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  • December 3, 1999

    Arafat says final status talks with Israel are deadlocked, accuses Israel of using talks as a cover for settlement expansion, urges U.S. intervention. (WP, WT 12/4) (see 12/2)

    In Nablus,...

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  • July 1, 1999

    In Washington, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak meets with Pres. Clinton. Discussions include peace process, bilateral economic issues. Both men welcome news that Israel's Barak has cobbled together a broad-...

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  • April 30, 1999

    Israel says it will go ahead next wk. with construction plans for Har Homa/Jabal Abu Ghunaym settlement in East Jerusalem, soliciting bids for construction of "the first" 1,400...

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  • April 28, 1999

    PCC resumes debate on declaration of state issue. (MM 4/28; MBC 4/28 in WNC 4/29; al-Quds 4/29 in WNC 5/3)

    After being briefed by the State Dept. on the U.S...

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Arafat says final status talks with Israel are deadlocked, accuses Israel of using talks as a cover for settlement expansion, urges U.S. intervention. (WP, WT 12/4) (see 12/2)

In Nablus, 100s of Palestinians rally in support of PC mbr. Masri, who was wounded by masked gunmen on 12/1. (WP 12/4; WJW 12/9)

Elsewhere in the West Bank, IDF troops clash with 200 Palestinians demonstrating against Israeli settlement expansion, leaving 4 injured. (NYT 12/4)

Israel submits to Jordan a proposal that would allow direct ("door-to-door") transportation of goods fr. Jordan to the West Bank as of mid-1/00. (JT [Internet] 12/4)

In Irbid, 100s of Jordanians participate in a rally organized by the Islamic Action Front to urge the government to reconsider its deportation of 4 Hamas leaders on 11/21. (JT 12/4 in WNC 12/6) (see 11/26)

Several high-ranking Iranian clerics traveling to Washington on special State Dept. visas to participate in a Georgetown seminar are halted by U.S. customs officials in New York, who fingerprint, photograph, and subject them to racist insults. The delegation returns to Iran in protest. The State Dept. says only that mistakes were made. (WT 12/4) (see 11/22)

In Washington, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak meets with Pres. Clinton. Discussions include peace process, bilateral economic issues. Both men welcome news that Israel's Barak has cobbled together a broad-based coalition, call on Israel to halt construction of new settlements. Clinton says that Palestinian refugees should be allowed to settle "wherever they want to live." State Dept. quickly says that Clinton's statements do not suggest any change in U.S. policy. (MM, NYT, WP 7/2; NYT, WT 7/3; HJ 7/3 in WNC 7/8; MM 7/5; MM 7/7; WJW 7/8; JP, MM 7/9; MEI 7/16)

IDF forces shoot, wound a civilian youth in s. Lebanon. A 2d civilian is injured by IDF shelling. (RL 7/1 in WNC 7/2)

Israel says it will go ahead next wk. with construction plans for Har Homa/Jabal Abu Ghunaym settlement in East Jerusalem, soliciting bids for construction of "the first" 1,400 housing units. (WP 5/1)

IDF soldier is sentenced to 14 days in jail for driving into PA-controlled area on 4/28. (NYT 5/1)

U.S. State Dept. releases annual terrorism report, which softens language on Iran, removing description of Iran as 'most active state sponsor of terrorism," noting reduction in planning and execution of attacks. (NYT, WP 5/1)

PCC resumes debate on declaration of state issue. (MM 4/28; MBC 4/28 in WNC 4/29; al-Quds 4/29 in WNC 5/3)

After being briefed by the State Dept. on the U.S.'s 4/26 letter to the PA, Israel accepts in principle Pres. Clinton's call for an extension of the interim period. (Prime Minister's Report 4/30)

U.S. State Dept. spokesman Rubin says that the U.S. is "deeply concerned" that Israel has repeatedly broken promises not expand settlements onto land not immediately adjacent to existing settlements. (MM 4/29)

Jordanian-Syrian border crossing comm. opens 3 days of talks in Damascus. Jordan proposes adopting identity cards, rather than passports, for travel btwn. the 2 countries. (JT 5/1 in WNC 5/3) (see 4/26)

Under pressure fr. farmers' groups, large corporations, the U.S. eases sanctions to allow sale of food, medical supplies to Iran, Libya, Sudan, other nations accused of supporting "terrorism"; adopts a general exemption for food, medicine whenever the U.S. imposes trade sanctions. (NYT, WP, WT 4/29; MM 4/30; MEI 5/7)

PA police confront an IDF patrol that accidentally strayed into Silleh village in West Bank area A, nr. Jinin. When the patrol refuses to halt, police open fire, wounding an IDF soldier. IDF declares the area around Jinin a closed military zone. (NYT, WP 4/29; NYT 5/1; JP 5/7)

To improve their chances in the upcoming 7/99 municipal elections, 13 Jordanian opposition parties agree to form a unified list, but decide to exclude the Islamist opposition party, the IAF. (al-Dustur 4/30 in WNC 5/3; SA 5/2 in WNC 5/5)