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  • October 14, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in...

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  • August 17, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A 1-day general strike in support of Jerusalem Electric Company closes most shops in E. Jerusalem [FJ 8/23]. Israeli police announce...

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  • February 10, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of W. Bank Jews and W. Bank Palestinians gather in Sur Bahir to protest Israeli government's plan to uproot Arab olive trees on...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces arrest of close to 50 "suspected terrorists" in Gaza Strip [LAT 10/15]. Mother of escaped prisoner recently killed in Gaza is released from detention [FJ 10/18]. Travel ban on Gaza residents is reinstated [FJ 10/18].

Arab World: Amal and PLO officials announce new agreement to end fighting around Sidon camps [CSM 10/15].

Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces PIO has been granted 6-week extension to comply with order closing the office [CSM 10/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians throw stones at IDF troops in E. Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers use tear gas to disperse demonstrating schoolgirls in Ramallah [LAT 10/15].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A 1-day general strike in support of Jerusalem Electric Company closes most shops in E. Jerusalem [FJ 8/23]. Israeli police announce arrest of 4 Palestinians in connection with 4 murders, including assassination of Nablus Mayor Zafir al-Masri in 1986, and 3 attempted murders in Nablus and Jenin [FJ 8/23]. In Rahat village, 1,500 demonstrators inside mosque prevent court-ordered demolition of mosque by Israeli soldiers and police [FJ 8/23]. Jerusalem planning com. approves project to build 10,000 housing units for Palestinians innorthern Jerusalem [FJ 8/23]. Lina Tubaylah, member of Women's Work Com. in Nablus, receives 6-month town arrest order [FJ 8/23]. Israeli authorities ban 22 books from use in Palestinian schools on W. Bank [FJ 8/23]. Israeli authorities approve building of 4 new settlements in Jordan Valley, Nablus, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem [FJ 8/23]. Israeli authorities inform landowners in Hebron-area villages of Dura and Dhahriyyah of plan to expropriate 2,000 dunams of village land [FJ 8/23]. Members of Village League open fire on Bayt 'Ula residents, injuring 2 [FJ 8/23].

Arab World: Maronite leader Camille Chamoun dies in Lebanon [MEI 8/28]. Arab committee studying terrorism ends session in Damascus; meeting was attended by an official delegation of the PLO [FJ 8/23]. Khalid Yasin, member of DFLP, is released from Israeli prison after 14 years, arrives in al-Baddawi refugee camp in N. Lebanon [FJ 8/23].

Other Countries: Scotland Yard reveals arrest of Isma'il Hasan Suwan, Palestinian researcher, in connection with attempted assassinationf Naji al-'Ali and seizure of large arms and explosive cache believed to be for use by PLO guerrillas in Europe [NYT 8/19; FJ 8/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 50 Israeli soldiers raid al-Najah University in Nablus, confiscate books and files from administrative and student council offices [FJ 8/23]. In Gaza, 2 Israelis are injured in gunfire attack [FJ 8/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of W. Bank Jews and W. Bank Palestinians gather in Sur Bahir to protest Israeli government's plan to uproot Arab olive trees on government expropriated land [NYT 2/11; FJ 2/13]. Abba Eban, chair of Knesset panel investigating U.S.-Israel-Iran arms deals, acknowledges Israel first put U.S. in touch with Iranian radicals [WP 2/11]. Amal militia indicate negotiations with Israel are underway; P. M. Shamir says Israel would deal with terrorists in some cases if demands were made through official channels, not the media. Defense Minister Rabin indicates Israel may require the release of 6 Israeli servicemen missing in Lebanon [WP 2/11].

Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports W. Germany is likely to try Muhammad 'Ali Hamadi on explosives charges before formally deciding whether to extradite him to the U.S. [CSM 2/10]. Kenyan woman arrested in Los Angeles 15 days ago on charges of overstaying her visa is accused of subversive activities linked to PFLP [LAT 2/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah U. students defy closure order, hold small demonstration on campus. Balatta curfew is lifted; residents gather to demonstrate but disperse peacefully when confronted by Israeli troops armed with tear gas and machine guns. Ramallah secondary school students march through city in support of those injured during 1/9 al-Najah and Balatta protests. Pres. of Hebron University receives official warning following student march outside campus. Secondary school students in Gaza City boycott classes, stone Israeli troops. Estimated 100 youths are taken into detention after late night raid by Israeli troops; military spokesman says youths are suspected of inciting demonstrations and threatening army collaborators [FJ 2/13].