26 / 15500 Results
  • December 13, 1996

    Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)

    Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers....

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  • December 7, 1996

    PA demands that Israel provide dates for further redeployment in the West Bank, release of Palestinian prisoners along with a Hebron protocol; open the central market and al-Shuhada street in...

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  • November 10, 1996

    IDF eases general closure, allowing 20,000 Palestinian workers fr. West Bank, 15,000 fr. Gaza into their jobs in Israel. Qarni crossing point is opened to imports, exports without restriction....

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  • November 3, 1996

    Palestinian home in Hebron is fire bombed, injuring 5 Palestinians, 1 critically. PA police suspect settlers. (MEI 11/8)

    Israeli Infrastructure M Sharon unveils plans to build 2 new...

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  • October 25, 1996

    PA-Israeli talks on Hebron continue. Arafat reportedly demands that Netanyahu commit to completing IDF redeployment in the West Bank, opening Rafah airport. (MM 10/25; ITV 10/25 in WNC 10/29; WT...

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  • October 15, 1996

    King Hussein returns to Jericho with Arafat for his 1st visit to the West Bank since it was lost to Israel in 1967. (RJ 10/15, RE, RJ 10/16 in WNC 10/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; PR 10/18; MM...

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  • September 25, 1996

    In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in...

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  • September 4, 1996

    1st Netanyahu, Arafat mtg. is held at Erez. Netanyahu says he is prepared to negotiate a final peace, improve Palestinian economic conditions, allow 50,000 Palestinian workers into Israel (see 8/5...

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  • August 29, 1996

    Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)

    To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches...

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  • August 25, 1996

    In response to a letter fr. Arafat asking him to "save the peace process," Israeli Pres. Ezer Weizman invites Arafat to meet him in Israel, says he would postpone mtg. if PM Netanyahu agreed to...

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  • August 19, 1996

    PM Netanyahu visits Israeli self-declared security zone in s. Lebanon; warns that continued attacks by Hizballah could trigger strong Israeli retaliation. Hrs. later, 1 SLA mbr. is killed by...

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  • August 15, 1996

    Israel, PA hold mtg. on Rafah airport. (QY, VOP 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; VOP 8/15 in FBIS 8/16)

    Israeli DM Mordechai presents U.S. special envoy Ross with proposal to start parallel negotiations...

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  • July 29, 1996

    Israel lifts full closure on West Bank imposed 7/26, allows 12,000 Palestinian workers fr. the West Bank into Israel. (QY 7/29 in FBIS 7/29; WP 7/30)

    In an attempt to tighten Israel's links...

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  • June 16, 1996

    PM Peres returns VIP cards to 3 senior PA officials (Sufyan Abu Zayida, `Abd al-Rahman Hamad, Intisar al-Wazir), which were revoked because the officials tried to bring Palestinian students into...

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  • June 11, 1996

    In Tel Aviv, PA, Israeli teams discuss safe-passage routes. (VOP 6/11, QY 6/12 in FBIS 6/12)

    Likud's Roni Milo, Arafat adviser Husseini hold get acquainted mtg. in Tel Aviv. (ITV, VOP 6/11...

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  • June 5, 1996

    2-day PC mtg. opens. (QY 6/7 in FBIS 6/7; PR 6/14)

    In Aqaba, Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, PA's Arafat hold follow-up mtg. to their 5/11+n12 unity summit to focus on ways of...

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  • May 31, 1996

    Netanyahu is declared official winner of the Israeli elections, with 50.4 percent of the vote to Peres's 49.5--a difference of 29,457 votes. 145,000 ballots were left blank. Netanyahu scores 10...

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  • May 16, 1996

    In Bethlehem, 2-day Palestinian Council (PC) mtg. closes. (PBC, VOP 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; PR 5/24)

    Israeli television reports that the PA's Yasir Arafat suffered a minor stroke earlier in the...

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  • March 22, 1996

    In Gaza, National Islamic Salvation Party (NISP) leaders hold "get-acquainted" mtg. with Arafat. PA police detain NISP dep. head Fu'ad Nahal on his way home fr. the mtg., question him for 20 hrs....

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  • March 21, 1996

    Israel allows more Palestinian workers to resume their jobs in the Erez industrial zone; permits 30 doctors to leave West Bank, Gaza for their jobs in East Jerusalem hospitals. (QY 3/21 in FBIS 3/...

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  • March 14, 1996

    IDF blows up the home of Yahya Ayyash's family in Rafat, West Bank. Israeli officials say the use of explosives rather than bulldozers to demolish the home is meant as a statement to would-be...

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  • March 13, 1996

    1-day Antiterrorism summit is held in Sharm al-Shaykh. (CSM, MM, WP 3/13; MENA, RE, RJ, SARR 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; ITV, MENA, PBC, SARR 3/13, HA 3/14 in FBIS 3/14; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/14; MEI, MM 3/15...

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  • March 8, 1996

    PLO's Faruq Qaddumi arrives in Beirut fr. Damascus, meets with Lebanese FM Buwayz, announces he is making a tour of Arab states (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria) to gain support for a "council to...

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  • March 4, 1996

    In a pre-dawn raid, IDF declares al-Fawwar refugee camp nr. Hebron a closed military zone, rounds up 1,000 men 16-64 yrs. old, arrests 30, seals homes of 2 suicide bombers. IDF also raids the...

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  • February 28, 1996

    Third round of Syrian-Israeli "exploratory" talks convene in Maryland. (MM, WT 2/28; JP, MA, SARR 2/28 in FBIS 2/28; NYT 2/29; QY 2/29 in FBIS 2/29; MA, QY 3/1 in FBIS 3/1)

    Arafat demands...

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  • February 23, 1996

    IDF lifts closure on West Bank, Gaza imposed 2/12. (QY, VOP 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; MM, WP 2/26)

    Israeli FMin. says that Israeli diplomat deported fr. Russia 2/6 will been given a senior...

