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  • June 22, 1998

    IDF demolishes 23d Palestinian home this mo., bringing to 81 the number of Palestinian homes demolished since the beginning of the year. By comparison, 171 Palestinian homes were demolished in...

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  • May 25, 1998

    30 Jewish settlers from the Ateret Cohanim group accompanied by Israeli police and guard dogs evict a Palestinian woman fr. her rented home in East Jerusalem, lay foundations for 9 new buildings...

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IDF demolishes 23d Palestinian home this mo., bringing to 81 the number of Palestinian homes demolished since the beginning of the year. By comparison, 171 Palestinian homes were demolished in 1997. (NYT, WT 6/23) (see 6/18)

Mbrs. of Elad settler group raid a Palestinian bakery in East Jerusalem, claim that it is located on land which is to be confiscated by Israel. (PR 6/26)

Egypt, Turkey sign memorandum of understanding on construction of pipeline which would transport natural gas fr. Egypt to Turkey via the Mediterranean. (Anatolia 6/22 in WNC 6/23)

UNSCOM claims to have proof, based on evidence obtained in confidential U.S. army laboratory analysis, that Iraq put VX nerve gas in missile warheads before the 1991 Gulf War. (WP 6/23; MM 6/24, 6/25) (see 6/18)

Hamas's Shaykh Yasin arrives in Egypt fr. the Sudan on his way home to Gaza. (MENA 6/22 in WNC 6/23) (see 6/8)

Lebanese authorities arrest 10 suspects in connection with grenade attack nr. U.S. embassy 6/21. (RL 6/22 in WNC 6/23)

30 Jewish settlers from the Ateret Cohanim group accompanied by Israeli police and guard dogs evict a Palestinian woman fr. her rented home in East Jerusalem, lay foundations for 9 new buildings on adjacent 2,000-sq.-m. plot (apparently without permits). (IDF Radio 5/25 in WNC 5/27; LAW, NYT 5/26; MM, NYT 5/27; PR 5/29; ITV 6/3 in WNC 6/4; MEI 6/5; PR 7/3)

Arafat returns to Cairo to meet with Pres. Mubarak. (MENA 5/25 in WNC 5/27) (see 5/24)

Iran, Syria sign mining cooperation agmt. for development of phosphorus, ferrous mines in Syria. (IRNA 5/25 in WNC 5/27)

Jordan refuses to grant entry to Hamas's Shaykh Yasin, who planned to arrive 5/27. Meanwhile in Damascus, Yasin meets with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) leader George Habash on ways to strengthen relations btwn. their groups. (AFP, MENA 5/25, AFP, RJ 5/26 in WNC 5/27; WT 5/26; al-Sabil 6/2 in WNC 6/3; MEI 6/5; JP 6/6; Shihan 6/6 in WNC 6/8) (see 5/24)

At the owner's request, PA security forces evict tenants of a Palestinian house in Ramallah and demolish the building, which has been the focus of a rent dispute. (Birzeit press release 5/25; JP 6/6)

In s. Lebanon, 1 Hizballah mbr. is killed, 1 SLA mbr. and 4 civilians are injured in several clashes. (VOL 5/25, RL 5/26 in WNC 5/27)