settlers continue riots sparked by 10/29 killing of Beit El settler by Hamas militants. Also, Palestinian shot dead by IDF while trying to avoid roadblock at Qalqilya, West Bank, another...

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  • October 30, 1993

    Jewish settlerset fire to 8 Palestinian homes in al-Birah, stone Palestinian cars in Ramallah, block West Bank roads in protest over killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by presumed Hamas militants....

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  • October 22, 1993

    Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal announces easing of closure of Jerusalem to Palestinians, allowing all women, men over 40, and accompanied children under 16, as well as physicians, attorneys, and...

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  • October 18, 1993

    U.S. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Dennis Ross begins Middle East tour to build on DoP, with visit to Cairo to meet Egyptian, Arab League leaders. (MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19...

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  • October 15, 1993

    PFLP leader Habash, following meetings in Damascus, says 10 Palestinian opposition factions will form new front to counter DoP, "rebuild the PLO on democratic bases." (MM 10/18)


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  • October 13, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

    Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt,...

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  • October 9, 1993

    PLO rep. in Jordan Tayib 'Abd al-Rahim announces that 2 plots to kill PLO Chmn. Arafat have been foiled. 1 attempt was by Arafat bodyguards suborned by FRC ("Abu Nidal"), 2d by unidentified group...

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  • October 4, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Algiers accompanied by Faisal Husseini for talks with head of state Ali Kafi, PM Redha Malek. (MM 10/5)

    Hamas mbr. Kamal Bani Odeh, 20, of Tamoun, West Bank,...

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West Bank settlers continue riots sparked by 10/29 killing of Beit El settler by Hamas militants. Also, Palestinian shot dead by IDF while trying to avoid roadblock at Qalqilya, West Bank, another killed by settler he stabbed. (NYT 11/1; Qol Yisra'el 10/31 in FBIS 11/1)

Ahmad al-Nahas, VP of Hilton International, announces hotel chain has been approached by Palestinian investors seeking to erect new hotel in Jericho to take advantage of new Palestinian self-governing authority. Israeli legislators also confirm that Moroccan businessmen have expressed interest in developing Israeli tourism. (CSM, WT 11/1)

Jewish settlerset fire to 8 Palestinian homes in al-Birah, stone Palestinian cars in Ramallah, block West Bank roads in protest over killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by presumed Hamas militants. Settler, abducted 10/29, found stabbed to death in burned car north of Ramallah. Also, Palestinian involved in land sales to Israelis killed by masked gunmen. (NYT, WP, WT 10/31)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Syrian Pres. alAsad hold talks on peace process in Latakia. (SATV 10/30 in FBIS 11/1)

3,000 Palestinian women march in Rafah refugee camp, Gaza Strip, to demand immediate release of all remaining Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. (WP 10/31

Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal announces easing of closure of Jerusalem to Palestinians, allowing all women, men over 40, and accompanied children under 16, as well as physicians, attorneys, and students to enter the city as of 10/26. FM Peres announces "several hundred" Palestinian prisoners will be released soon, "more" as PLO-Israel talks proceed. (NYT, WP, WT 10/23)

Thousands attend funeral in Gaza of Fateh official As'ad Saftawi, murdered 10/21. (NYT 10/23)

Israeli military prosecutors announce indictment of Arab-American Muhammad Salah, 39, on charges of being Hamas's military commander. Salah was arrested 1/93 while on visit to West Bank. (WT 10/23

U.S. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Dennis Ross begins Middle East tour to build on DoP, with visit to Cairo to meet Egyptian, Arab League leaders. (MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19; CSM 10/19)

West Bank settlers plan civil disobedience, tax revolt, other measures against Israeli-Palestinian DoP, according to Yechiel Leiter of Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea and Samaria. (WT 10/18)

Fateh, PPP urge boycott of Jerusalem municipal elections by East Jerusalem Palestinians. (MM 10/18)

PFLP leader Habash, following meetings in Damascus, says 10 Palestinian opposition factions will form new front to counter DoP, "rebuild the PLO on democratic bases." (MM 10/18)

Yeshiva student stabbed by Palestinian at Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, West Bank. Curfew imposed on Hebron Palestinians; settlers rampage, injuring 6 Palestinians. DFLP (Hawatmah faction), in statement issued in Damascus, claims responsibility for knife attack, pledges "to escalate and expand our military operations against the enemy and the settlers in all the occupied Palestinian territories until we foil the Gaza-Jericho agreement." PFLP claims responsibility for 10/9 killing of 2 Israeli hikers near Jericho. (WP 10/16, WT 10/18)