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Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)

Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers. The U.S. says the move is "troubling," "clearly complicates the peace process." (MM 12/13; MA 12/13 in WNC 12/16; IGPO 12/13, ITV 12/16 in WNC 12/17; LAWE, NYT, WP, WT 12/14; IGPO, WP 12/15; CSM, MM, WT 12/16; MEI, PR 12/20; JP 12/21)

In Gaza, 15,000 Palestinians attend antisettlement rally called by Hamas and approved by the PA. Hamas spokesman Mahmud Zahhar announces that Hamas soon will open political offices in Gaza (with PA permission) as a transitional step for "greater participation in public life"; West Bank offices are planned. (NYT 12/14; CSM 12/16; ITV 12/17 in WNC 12/19; MEI, PR 12/20; al-Quds 12/20 in WNC 12/26; JP 12/21)

After France drops its threat to veto him, UNSC chooses Ghana's Annan, current undersecy. gen. for peacekeeping operations, for secy. gen. The full UN General Assembly (UNGA) is expected to officially elect him 12/17. (NYT, WP, WT 12/14; CSM 12/16; MEI 12/20) (see 12/6)

Katayusha rockets are fired fr. s. Lebanon into n. Israel, in the first crossborder attack since the wide-scale Israeli-Lebanese fighting in 4/96. No one is injured, but a cow is killed. Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Hizballah, PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) deny responsibility. (RL 12/13, RL, RMC 12/14, RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; NYT, WP 12/14; RMC 12/15 in WNC 12/16; RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; RL 12/16 in WNC 12/18; JP 12/21)

PA demands that Israel provide dates for further redeployment in the West Bank, release of Palestinian prisoners along with a Hebron protocol; open the central market and al-Shuhada street in Hebron; allow PA police in Hebron joint patrol units to carry same weapons as the IDF; eliminate the term "hot pursuit" fr. any Hebron deal. (IDF Radio 12/8 in WNC 12/10)

In Cairo, Arafat briefs Mubarak on talks with Israel. (WT 12/7; RE 12/7 in WNC 12/10; PR 12/13)

In Gaza, Arafat briefs the Egyptian, Jordanian, PA delegations to the quadripartite refugee comm. on status of negotiations with Israel in preparation for full comm. mtg. 12/8. (PR 12/12)

Israeli police arrest Hebron settler leader Noam Arnon over a disturbance inside the Tomb of the Patriarchs/al-Ibrahimi Mosque. (NYT 12/10)

Jordan, Turkey begin discussing details of implementing their military agmt., signed a decade ago; focus on technical exchanges, joint training. (al-Ra'i 12/7 in WNC 12/10)

Roadside bomb explodes in s. Lebanon, killing 1 IDF soldier, wounding 2. Hizballah takes responsibility. Subsequent Israeli shelling wounds 6 civilians, incl. 1 child. (RL 12/7, 12/8 in WNC 12/10; NYT, WP 12/8; MM 12/9, 12/13)

IDF eases general closure, allowing 20,000 Palestinian workers fr. West Bank, 15,000 fr. Gaza into their jobs in Israel. Qarni crossing point is opened to imports, exports without restriction. Merchandise may transferred fr. Gaza to Jordan. (NYT 11/11)

IDF clashes with Palestinians protesting expansion of Kiryat Sefer settlement nr. Ramallah, wounding 12 and killing Atallah Amira, who had papers proving his ownership of the disputed land and had been fighting a legal battle with the Israeli government to reclaim it. (MM, NYT 11/11; WJW, WP 11/14; NYT 11/15; MEI 11/22) (see 9/22)

Jordan, U.S. sign aviation agmt., giving American, Jordanian national carriers the freedom to travel to and fr. any location within the boundaries of both countries. It is the U.S.'s 1st "open skies" agmt. with a non-EU country. (JTV 11/10 in WNC 11/14)

In s. Lebanon, 2 IDF soldiers are wounded in clash with Hizballah. (RL 11/10 in WNC 11/13; MM 11/11; WJW 11/14; JP 11/16)

Palestinian home in Hebron is fire bombed, injuring 5 Palestinians, 1 critically. PA police suspect settlers. (MEI 11/8)

Israeli Infrastructure M Sharon unveils plans to build 2 new settlements that would double the number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank. (ITV 11/3 in WNC 11/5; MM 11/4; CSM, MM, WP, WT 11/5; PR 11/8; WP 11/19)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bomb and SLA convoy passes, killing 1 SLA mbr. In response, IDF shells highlands n. of Israeli occupied zone, wounding 1 civilian. Israel admits responsibility for mistakenly firing at a village. (RL, al-Ra'i 11/3 in WNC 11/5; WP 11/4; JP 11/16)

PA-Israeli talks on Hebron continue. Arafat reportedly demands that Netanyahu commit to completing IDF redeployment in the West Bank, opening Rafah airport. (MM 10/25; ITV 10/25 in WNC 10/29; WT 10/26; YA 10/27 in WNC 10/29)

Israel releases list of the 10 "most serious violations" of Oslo by the PA: PA police firing on IDF, ignoring bans on illegal weapons and disbanding independent militias, refusal to extradite individuals suspected of terrorism, incitement to violence against Israel, failure to change the PLO covenant, opening offices in Jerusalem, hiring "Palestinian terrorists" to serve in the PA police, exceeding the agreed upon number of PA police, injuring human rights and the rule of law, conducting diplomatic relations. (IGPO 10/25 in WNC 10/30; HA 10/28 in IL 10/28; PR 11/1; WJW 12/5)

French Pres. Chirac makes brief stops in Lebanon to meet with in Cairo before returning to Paris. (MM 10/25; RE, RL 10/25 in WNC 10/29; WT 10/27; MM 10/30)

Germany begins 2d mediation effort to settle the issue of Israeli pilot Ron Arad (downed over Lebanon in 1986 and believed to be held by Hizballah), Lebanese political prisoners in Israeli jails (incl. Dirani, Obeid). Germany's 1st mediation effort resulted in a prisoner swap 7/21. (RL 10/25, 10/26 in WNC 10/29; al-Safir 10/29 in WNC 11/4; MM 11/11) (see 9/25)

Hizballah detonates 4 roadside bombs in s. Lebanon, killing 2 IDF soldiers, wounding 5. (MM 10/25; QY 10/25 in IL 10/25; JP 11/2)

King Hussein returns to Jericho with Arafat for his 1st visit to the West Bank since it was lost to Israel in 1967. (RJ 10/15, RE, RJ 10/16 in WNC 10/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; PR 10/18; MM 10/24; MEI 10/25; JP 10/26)

