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  • November 12, 1992

    Israeli delegation rejoins refugee talks in Ottawa, after receiving written U.S. assurances that Palestinian delegation head Muhammad Hallaj is no longer a member of the PNC. Palestinians begin...

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  • April 27, 1992

    Fifth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks open in Washington. Israeli proposes agreement for municipal elections in selected o.t. localities. Israel insists such a plan is not a substitute for...

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Israeli delegation rejoins refugee talks in Ottawa, after receiving written U.S. assurances that Palestinian delegation head Muhammad Hallaj is no longer a member of the PNC. Palestinians begin talks with demand for discussion of right of return for all refugees, including those from 1948. (Qol Yisra'el 11/12 in FBIS 11/13; WP 11/13)

Bir Zeit University (near Ramallah, W. Bank) holds student council elections. Pro-Fateh faction "shelved their differences" over the peace talks with a pro-PFLP faction and a pro-DFLP (Hawatima wing) faction, to form a united pro-PLO front, which defeated the pro-Hamas candidates by 66% to 33% of the vote. In winner-take-all election, 5 seats go to Fateh, 3 to PFLP, 1 to DFLP. (WP 11/12)

Hizballah lose 1 gunman, kill 1, wound 3 IDF soldiers, kill 1 UN soldier, in rocket and machine-gun attacks in "security zone." Israel attacks from the air and heavily shells Hizballah target villages north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 11/12 in FBIS 11/12; Radio Lebanon 11/12 in FBIS 11/13; WT, WP 11/13)

U.S. Amb. to Israel William Harrop delivers message to PM Rabin urging "continue[d] restraint" vis-a-vis Hizballah, as long U.S. diplomatic efforts to quell the violence continue in Beirut and Damascus. (MM 11/13)

IDF fatally shoots Palestinian youth in Hebron, W. Bank. IDF opens fire on Khan Yunis demonstrators, injuring 19; 2 suspected collaborators are killed in Gaza Strip, under curfew since 11/11 (MM 11/13)

King Hussein announces amnesty in honor of his 58th birthday (11/14) that will free 140 political prisoners, including those sentenced 11/10. (WP 11/13)

Fifth round of Arab-Israeli peace talks open in Washington. Israeli proposes agreement for municipal elections in selected o.t. localities. Israel insists such a plan is not a substitute for continued negotiations regarding Palestinian autonomy. Israeli-Jordanian talks center on water use. (MM 4/28; WP 4/29; NYT, MM 4/30; Jordan Television 4/28 in FBIS 4/29)

U.S., Russia issue invitations for upcoming third round, multilateral talks. Meetings dealing with five different topics are scheduled to be held in May in different world capitals: arms control, 5/11 in Washington; economic development, 5/11 in Brussels; water, 5/12 in Vienna; refugee problems, 5/13 in Ottawa; environmental issues, 5/18 in Tokyo. (NYT 4/29)

State Dept. announces Syria has informed U.S. it has lifted travel ban and restrictions on purchase and sale of property formerly applied to Syrian Jews [see 4/13]. (NYT, MM 4/28)

Israeli state comptroller issues report criticizing mismanagement, waste, and corruption in numerous government agencies. Report recommended criminal investigations in several instances of corruption within housing ministry, headed by Ariel Sharon [atty. gen. began investigating housing ministry 4/26 after comptroller informed him in advance of report's findings]. (NYT, MM 4/28)

Supporters of Hamas win all 10 seats in elections for student council of a teachers' academy in Ramallah. Hamas also calls on merchants in o.t. to observe strike in protest of resumption of peace talks. Strike observed in some localities in Gaza; in W. Bank, only shops in Hebron were closed. (MM 4/27, 4/29)

IDF states it has apologized for disturbing church services in Ramallah 4/24, but continues to dispute priests' account of what happened [see 4/24]. (MM 4/27)

Palestinian Popular Struggle Front's Central Committee ends meeting in Damascus [begun 4/25] in which it deposed Secy. Gen. Samir Ghawsha and replaced him with Khalid 'Abd al-Majid. (Radio Free Lebanon 4/28 in FBIS 4/29; al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 4/29 in FBIS 4/30; Sawt al-Kuwait 5/1, al-Hayat 5/2 in FBIS 5/8; INA 5/3 in FBIS 5/4)