TIPH observers leave Hebron, saying Israeli-Palestinian tensions have subsided. Hebron Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha says observers "did not achieve their main goal" of restoring normal life to Hebron...
Last IDF troops leave Gaza Strip self-rule areas, Palestinian civilians throwing stones at them as they leave. IDF fires tear gas in response. PLA police attempt to restrain stone-throwers by...
IDF evacuates Gaza City HQ, including Gaza Central Prison, marking start of final Israeli withdrawal fr. Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza Strip. 250 Palestinian police of Palestine Liberation...
Weapons for Gaza police force brought in fr. Egypt at Rafah crossing, but officers remain on Egyptian side of border. Police also wait at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge. (MM, NYT, WP 5/9)
Secy. of State Christopher presents Syrian counterproposals to Israeli PM Rabin. FM Peres says Syrian ideas received "with great interest." Christopher calls progress "significant," plans to...
17-mbr. advance TIPH team arrives in Hebron, meets Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha, local IDF cmndrs. Opposition to Danish-Italian-Norwegian force expressed by Hamas spokesman Taysir Tamimi, settler...
23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)
9 Palestinians...
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TIPH observers leave Hebron, saying Israeli-Palestinian tensions have subsided. Hebron Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha says observers "did not achieve their main goal" of restoring normal life to Hebron. (NYT, WP 8/9)
Palestinian-Israeli "early empowerment" talks resume in Cairo. (MENA 8/8 in FBIS 8/9; CSM 8/9)
Israeli PM Rabin, Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan preside at ribbon-cutting of border crossing btwn. Aqaba, Jordan, and Eilat, Israel. Rabin becomes 1st Israeli govt. head to officially visit Jordan. King Hussein hosts Rabin, FM Peres, and Secy of State Christopher at luncheon. Christopher returns to Israel with Rabin, Peres for more mtgs. Crossing is initially for use of 3d-country nationals, including Israelis with foreign passports. Following his mtg. with Peres, Christopher announces that he will not return to Syria as planned. (Jordanian TV 8/8 in FBIS 8/8, 8/9; MM 8/8; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 8/9; MM 8/11)
"Source" says that Argentine judge has evidence linking Iranian diplomats to 7/18 Buenos Aires bombing. (NYT, WT 8/9)
Last IDF troops leave Gaza Strip self-rule areas, Palestinian civilians throwing stones at them as they leave. IDF fires tear gas in response. PLA police attempt to restrain stone-throwers by firing in air. Firing turns to celebration after IDF leaves, with estimated 25,000 rounds shot. (NYT, WP, WT 5/19; TJT 5/20)
Last day for inhabitants of collaborator village of Duhaynah in southern Gaza Strip to go to Palestinian self-rule area. Under 5/4 accord, village will remain under Israeli control. Reportedly, 55 collaborator families have already left. (TJT 5/20)
Settler wounded by unidentified Palestinian in drive-by shooting in Gaza Strip. In Jericho, armed settlers enter synagogue, raise Israeli flag. Settlers leave after joint Israeli-PLO patrol arrives. (WP 5/19)
TIPH "strongly" protests continued IDF closure of Hebron. (MM 5/18; WP 5/19)
IDF, Israeli police demolish Palestinian home in Bayt Hanina, nr. Jerusalem, for being built without a permit. (TJT 5/20)
Secy of State Christopher completes latest Middle East trip with courtesy call on Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak in Cairo, says "decisive action" on Syrian-Israeli agreement on Golan Heights withdrawal not likely in "near future." (NYT, WP, WT 5/19)
PLO Chmn. Arafat, Israeli FM Shimon Peres hold joint news conference in Oslo. Arafat claims "jihad" remarks in South Africa were about "a jihad to achieve real peace," reiterates personal and PLO rejection of violence. Peres accepts Arafat's explanation, offers handshake. (MM 5/18; MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/19)
Jerusalem Post reports PLO is paying $500,00 to Nabil Shaath's Team International company for setting up computer system to transfer population records to self-government. Shaath denies that contract, carried out by son `Ali, represents conflict of interest. (MM 5/18)
IDF evacuates Gaza City HQ, including Gaza Central Prison, marking start of final Israeli withdrawal fr. Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza Strip. 250 Palestinian police of Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) `Ayn Jalut brigade take over al-Saraya complex. (MM 5/16; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17)
Palestinian police cmndr. in Jericho, PLA Maj. Gen. Hajj Isma'il, says settlers may enter Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue but may not be armed. (MM 5/16; NYT, WP 5/17)