PISMC continues mtgs. in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, while an indirect dialogue is held btwn. Arafat, Netanyahu, mediated by U.S. special envoy Ross. Arafat proposes that the U.S. add a military contingent to the TIPH to ease Israel's security fears on Hebron. Israel rejects the idea. (HA, ITV, JP, YA 10/15 in WNC 10/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 10/16; HA, YA 10/16 in IL 10/16) (see 10/14)

35,000 Palestinian workers begin entering Israel. Internal closure on Nablus is lifted. (HA 10/16 in IL 10/16; PR 10/18) (see 10/10)

ILMG continues to discuss 10/12 Israeli shelling of a s. Lebanese village. Also in s. Lebanon, Lebanese woman steps on Israeli mine planted in olive grove to deter Hizballah attackers, is severely wounded. (RL 10/15 in WNC 10/17; WT 10/16) (see 10/14)

Lebanon publishes results of 1st census since 1932, showing a population of 3.1 m., lower than expected given 150,000 deaths during the 1975-90 civil war. The census took 2 yrs. to complete, does not incl. statistics on refugee camps. (WT 10/16)

Lebanese PM Hariri's government resigns to make way for new cabinet following recent national elections. (WT 10/16; MEI 10/25) (see 9/15)

PUK halts its advance outside Irbil, says it has no plans of trying to retake the city. (WP, WT 10/16) (see 8/31, 10/14)

In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in firefight. 7 Palestinians are killed, 100s (incl. 2 EA mbrs., the mufti of Jerusalem) wounded; 8 IDF soldiers are injured by rocks, bottles; Ramallah is declared closed military zone; West Bank, Gaza are sealed. Clashes also occur in Bethlehem (wounding 12 Palestinians, 2 Israelis), East Jerusalem. In Ramallah, Bethlehem fighting dies down when officers fr. IDF, PA negotiate cease-fire, pullback. PM Netanyahu, Israel officials accuse PA of instigating violence. PA says outbursts were spontaneous reaction to 9/24 tunnel opening, months of closure. (MM 9/25; IDF Radio, IGPO, ITV, JTV, al-Quds al-Arabi, RMC 9/25 in WNC 9/27; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 9/26; MM 9/27; TJT 9/27 in WNC 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak receives phone calls fr. Arafat, Netanyahu, appealing to Egypt to intervene to calm the situation in the territories; suggests holding Arafat-Netanyahu mtg. in Cairo. Mubarak adviser Baz holds urgent phone conversations with U.S. special envoy Ross. (RE 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; MBC 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

PM Netanyahu arrives in Paris, meets with Pres. Jacques Chirac, leaves for Bonn. (WP 9/26)

At the UN, Israeli FM Levy signs Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, briefs U.S. special envoy Ross on events in West Bank, Gaza. Ross says U.S. demands that Israel "make a gesture" concerning the tunnel. (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27; ITV 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak invites fmr. PM Peres to visit Cairo. Peres accepts but sets no date. (IDF Radio 9/25 in WNC 9/27)

Tel Aviv district court extends for 3 mos. the remand of Hizballah's Shaykh `Abd al-Karim Obeid (abducted fr. Lebanon in 7/89), fmr. Amal leader     Mustafa al-Dirani (abducted fr. Lebanon 5/21/94). (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27) (see 2/23)

ILMG opens 3d day of mtgs. to discuss issues raised 9/24 and new Lebanese complaints concerning Israel's expulsions 9/22, repeated Israeli attacks; releases statement stressing that firing fr. populated areas endangers civilians, Hizballah should refrain fr. carrying out attacks fr. or nr. villages. Lebanese FM Buwayz complains of U.S. bias toward Israel in ILMG. (RL 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; RL 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

In Damascus, Iranian, Syrian cultural attachés discuss expanding cultural ties. (IRNA 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

1st Netanyahu, Arafat mtg. is held at Erez. Netanyahu says he is prepared to negotiate a final peace, improve Palestinian economic conditions, allow 50,000 Palestinian workers into Israel (see 8/5). (MM 9/4; CSM, MM, WP, WT 9/5; VOA, YA 9/5 in WNC 9/6; al-Quds al-Arabi 9/5, RE 9/6 in WNC 9/9; MEI, MM, PR 9/6; JT 9/8 in WNC 9/10; MM 9/9, 9/10; PR 9/13; JP 9/14; MEI 9/20)

Arafat rejects new Hebron redeployment plan presented to the PA by Israeli Infrastructure M Sharon. The plan calls for expanding the area to be transferred to full PA control, decreasing the number of Palestinians left under Israeli control fr. 17,000 to 3,000; linking the Jewish enclave to the Tomb of the Patriarchs/ al-Ibrahimi mosque, Kiryat Arba settlement; erecting a wall btwn. the Arab, Jewish sections; permitting PA to increase police presence in Hebron within 6 mos. if security in the city is maintained. (YA 9/5 in WNC 9/6) (see 9/3)

Following Netanyahu-Arafat mtg., YESHA settlers' council holds emergency mtg.; announces it will no longer wait for permission fr. Netanyahu to undertake new housing construction in the West Bank, Gaza. (WP 9/6)

LAWE says there are currently some 320 Palestinian administrative detainees in Israeli prisons, 2/3 of whom were arrested after the Oslo II agmt. was signed 9/28/95. 1/4 are residents of area A, which is fully under PA control. (LAWE 9/4)

Iraqi air force twice challenge expanded no-fly zone in s. Iraq. U.S. responds by firing on a radar station. Pres. Clinton hints that there would be no further action against Iraq unless the U.S. senses a fresh provocation. (MM 9/4; CSM, WP, WT 9/5; JT 9/5 in WNC 9/6) (see 9/3)

In advance of the last 2 rounds of Lebanese elections (9/8, 9/15), Syria brokers election coalition agmt. btwn. Amal, Hizballah meant to increase the chances of success for Islamist candidates and undermine the alliance btwn. current speaker Birri, current PM Hariri. Syria does not want to excessively reduce the power of the Islamists, who experienced significant losses in the 8/18, 8/25, 9/1 rounds of voting. (MM 9/5; al-Nahar 9/13 in WNC 9/17; MEI 9/20)

Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)