Israeli PM Rabin visits Indonesia, largest country without diplomatic relations with Israel, and meets with Pres. Suharto, chairman of Nonaligned Movement, for over an hour. Rabin states he is looking for nonaligned support for peace process and cooperation with Israel. An Indonesian diplomat is quoted by NYT as saying establishment of Indonesian-Israeli diplomatic relations is "only a matter of time," but that Jakarta wishes "to see the Middle East peace process progress a bit further." Rabin also visits Singapore, Kenya. (NYT 10/16; MM 10/18)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt, as Palestinian-Israeli DoP enters into force. PLO delegation headed by Nabil Shaath; Israeli, by IDF Dep. Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak. Talks center on size of Jericho autonomous region, size and powers of Palestinian police force, redeployment of Israeli troops, control over water resources, and security of Israeli settlers in o.t. Palestinians contend Jericho includes entire 133 sq. mi. Jericho district, while Israelis assert only town of Jericho, about 10 sq. mi., is to be handed over to Palestinians. PLO security official Amin al-Hindi excluded fr. Palestinian delegation over Israeli protests he was responsible for murder of Israeli athletes at 1972. Munich Olympics. Simultaneously, Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas meet in Cairo, agree on 5 steps for future negotiations including setting up liaison comm. and ministerial-level economic comm. Two sides urge "early resumption" of Arab-Israeli talks in Washington. (NYT, WP 10/14)

PLO Chmn. Arafat dismisses Fateh cmdr. in Lebanon Munir al-Maqdah, who had been critical of DoP and called for Arafat's resignation (see 8/23). (VOL 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

General strike in o.t. called by Palestinian factions opposed to DoP observed throughout West Bank and Gaza Strip with exception of Jericho. (MM 10/13; CSM 10/15)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz, in interview with WT, faults DoP for not affirming Palestinian right of return, says "It is not fair to solve the Palestinian problem to create a Lebanese one.... implanting 400,000 Palestinians in Lebanon will create political, confessional, religious problems." (WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin, in Beijing, admits Israel has sold arms to China, denies Israel broke U.S. laws against technology transfers and disputes CIA estimate that Israel-China arms trade amounts to billions of dollars a year, saying 1992-93 trade totaled $60 m. Rabin says "we have never done anything against American law" and asserts, "We are not stupid enough to endanger" U.S. aid to Israel. Rabin's 4-day visit to China includes meeting with Chinese DM Chi Haotian, tours of Chinese arms plants, and visit to Shanghai. (NYT, WT 10/14)

PLO rep. in Jordan Tayib 'Abd al-Rahim announces that 2 plots to kill PLO Chmn. Arafat have been foiled. 1 attempt was by Arafat bodyguards suborned by FRC ("Abu Nidal"), 2d by unidentified group that sought to bomb Arafat's plane. (WT 10/10)

2 Israeli hikers fr. Jerusalem stabbed and shot to death in Wadi Qilt, near Jericho in the West Bank. "Al-Aqsa Brigade" of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in statement released in Amman, claims responsibility, says 3 killed. Statement declares, "We will never surrender or accept any concessions on the land of Palestine which will become a graveyard for the Jews." PFLP also claims responsibility. (NYT 10/10; MM, NYT, WT 10/11)

PFLP guerrilla killed by Israeli soldiers as he sails jet ski off Lebanese coast near Israeli border. UN sources report 2 killed, not 1. (NYT 10/10, 10/11)

Palestinian factions opposed to DoP-including DFLP (Hawatmah faction), PFLP, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad-announce in Damascus establishment of National Islamic Front to counter PLO. Alliance fails to call congress to elect new PLO leadership due to reluctance of Islamic groups to identify with secular PLO. Front's declaration calls Palestinian police to be set up under PLO-Israel accord "a traitor force, and an oppressive enemy force." (CSM 10/14)

Jordan denounces 9/23 Israeli court ruling on status of Haram al-Sharif, says it will continue with restoration work on Dome of the Rock regardless of Israeli stance. (MM 10/11)

PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Algiers accompanied by Faisal Husseini for talks with head of state Ali Kafi, PM Redha Malek. (MM 10/5)

Hamas mbr. Kamal Bani Odeh, 20, of Tamoun, West Bank, drives car bomb into Israeli commuter bus outside IDF hq. in Beit El, West Bank. Attack kills Odeh and wounds 30 Israelis. Beit El settlers hold prayer protest at attack site until IDF forces them to leave. (NYT, WP 10/5)

Funeral of Israeli Druze leader Amin Tarif attracts "tens of thousands" of mourners, including 1,300 Druze fr. Lebanon and Syria. PM Rabin appeals to foreign visitors to be messengers of peace." (MM 10/4)

Israel reestablishes diplomatic relations with Cambodia, Burkina Faso (Upper Volta). (MM 10/5)