Settlers, Palestinians clash in Hebron after 30 armed settlers marching on `Ali Baka mosque rough up 2 Palestinian women and Palestinian crowd stones settlers. Settlers open fire, wound 9 Palestinians. 2 settler yeshiva students arrested. Palestinians also clash with IDF; IDF gunfire wounds 10 Palestinians. IDF orders Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) observers to leave scene, declares area closed military zone. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17; WP 5/18; TJT 5/20; JP 5/28)
Secy of State Warren Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara`, delaying for 6 hrs. departure for Israel, then meets Israeli PM Rabin in Jerusalem, presenting Syrian reply to Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Golan Heights. (MM 5/16; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 5/17)
Weapons for Gaza police force brought in fr. Egypt at Rafah crossing, but officers remain on Egyptian side of border. Police also wait at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge. (MM, NYT, WP 5/9)
TIPH force of 117 arrives in Hebron, does not intervene inclashes btwn. IDF, local students. (MM, NYT, WP 5/9)
Aharon Yariv, chief of IDF intelligence in 1967 war, dies at 74. Yariv also founded and directed Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. (NYT, WP, WT 5/9)
U.S. officially informs Jordan of decision to end naval inspections of Aqaba-bound shipping. (MM 5/9)
Secy. of State Christopher presents Syrian counterproposals to Israeli PM Rabin. FM Peres says Syrian ideas received "with great interest." Christopher calls progress "significant," plans to return to region later in month. (CSM, MM, WP, WT 5/3)
Knesset defeats 3 motions of no confidence in Rabin govt. Rabin opens Labor party mtg. on negotiations to public. Opposition posters throughout Israel declare "The nation is with the Golan." Rabin, defending withdrawal proposals in Knesset, observes "Tanks, not settlements, provide security. If people want to rule over a foreign nation, they must know it is going to cost them blood." (MM, NYT, WT 5/3)
Israel and PLO sign formal agreement on TIPH at Danish FMin. TIPH force-90 Norwegians, 35 Danes, and 35 Italians-to deploy in Hebron 5/8. (MM 5/3; CSM 5/4)(see 3/31)
World Bank releases 3-yr., $1.2 b. Emergency Assistance Program for the Occupied Territories. Plan is to be undertaken by PECDAR in coordination with Israel, World Bank, and donor nations. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/3)
International Labor Organization releases report stating overall o.t. unemployment rate at least 25%, over 40% in Gaza. ILO seeks $135 m. for programs to help 12,000 frmr. political prisoners get work, provide 15,000 temporary jobs per month. (MM 5/3; CSM 5/4)
IDF Central Command issues orders restricting use of live ammunition against Palestinians, Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran saying "a new era and a new approach begins." (MM 5/3)
Hamas gunmen attack Ganei Tal in Gush Qatif settlement bloc, Gaza Strip, wounding 2 IDF soldiers. (MM 5/3)
IDF soldier shot dead at Gaza Strip base by fellow soldier who mistakes him for Palestinian assailant. (MM 5/3)
Israel sends 16 delegates, 12 journalists to multilateral Middle East peace talks on arms control in Doha, Qatar, via Cairo. Other delegations only 6 mbrs. (MM 5/3)
17-mbr. advance TIPH team arrives in Hebron, meets Mayor Mustafa al-Natsha, local IDF cmndrs. Opposition to Danish-Italian-Norwegian force expressed by Hamas spokesman Taysir Tamimi, settler spokesman Yehiel Leiter. Center Hebron opened to Palestinians for 6 hours while team visits, but curfew reimposed afterward. Clashes break out btwn. Palestinians, IDF after curfew restored; 4Palestinians wounded. (MM 4/11; WP, WT 4/12)
PLO negotiator Nabil Shaath says in Cairo mtg. 4/13 deadline for Israel-PLO autonomy agreement, IDF withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho will be "impossible," accepts proposal by FM Peres to set target date at end 4/94. (CSM, NYT, WT 4/12)
"Security sources" report killing in 'Ayn al-Hilwa r.c., Lebanon, of Lt. Col. Husayn Abu Zayd, 4th Fateh loyalist to be killed in Lebanon since 9/13/93. (CSM 4/12)
U.S. Defense Dept. notifies Congress of plans to sell 25 McDonnell Douglas F-151 fighter-bombers to Israel for $2.4 b. Initially, deal announced 1/94 had involved 20 planes, valued at $2 b. Package includes 25 Martin Marietta Corp.-manufactured LANTIRN navigation and targeting pods, 11 spare Pratt & Whitney engines. DoD also announces sale of 70 MK-46 torpedoes worth $40 m., 32 Harpoon missiles worth $57 m. to Egypt. (NYT, WT 4/12; DoD releases)
23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)
9 Palestinians wounded by IDF in clashes as Israelis continue evacuation of Jericho, Gaza IDF HQs. 3 of the wounded are in Jericho. (WT 4/6)
Danish, Italian, and Norwegian officials go to Israel from Cairo to discuss role of Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) contingents. (MM 4/5)
Pres. al-Asad holds 3d mtg. with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, returns to Syria. (MM 4/5)