To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches his personal atty. Yitzhak Molho to meet with Arafat in Ramallah; authorizes adviser Gold to meet later in day with Arafat adviser Abbas. Senior Israeli negotiator IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron holds 1-hr. talk with PA counterpart PA Local Government M Saeb Erakat in Jerusalem, agrees to resume PISMC mtgs. next wk. (RMC 8/29 in WNC 8/30; NYT, WP, WT 8/30; MBC 8/30 in WNC 9/4; MM 9/2)

In Rome, Egypt's Baz, Italy's FM Lamberto Dini discuss peace process, 8/27-28 mtgs. in Paris. (RE 8/29 in WNC 9/3)

Israeli government approves construction of 2,000 new housing units in West Bank settlements around Jerusalem. (CSM, WP 8/30)

Deputy Jerusalem Mayor Shmuel Meir says the government has issued demolition orders for 70 Palestinian homes in the city that have been constructed without permits. (YA 8/30 in WNC 9/5; PR 9/6)

Israel blames Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) for shooting at bus 8/28, arrests 1 suspect. (HA 8/29 in IL 8/29)

Jordanian police raid JPD headquarters in Karak, arrest a number of party leaders. (SATN 8/29 in WNC 9/3) (see 8/18)

Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier. Both sides then exchange gunfire, wounding 2 Lebanese civilians. (RL 8/29 in WNC 9/3; MM 8/30; QY 8/30 in IL 8/30; JP 9/7)

U.S.-brokered cease-fire goes into effect in n. Iraq. PUK, KDP agree to hold peace talks in London 8/30. (MM 8/29) (see 8/28)

In response to a letter fr. Arafat asking him to "save the peace process," Israeli Pres. Ezer Weizman invites Arafat to meet him in Israel, says he would postpone mtg. if PM Netanyahu agreed to meet Arafat himself within 10 days. PM Netanyahu reluctantly endorses Weizman-Arafat mtg., says he will meet with Arafat soon. (CSM, NYT, WP 8/26; WT 8/28; WJW 8/29; MM, PR 8/30; JP 8/31; MM 9/2; MEI 9/6; JP 9/7)

In Amman, Japanese FM Ikeda signs memorandum of understanding with Jordan under which Japan will grant Jordan $7 m. to finance building new King Hussein bridge, travelers terminal once the sovereignty/legal status of West Bank has been determined. Japan has given Jordan $340 m. in aid, loans in the past yr. (RJ 8/25 in WNC 8/29; JT 9/14 in WNC 9/19)

Israel moves first 11 of 298 mobile homes into 2 West Bank settlements. (WP 8/26; PR 8/30)

2d round of Lebanese voting is held in n. Lebanon. Observers report sharp drop in electoral abuses after opposition charged widespread fraud in 1st round 8/18. Hizballah does not run a slate; all 4 al-Jama` al-Islamiyya candidates are defeated. Most of the 28 elected are progovernment, although the 1 Syrian Ba'th party candidate loses. (CSM 8/26; MM 8/28; RL 8/28 in WNC 8/30; MEI 9/6)

As Kurdish fighting in n. Iraq enters its 9th day, Baghdad comes out in support of KDP, accuses Iran of manipulating the PUK to destabilize the north. (MM 8/27) (see 8/22)

PM Netanyahu visits Israeli self-declared security zone in s. Lebanon; warns that continued attacks by Hizballah could trigger strong Israeli retaliation. Hrs. later, 1 SLA mbr. is killed by roadside bomb. (MM 8/20; RL 8/20 in WNC 8/23; WT 8/21; RMC 8/21 in WNC 8/27) (see 8/16)

In Beirut, Pres. Ilyas Hrawi, Kuwait's Shaykh Sabah discuss peace process, Arab unity. (RL 8/19 in WNC 8/22)

After receiving notices that their land lies in area C and has been designated a military area, Israel demolishes 4 50-yr.-old Palestinian homes nr. Nablus. (LAWE 8/21)

Israeli Housing Min. drafts plan to approve construction of 5,000 new housing units in the West Bank, along the Green Line, over next 2 yrs.; increase West Bank settler population by 70,000 over next 5 yrs. (IDF Radio 8/19 in WNC 8/22; WT 8/21; MM 8/28; JP 8/31)

In the Golan, Israeli police arrest Human Rights Watch worker Bashar Tarabiyya, a U.S. resident, on suspicion that he threatened national security, engaged in pro-Syrian activity. (MM 9/23, 9/27; JP 9/7)

Jordanian security forces round up 100s of people around the country following 3 days of bread riots. 500 have been arrested in Karak alone. Opposition leaders call on PM `Abd al-Karim Kabariti to resign. (JTV, RJ, RMC 8/19, al-Ra`i 8/20 in WNC 8/22; MM, WP 8/20; MEI 9/6) (see 9/18)

Iraq calls on Turkey, Syria to resume as soon as possible tripartite talks on distribution of the Euphrates, Tigris waters, halted since 1992. (Mother of Battles Radio [Baghdad] 8/19 in WNC 8/22) (see 6/30)

FBI announces plans to open 23 new offices around the world--incl. in Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Tel Aviv--that will focus on combatting terrorism, drug trafficking that affects the U.S. (WP 8/20)

Israel, PA hold mtg. on Rafah airport. (QY, VOP 8/14 in FBIS 8/15; VOP 8/15 in FBIS 8/16)

Israeli DM Mordechai presents U.S. special envoy Ross with proposal to start parallel negotiations with Syria in Beirut (on s. Lebanon), the U.S. (all other issues). Ross is pessimistic Syria will agree to formula. (IDF Radio 8/15 in FBIS 8/16)

IDF presents to the DMin. for review plans to pave at least 300 mi. of roads in the West Bank, linking Jewish settlements. Palestinian lands will be confiscated to complete the project. (NYT 8/16)

PA military court sentences 5 Palestinians to jail for taking part in Tulkarm demonstration 8/2. 2 receive 12-yr. sentences; 1 gets 5 yrs.; 2 get 2 yrs. 50 others arrested during the protests have been released. (MM 8/15)

Israeli High Court votes 6-1 to keep Bar Ilan Street open during Sabbath until a comm. is formed to review the dispute, present findings. (NYT 8/16; HA 8/19 in IL 8/19; WJW 8/22; JP 8/24) (see 7/20)

