PNA Justice M Freih Abu Middein announces investigation into death in custody of Rafah r.c. resident. Prisoner held on suspicion of drug smuggling, collaboration. Justice Min. statement says...
PLO Exec. Comm. rejects resignations of negotiators Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, and Sa'eb Erakat, appoints them and 4 other mbrs. of delegation to official PLO steering committee. (NYT, WP, WT...
Chmn. Arafat offers to meet with PM Rabin, a la South Africa's De Klerk and Nelson Mandela, to promote Middle East peace. (London MBC TV 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; MM 7/29)
Secy. of State Baker continues talks with PM Rabin, joined by fin. min. and Bank of Israel gov. concerning loan guarantees. Baker also proposes U.S.-Israeli defense pact in return for Israeli...
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PNA Justice M Freih Abu Middein announces investigation into death in custody of Rafah r.c. resident. Prisoner held on suspicion of drug smuggling, collaboration. Justice Min. statement says prisoner died of "excessive violence" during interrogation. 3 interrogators detained and under investigation. Palestinian human-rights orgs., including Hanan Ashrawi's Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights, call it a "case of maltreatment and torture." (NYT 7/10; CSM, MM 7/11)
Israel announces 24-hr. closure of Gaza Strip to start early 7/11 in response to weekend clashes btwn. Palestinians, IDF. (WSJ, WT 7/11; CSM 7/12)
Israeli Civil Admin., with PLO approval, appoints Fateh mbr. Ghassan al-Shak`a mayor of Nablus. (Israeli Channel 2 TV 7/10 in FBIS 7/11)
Israel welcomes King Hussein's offer of a summit mtg. with PM Rabin. (CSM 7/11)
Arafat performs `umra pilgrimage in Mecca, returns to Tunis. PNA Planning M Nabil Shaath says Arafat visit restored Palestinian-Saudi relations PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir `Abd-Rabbuh tells reporters PLO HQ, including Political Dept., International and Pan-Arab Relations Dept., and Returnees Dept. will remain in Tunis despite Arafat's move to Gaza. (MENA 7/10 in FBIS 7/11; MM 7/11; WT 7/13)
Israeli navy kills 2 PFLP frogmen off coast nr. Naqura. (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/13; MM 7/12; JP 7/23)
PLO Exec. Comm. rejects resignations of negotiators Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, and Sa'eb Erakat, appoints them and 4 other mbrs. of delegation to official PLO steering committee. (NYT, WP, WT 8/13)
U.S. and Russia issue invitations for 11th round of Arab-Israeli peace talks, to be held in Washington at end of August. (NYT, WP, WT 8/13)
Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa, at press conference, claims there has been unfair criticism by Palestinians of Egyptian "interference" with Palestinian response to U.S. document, warns if it continues Egypt will reveal details of Palestinian dealings with Israel. PLO delivers message to Musa saying "Egypt did not exert any kind of pressure on the Palestinian leadership." Meanwhile, al-Sharq alAwsat publishes purported excerpts from Palestinian delegation's meeting before going to Tunis for consultations with PLO. "Excerpts" claim delegation protested PLO leadership's decision-making monopoly and "interference in everything," Egyptian "tutelage over the PLO leadership." Delegation spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi denies reports, saying "We have never criticized the Egyptian position." (MM 8/12; Cairo Voice of the Arabs 8/15 in FBIS 8/16)
Syrian Pres. al-Asad, in interview with al-Safir, says "there was no deal" to end "Operation Accountability." He maintains there was "no sellout of the [Lebanese] resistance," and asserts the necessity "to preserve the resistance and to protect it." (MM 8/12)
Pres. Clinton, in meeting with Pope John Paul II in Denver, CO, expresses his "commitment and his support for full diplomatic relations" between the Vatican and Israel, according to U.S. amb. to Vatican Raymond W. Flynn. (WP 8/13)
Israeli settlers wind up 5 days of demonstrations against Rabin govt. with rally in Tel Aviv attended by "several thousand." Settlers' slogans include "Giving up the territories means katyushas on Tel Aviv," and "We won't move from the Golan." (JP 8/21)
Hanan Ashrawi says Israel will allow 30 post-1967 deportees to return following resumption of talks 4/27. (AFP 4/22 in FBIS 4/22; MM 4/26)
PM Rabin meets with Egyptian pol. adv. 'Usama al-Baz, hands him message to deliver to Pres. Mubarak. (IDF Radio 4/22 In FBIS 4/23)
Hizballah, Palestinian groups fire rockets from southern Lebanon into Israel (largest barrage in 6 months), wounding 2 Israeli women. Israel, SLA shell villages north of "security zone." (NYT 4/23)
Washington Jewish Week reports that 4 U.S. congressional reps. have resigned from 15- mbr. task force that published report on terrorism 3/23, questioning the quality of the research. (WJW 4/22)
Chmn. Arafat offers to meet with PM Rabin, a la South Africa's De Klerk and Nelson Mandela, to promote Middle East peace. (London MBC TV 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; MM 7/29)
FM Shimon Peres meets with Russian for. min. Middle East head Viktor Posuvalyuk, who later meets with Hanan Ashrawi. (Qol Yisra'el 7/28 in FBIS 7/30)
Under increasing pressure, Israel agrees to allow U.S. investigators to question Brig. Gen. Rami Dotan and others who diverted $40 million of U.S. aid for unauthorized purposes. Justice and Def. Dept. do not wholly believe that Dotan and others were acting solely in their own interests, implying that the govt. of Israel may be implicated in the fraud, which would constitute a default on Israel's aid agreements with the U.S. Another conspirator, Harold Katz, will be questioned also on his connections to Jonathan Pollard (see 6/11, 722). (WP 7/29)
West Bank towns of Nablus and al-Kabatiyya join Janin in commercial strike (see 7/27). (MM 7/28)
FM Shimon Peres and the U.S. State Dept.'s Richard Arnitage announce joint assistance project for 5 former Soviet Muslim republics. (Davar 7/30 in FBIS 7/31; MM 7/29)
Secy. of State Baker continues talks with PM Rabin, joined by fin. min. and Bank of Israel gov. concerning loan guarantees. Baker also proposes U.S.-Israeli defense pact in return for Israeli readiness to withdraw from Golan Heights, parallel with Syrian readiness for peace agreement. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 7/21 in FBIS 7/21, 7/23 in FBIS 7/23; NYT, WP 7/21)
Baker then meets with 5 members and advisors of the Palestinian delegation, led by Faisal Husseini and Hanan Ashrawi. Ashrawi says the Palestinians would "tolerate" a near-total settlement freeze, as well as an accountable loan guarantee package. (NYT, WP 7/21)
Palestinian leaders submit memorandum to Baker calling on U.S. to resume dialogue with the PLO and halt all settlement construction in the o.t., including East Jerusalem. (Algiers VOP 7/20 in FBIS 7/21)
PLO Exec. Comm., PNC chairmanship, and general secretariat of Palestinian factions meet in Tunis to discuss Baker visit, Rabin govt., and peace process. (MENA 7/21 in FBIS 7/22)
Islamic resistance fighters attack SLA post in Tayr Harfa, S. Lebanon, damaging 1 tank, killing 1, wounding 4 Israeli soldiers. Israel shells villages of Haddathah, 'Ayta al-Jabal, Haris north of "security zone," conducts helicopter mock raids. (VOL, Radio Free Lebanon 7/21 in FBIS 7/21)