ILMG meets in Naqura at Israel's request, following the death of a Lebanese civilian during a clash with Hizballah in s. Lebanon. (RL 8/15 in FBIS 8/15; QY 8/15 in FBIS 8/16; JP 8/17, 8/24)

Pollard's wife ends hunger strike after PM Netanyahu promises to lobby U.S. for Pollard's release. (WT 8/16; JP 8/24) (see 7/28)

Israel lifts full closure on West Bank imposed 7/26, allows 12,000 Palestinian workers fr. the West Bank into Israel. (QY 7/29 in FBIS 7/29; WP 7/30)

In an attempt to tighten Israel's links to disputed lands, Israeli Infrastructure M Sharon orders plans be executed to build 2 highways through the West Bank, build 2 bridges to the Golan Heights, expand highway running the length of the West Bank along the Jordan Valley. PA, Labor Ms call order an act of defiance, against the Oslo agmts. (MM 7/29; QY 7/29 in FBIS 7/29; MM, NYT 7/30; WP 7/31; JP, YA 7/31 in FBIS 7/31)

PM Netanyahu meets with mbrs. YESHA settlers' council in the West Bank, says he approves of their expansion plans but makes no commitments. 4 of the 7 representatives who left YESHA 7/22 attend the mtg. (IDF Radio, QY 7/29 in FBIS 7/30; MM, NYT 7/30; CSM, WP 7/31; CSM 8/2)

2 Hizballah mbrs. are killed in s. Lebanon in clash with IDF. (VOL 8/1 in FBIS 8/2)

PM Peres returns VIP cards to 3 senior PA officials (Sufyan Abu Zayida, `Abd al-Rahman Hamad, Intisar al-Wazir), which were revoked because the officials tried to bring Palestinian students into Israel with their entourages. (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/19)

Israeli PM-elect Netanyahu releases vaguely worded government policy guidelines. PC Speaker Ahmad Qurai` and Justice M Frayh Abu-Madayn, condemn guidelines as declaration of war. Syria calls guidelines a "coup against the peace process." (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; NYT, WP, WT 6/17; IGPO 6/17, ITV, VOP 6/18 in FBIS 6/18; MM, WP, WT 6/18; SARR 6/18, 6/19 in FBIS 6/19; WJW, WT 6/20; CSM, PR 6/21)

In last stages of building a government, Israeli PM-elect Netanyahu signs several coalition agmts. with National Religious Party (NRP), Shas, Third Way, assuring support of 55 of the 120 MKs. All 3 parties support negotiations with the Palestinians, oppose compromise on the Golan. In contradiction to Israeli High Court rulings, these agmts. bar Reform, Conservative Jews fr. serving on religious councils controlling Israel's religious life. Discussion with United Torah Judaism (UTJ), Yisrael BaAliya continue. (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; NYT, WT 6/17; NYT 6/18; JP 6/29)

Arafat personally releases top Hamas mbr. Jamal Mansour fr. custody, promises to release more Hamas prisoners in conciliation gesture. Mansour spent 80 days in solitary confinement in the PA's Nablus police station, following the 2-3/96 suicide bombings. (YA 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; WT 6/17)

In West Bank, unidentified gunmen fire on Israeli car, killing 1 man, wounding his wife. IDF places the nearby Palestinian village of Biddiyya under curfew, closes stores until further notice. (QY 6/16 in FBIS 6/19; CSM, NYT, WP 6/17)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah attacks SLA convoy, killing 1 soldier. (QY, RL 6/16 in FBIS 6/17; CSM 6/17)

In Tel Aviv, PA, Israeli teams discuss safe-passage routes. (VOP 6/11, QY 6/12 in FBIS 6/12)

Likud's Roni Milo, Arafat adviser Husseini hold get acquainted mtg. in Tel Aviv. (ITV, VOP 6/11, QY 6/12 in FBIS 6/12; MM 6/12; QY 6/12, HA 6/13 in FBIS 6/13; MM 6/13)

In Ankara, Israel's Pres. Weizman meets with Turkey's Pres. Demirel. (MM 6/12) (see 6/4)

In a private mtg., PM-elect Netanyahu promises Qatzrin Local Council head Sami Bar-Lev that some 14,000 housing units will be built in Qatzrin settlement during his current term. (IDF Radio 6/13 in FBIS 6/13)

Fatah Central Comm. forms a 12-mbr. "emergency council" to revitalize the movement's activities in the West Bank, Gaza. In addition to Arafat, the council comprises: Tayyib `Abd al-Rahim, Uthman Abu Gharbiyya, Salwa Abu Khadra, Zakhariyya al-Agha, Hakam Bal'awi, Mustafa Barghouti, Rawhi Fattuh, Sakhr Habash, Faisal Husseini, Salah al-Qudwa, Abbas Zaki. (VOP 6/11 in FBIS 6/11)

PA police claim to have found drugs in the search of Sarraj's office 6/10. Sarraj's lawyers say drugs were planted. (NYT 6/11; WT 6/12; MEI 6/21)

In response to the 6/10 Hizballah attack, PM-elect Netanyahu reinforces troops in s. Lebanon, says that once he forms his government he will act against Hizballah. His chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Amnon Shahak, says IDF would not hesitate to strike at Hizballah targets in s. Lebanon villages even if it meant civilians would be hurt. Strong tone of statements worries Arab leaders. (RL 6/11 in FBIS 6/12; CSM, NYT, WT 6/12)

2-day PC mtg. opens. (QY 6/7 in FBIS 6/7; PR 6/14)

In Aqaba, Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, PA's Arafat hold follow-up mtg. to their 5/11+n12 unity summit to focus on ways of supporting the Palestinians when peace talks resume. (MM 6/5; MENA, RJ 6/5 in FBIS 6/5; JT, JTV, SARR 6/5 in FBIS 6/6; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/6)

Israel's dep. mayor of Jerusalem, Shmuel Meir, urges PM-elect Netanyahu to approve a plan to tear down 2,000 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem that were built without permits, build 50,000 houses for Jews. (QY 6/6 in FBIS 6/6)

Israel's Justice Min. rejects an appeal demanding that blank ballots be counted in the PM elections. Were the blank ballots counted, neither Peres nor Netanyahu would have gained the 50% needed to win the premiership. (QY 6/5 in FBIS 6/6) (see 5/31)

IDF eases closure on West Bank, Gaza, allowing 22,000 married Palestinians over the age of 35 to attend their jobs in Israel. 350 Palestinian merchants are also allowed in. (QY 6/5 in FBIS 6/5) (see 6/2)

In Hebron, Jewish settlers seize, occupy Palestinian owned bathhouse. 1,000s of settlers hold street party to celebrate Netanyahu win. (MM 6/6, WT 6/8; MENA 6/8 in FBIS 6/10; PR 6/14)

In s. Lebanon, heads of Hizballah, the Higher Islamic Shiite Council meet to discuss local, regional developments arising fr. the Israeli elections. (RL 6/6 in FBIS 6/6)

Netanyahu is declared official winner of the Israeli elections, with 50.4 percent of the vote to Peres's 49.5--a difference of 29,457 votes. 145,000 ballots were left blank. Netanyahu scores 10 percentage points higher than Peres among Jewish voters; takes 95 percent of the ultraorthodox vote, 87 percent of the settler vote, 5 percent of the Arab vote. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/31; JTV 5/31, VOP 6/1 in FBIS 6/3; NYT, WP, WT 6/1; CSM, MM 6/3; MEI, PR 6/7; JP 6/8; HA 6/11 in FBIS 6/11)

Arafat is reportedly stunned by Netanyahu victory, convenes joint mtg. of the EA, PLO Exec. Comm. to discuss implications. (VOP 5/31 in FBIS 5/31; PBC 5/31, VOP 6/1 in FBIS 6/3; CSM 6/3; JP 6/8)

PC meets to discuss Netanyahu win. Issues brief statement, voicing hope Netanyahu will adhere to the Oslo agmts. (NYT 6/2)

IDF eases closure on West Bank, Gaza, allowing Palestinian workers aged 40 and above to go to their jobs in Israel; passage of goods through Qarni, Erez checkpoints; lifting the closed military zone orders on Janin, Nablus. (QY 5/31 in FBIS 5/31; IDF Radio 6/1 in FBIS 6/3; JP 6/8) (see 5/26)

In Lebanon, Israel retaliates against 5/31 attack, bombing a Hizballah arms depot nr. the Syrian border, injuring 4 civilians, incl. 2 children. (WP 5/31; QY, RL, VOL 5/31 in FBIS 5/31; WP, WT 6/1)

In Bethlehem, 2-day Palestinian Council (PC) mtg. closes. (PBC, VOP 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; PR 5/24)

Israeli television reports that the PA's Yasir Arafat suffered a minor stroke earlier in the wk., while in Cairo. PA says he collapsed fr. a severe case of the flu, exhaustion. (ITV 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; AFP 5/19 in FBIS 5/20; Rose al-Yusuf 5/20 in FBIS 5/30)

Israel asks the PA to extradite 4 Palestinians serving sentences in PA jails for attacks inside Israel. PA says that since the men have been tried, convicted, and are serving time for the crimes under PA custody, the PA has no legal obligation to turn them over to Israel. (QY 5/16)

IDF tightens closure on West Bank, Gaza. Only Palestinians working in the Erez industrial zone may go to their jobs. Goods, produce may go through Qarni, Sufa crossing points. 50 Palestinian reporters will be allowed in to cover the run-up to the 5/29 Israeli elections. (QY 5/16 in FBIS 5/16; MEI 5/24) (see 5/13)

IDF declares Ramallah a closed military zone for Arafat's visit, meaning no Israeli traffic may enter the city. An identical closed military zone order for Nablus is lifted (see 5/15). (IDF Radio 5/16 in FBIS 5/17)

In Washington, France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, the U.S. end a wk. of talks on the Israeli-Lebanese cease-fire monitoring group; agree on draft for monitoring procedures, send it to their respective capitals for approval. (MM 5/16; RL, RMC, SARR 5/16, QY 5/17 in FBIS 5/17; MM 5/17; WP 5/18; VOL 5/17, RL 5/19 in FBIS 5/20; MEI 5/24) (see 5/15)

In Ankara, Jordanian King Hussein, Turkish Pres. Suleyman Demirel hold 1-day mtg. on bilateral issues, incl. water, Iraq. Demirel assures king that Turkey's military cooperation agmt. with Israel does not harm Jordan's security. King Hussein says talks are positive, sides agree on all issues. (al-Dustur, RJ 5/16 in FBIS 5/16; MM 5/17)

Israeli authorities release information on man involved in the 4/12 East Jerusalem hotel explosion. They say the man, Husayn Maqdad, is a Lebanese Hizballah operative who was plotting a plane hijacking; claim he spent time at the Iranian embassy in Beirut. Hizballah denies having contact with him. (MM 5/16; AFP, QY 5/16 in FBIS 5/16; IDF Radio 5/16, QY 5/17 in FBIS 5/17; MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/17; PR 5/24; JP 5/25) (see 4/14)

In Nazareth, Israeli PM Shimon Peres meets with Israeli Arab voters to build their support, weakened by the closure of the territories and Israel's 4/96 assault on Lebanon. (NYT 5/18)

Israel launches its 1st commercial satellite, AMOS-I. (MM 5/16; JP 5/25)

In Gaza, National Islamic Salvation Party (NISP) leaders hold "get-acquainted" mtg. with Arafat. PA police detain NISP dep. head Fu'ad Nahal on his way home fr. the mtg., question him for 20 hrs. on alleged fund-raising for Hamas. (QY 3/23, AFP 3/24 in FBIS 3/25; WT 3/24; PR 3/29) (see 11/18/95)

Arafat says that since the recent wave of bombings the PA has detained 900 Hamas, Islamic Jihad mbrs., incl. 35 of 37 wanted by Israel. (QY 3/22 in FBIS 3/22)

In al-Fawwar refugee camp in the West Bank, IDF blows up the family home of the Palestinian who carried out the 2/25 Jerusalem bombing. IDF also blows up home in s. Lebanon where a Hizballah suicide bomber hid. (AFP, QY 3/22 in FBIS 3/22; ITV 3/22 in FBIS 3/25; WT 3/23)

Police in Spain capture escaped Achille Lauro hijacker Molqi in Seville. U.S., Italy both seek his extradition. (NYT, WP, WT 3/23) (see 3/13)

Israel allows more Palestinian workers to resume their jobs in the Erez industrial zone; permits 30 doctors to leave West Bank, Gaza for their jobs in East Jerusalem hospitals. (QY 3/21 in FBIS 3/21)

In Abu-Dis, the IDF bulldozes the home of Palestinian involved in attacks on Israelis in 10/94 and 12/94. Nr. Nablus, IDF demolishes home of 3d Palestinian connected with 8/21/95 bus bombing. (QY 3/21 in FBIS 3/21; CSM 3/22) (see 3/20)

IDF bans entry to Gaza of vaccines, other medicines through Hanun checkpoint. (PBC 3/21 in FBIS 3/21)

PA police arrest several Hamas mbrs. during a raid aimed at arresting Muhammad Daif, the new head of the Qassam Brigades following the assassination of Yahya Ayyash. (CSM 3/22)

Influential Lebanese Shi`ite figure Riyad `Abdallah announces formation of the Movement of Democratic Reformers, the Foundation Movement. Party will be based in s. Lebanon, have the objective of making "peace with Syria and Israel on the grounds of geographical continuity." Hizballah accuses `Abdallah of being an SLA agent. (AFP, MBC 3/21 in FBIS 3/22)

World Bank bars U.S. fr. bidding on $2.1 b. in International Development Association contracts after the U.S. falls $934 m. behind in meeting its pledges. (WT 3/22)

Hizballah Sec. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah says that since the beginning of the yr., Israeli shelling in Lebanon has left 2 civilians dead, 24 wounded, 92 homes and buildings (incl. a church and hospital) damaged. (MM 3/21)

IDF blows up the home of Yahya Ayyash's family in Rafat, West Bank. Israeli officials say the use of explosives rather than bulldozers to demolish the home is meant as a statement to would-be bombers. (QY 3/14 in FBIS 3/15; NYT, WP, WT 3/15; MM 3/20)

In the West Bank, Palestinian infant dies when IDF refuses to allow parents to pass a checkpoint to get to a hospital. (WP 3/15, 3/25; MEI 3/29)

Lebanon's chief Shi'ite leaders call a nationwide strike to protest Israel's occupation of s. Lebanon. Most schools, stores, businesses, government offices close. Hizballah attacks IDF patrol, wounding 8 soldiers. (MM, WT 3/15; VOL 3/15 in FBIS 3/18)

1-day Antiterrorism summit is held in Sharm al-Shaykh. (CSM, MM, WP 3/13; MENA, RE, RJ, SARR 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; ITV, MENA, PBC, SARR 3/13, HA 3/14 in FBIS 3/14; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/14; MEI, MM 3/15; MM 3/18; WJW 3/21; VOA 3/21 in FBIS 3/21; UNRWA News 3/27; MEI 3/29)

Israel opens some official channels with the PA; agrees to increase the number of trucks transporting foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals into the West Bank, Gaza to 75/day from 35/day; partially lifts wk.-long naval blockade on Gaza, allowing fishermen to operate within 4 mi. of the coast. (MM 3/13; CSM, NYT 3/15; WT 3/16)

In Beirut, Lebanon, an appeals court frees 2 fmr. PFLP mbrs. convicted of 1976 kidnapping, killing if U.S. Amb. Francis Meloy his economic counselor, and his driver. Judges rule that killings were covered under the 1990 amnesty for political crimes. U.S. denounces verdict. (NYT, WP 3/14; al-Nahar 3/14, MENA, VOL 3/18, RL 3/19 in FBIS 3/19; WP, WT 3/19; RL 3/19, 3/20 in FBIS 3/20; MM 3/20, 3/22)

U.S. offers $2-m. reward for the capture of escaped Abu-Abbas hijacker Molqi. (WT 3/14) (see 2/26)

To protest the antiterrorism summit in Sharm al-Shaykh, Hizballah attacks several IDF, SLA posts in s. Lebanon, loosing 2 cadres, inflicting no casualties. (MM 3/13; WT 3/15)

PLO's Faruq Qaddumi arrives in Beirut fr. Damascus, meets with Lebanese FM Buwayz, announces he is making a tour of Arab states (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria) to gain support for a "council to look after Palestinian refugees abroad." (al-Hayat, al-Nahar 3/9 in FBIS 3/12; al-Nahar 3/31 in FBIS 4/3)

Lebanon puts its forces on alert, fearing either Israel will deport Palestinians to its territory or attack s. Lebanon. Israeli puts its forces in s. Lebanon on alert, fearing a Hizballah attack as a demonstration of support for recent bombings. (IDF Radio, RL 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; RL, VOL 3/10 in FBIS 3/11) (see 3/5, 3/7)

PA amb. to Ankara Fu'ad Yasin says 8 Palestinians have disappeared in Turkey, apparently for political reasons, since the recent bombings in Israel; says the PA is following the issue closely with Turkish officials. (MENA 3/8 in FBIS 3/8)

To prevent suspects connected to recent bombings fr. fleeing by sea, Israel bans all fishing off the Gaza coast. PA condemns the action as collective punishment, violation of Oslo accords. (IDF Radio 3/8 in FBIS 3/8; NYT 3/9; WT 3/11)

In Burqa, West Bank, IDF blows up house rented by family of the 3/3 bomber. In Jerusalem, the IDF serves the Conference of Sciences and Islamic Education offices in n. Jerusalem with closure, partial confiscation orders, saying offices are used as a Hamas base. (VOP 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; WT 3/9; MM 3/20)

PA police detain Hamas spokesman Zahhar in Gaza City. (AFP 3/8 in FBIS 3/11)

PSF West Bank head Col. Jibril Rajub is forced to resign after refusing to carry out Arafat's orders to arrest Hamas leaders. Hussayn Shaykh, current head of Ramallah security, is appointed to replace him. (ITV, QY, RMC 3/9, HA 3/11 in FBIS 3/11; WT 3/10; QY 3/10 in FBIS 3/12)

In a pre-dawn raid, IDF declares al-Fawwar refugee camp nr. Hebron a closed military zone, rounds up 1,000 men 16-64 yrs. old, arrests 30, seals homes of 2 suicide bombers. IDF also raids the Islamic College in Abu-Dis, arrests 14 students; arrests 10s of Palestinians in Hebron, Ramallah and holds them for questioning by Shin Bet. (MM 3/4, QY 3/4 in FBIS 3/4; IDF Radio, QY 3/4, QY 3/5 in FBIS 3/5; MM, NYT, WP 3/5)

Suicide bomber sets off explosion in Tel Aviv shopping district, killing 15, wounding 126. Bomber is identified as a man fr. Ramallah. A caller claiming to be fr. Hamas says Islamic Jihad is responsible. PM Peres vows to send IDF into self-rule areas to root out Hamas. U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton says he will allow the FBI, CIA to assist Peres in an antiterror campaign. (MM 3/4; IDF Radio, ITV, QPAR, VOP 3/4 in FBIS 3/4; QY 3/4 in FBIS 3/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/5; WJW 3/7; PR 3/8 MEI 3/15)

After an emergency cabinet session, PM Peres announces formation of a special antiterror war headquarters which is authorized to "act everywhere, using all means, without any limitation on regions," incl. house demolitions, deportations, entry of IDF forces into zone B. (QY 3/4, MA 3/5 in FBIS 3/5)

Israel recalls its negotiating team fr. Washington. (IDF Radio, SARR 3/4 in FBIS 3/5; NYT 3/5; MM 3/5; IDF Radio 3/6 in FBIS 3/6; SATN 3/6 in FBIS 3/7) (see 3/3)

Hamas political leaders, Mahmud Zahhar, Muhammad Sham'ah hold a news conference; deny political wing is responsible for recent bombings; call on Qassam Brigades, Yahya Ayyash Units to halt all military actions. PA says it believes both 2/27 leaflets fr. Qassam Brigades are real; think the one denying responsibility came fr. cadres inside West Bank, Gaza and the one claiming responsibility came from cadres abroad. (MM 3/5; Der Spiegel, ITV 3/5 in FBIS 3/5; VOP 3/5 in FBIS 3/6; PR 3/8)

In Gaza City, Fatah rallies 1,000s of supporters, some carrying signs in Hebrew reading "yes to peace, no to violence" and "terrorism is our enemy," to protest against recent bombings. (MM 3/4; QY, VOP 3/4 in FBIS 3/4; QY 3/4 in FBIS 3/5; WP, WT 3/5)

In Tel Aviv, over 1,000 Israelis hold violent protest outside the DMin. to denounce the Oslo agmts.; 100 rally outside PM Peres's home; some 200 protest at the site of the Tel Aviv bombing; 100 rally in Jerusalem. Israeli police detain 10s for questioning. (HA 3/5 in FBIS 3/5)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah mbrs. ambush an IDF convoy, killing 4 IDF soldiers, wounding 9. In 1st attack, IDF shoots back, killing 2 Hizballah mbrs. In a separate incident, a little-known Palestinian group, Islamic Revolutionary Army, ambushes a 2d convoy, wounding 1 IDF soldier. Peres sends 100s of troops fr. n. Israel into s. Lebanon to reinforce the border. (MM 3/5; VOP 3/5 in FBIS 3/5; IDF Radio 3/5 in FBIS 3/6; WT 3/6; MM 3/7)

Third round of Syrian-Israeli "exploratory" talks convene in Maryland. (MM, WT 2/28; JP, MA, SARR 2/28 in FBIS 2/28; NYT 2/29; QY 2/29 in FBIS 2/29; MA, QY 3/1 in FBIS 3/1)

Arafat demands Islamists turn in unlicensed weapons, explosives before the PA security forces begin house-to-house searches 3/1 or risk 15-yr. sentences for possession. PA detains 70 more Hamas supporters in Gaza. (VOP 2/28 in FBIS 2/29; WP, WT 2/29; QY 2/29 in FBIS 2/29)

Arafat convenes military field court comprising the heads of Nablus security branches to try the Qalqilya PA Preventive Security Force (PSF) head Col. `Abd al-Rahim Abu `Awn, PA police head Col. Musa Jadallah for actions in violation of the Oslo agmts. for attending memorial rally for Yahya Ayyash. (QY, VOP 2/28 in FBIS 2/29)

Israel eases the closure on the West Bank, Gaza, allowing produce to cross the borders. (IGPO 2/28 in FBIS 3/1; NYT 2/29)

In Damascus, Iranian VP Habibi meets with Palestinian rejectionist leaders, incl. Hamas, Islamic Jihad officials. Habibi then heads to Beirut to meet with Lebanese Pres. Ilyas Hrawi, who tells him that Lebanon supports Hizballah, but Hizballah must conform to Lebanon's political stance. (MM 2/28; RL, VOL 2/28 in FBIS 2/29; MM 2/29; SARR 2/29, RL, SA 3/1 in FBIS 3/1; MENA 3/1 in FBIS 3/6)

IDF lifts closure on West Bank, Gaza imposed 2/12. (QY, VOP 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; MM, WP 2/26)

Israeli FMin. says that Israeli diplomat deported fr. Russia 2/6 will been given a senior government post. (YA 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; HA 2/27 in FBIS 2/29)

Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel, his brother and fellow defector Lt. Col. Saddam Kamel Hassan, their brother and father are gunned down in Baghdad. 2 attackers, 3 bystanders are also killed in the shoot out. Iraqi government claims angry family mbrs. killed them. (NYT, WP, WT 2/24; JT, RJ 2/24, JT 2/25 in FBIS 2/26; NYT, WT 2/25; MM, WP 2/26)

Hizballah says it has the bodies of 2 IDF soldiers missing for the past decade, offers to trade them for Hizballah mbrs. in detention, incl. Shaykh `Abd al-Karim Obeid, detained in 7/89, and Mustafa al-Dirani, taken by Israeli commandos 5/21/94. Israel refuses. (VOL 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; VOL 2/23, 2/24 in FBIS 2/26; NYT, WT 2/24)

Amal, IDF clash in s. Lebanon, leaving 3 Amal mbrs. wounded. Particularly heavy IDF shelling is reported throughout the Israeli self-declared security zone. (QY, RL, VOL 2/23 in FBIS 2/26)

Nation of Islam's Farrakhan returns to the U.S. without incident. House Rep. Peter King (R-NY) calls for an congressional inquiry into the legality Farrakhan's trip. (WP 2/24)