4 / 15493 Results
  • November 19, 1983

    Military Action:

    Widespread shelling of Tripoli as battle for Baddawi continues, loyalists and rebels rain artillery fire onto camp, Syrian and Libyan tanks and artillery reportedly in...

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  • April 6, 1983


    IDF reports one man killed when bomb he was trying to plant near IDF position in Sidon explodes.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens tells...

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  • April 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF artillery fired at Syrian positions in Bekaa after Syrian tractor fortifying positions reportedly crosses cease-fire line. 


    IDF releases...

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  • March 27, 1983


    PLO says it has moved 8 Israeli POWs from Lebanon to undisclosed location because it had information a military operation was being planned to free them.


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Military Action:

Widespread shelling of Tripoli as battle for Baddawi continues, loyalists and rebels rain artillery fire onto camp, Syrian and Libyan tanks and artillery reportedly in action.


Estimates in Tripoli fighting are 15 killed, 75 wounded, damage to property extensive; rocket hits main fire station, destroys last 3 working fire engines, wounds 7 firefighters.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Tulkarem under curfew after Friday's petrol bomb attacks on Israeli targets; demonstration in Ya'abad, near Jenin, supports Arafat, IDF uses teargas, curfew imposed.

Arab Governments: Syrian Defense Minister TIlas says Syrian army ready to mount suicide attacks against US warships, Syria has missiles with range of 180 miles that can hit targets anywhere in Israel.


IDF reports one man killed when bomb he was trying to plant near IDF position in Sidon explodes.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens tells Likud Knesset faction that Israel and Lebanon will soon reach agreement, characterizes war as first one Israel fought which has been followed immediately by negotiations; Treasury increases export subsidy by $150m, adds 1% levy on foreign currency purchases; mother of IDF reservist (sentenced to third prison term for refusing to serve in occupied territories) begins protest at Defense Ministry; on orders from Defense Minister Arens, occupation authorities arrest more than 50 Palestinians, including 38 students from Ramallah, on suspicion of inciting an epidemic of psychosomatic illness; US medical team visits Hebron, WHO team visits Jenin; police arrest 10 suspects after 2 Israeli bus passengers injured by stones in Jerusalem; Qalqilya and Assoun under curfew after stone-throwing at settlers and vehicles; curfew on Tulkarm refugee camp continues; West Bank and Gaza settlers warn Defense Minister Arens they cannot prevent vigilante action if army does not stop stone-throwing; military court in Nablus sentences 3 Palestinians to 20-25 years for infiltrating from Jordan, attacking IDF patrol in January 1982.

Arab Governments: Moroccan envoys arrive in Tunisia, Sudan, Kuwait to explore prospect of Arab summit.

US and Other Countries: ICRC says purpose of its investigation into West Bank illnesses was to insure that hospitalized victims were receiving adequate medical treatment, not to conduct inquiry into causes; National Association of Arab Americans sues Justice Dept. for release of documents it says support allegation that Pentagon official passed secrets to Israel in 1978.

Military Action:

IDF artillery fired at Syrian positions in Bekaa after Syrian tractor fortifying positions reportedly crosses cease-fire line. 


IDF releases Jibsheet's Sheikh Rageb Harb, whose arrest on March 18 prompted strikes and demonstrations; ICRC tells IDF that Lebanese in Sidon are threatening Palestinian refugees in camps and villages; Austrian special envoy leaves Damascus to report to Chancellor Kreisky on status of negotiations for PLO-Israel prisoner exchange.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 7 arrested in Sakhnin for offenses during Land Day; doctors from US Center for Disease Control begin study of mass illness; chairman of West Bank Medical Association says ICRC investigator denied making statement attributed to him yesterday by Israeli authorities; schools in Jenin and Hebron districts closed for 1 week; Tulkarm and Nablus under curfew; molotov cocktail thrown at IDF patrol in Jalazon camp; 17 year-old Palestinian dies of head injuries sustained in Jenin on March 27, family says soldier struck him with bottle, IDF says he was injured by stones; IDF arrests two carloads of Palestinians said to be driving through Nablus shouting through megaphones that the water had been poisoned; IDF confiscates film, arrests 2 Israeli employees of CBS news on charges of urging hospitalized girls to act ill, charges later dropped; 2 Israelis assaulted and injured near Damascus Gate; 9 Jews arrested during demonstration outside police station where Kahane's nephew is held; 7 persons arrested in Taiba after two days of demonstrations, stoning of police jeep, in support of West Bank Palestinians.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Amman, meets with PLO Executive Committee and Hussein; in letter to UN Secretary General, Arafat accuses Israel of poisoning thousands of schoolgirls.

Arab Governments: In Damascus, President Assad meets with George Habash.

UN: Iraq calls for Security Council meeting, accuses Israel of mass poisoning of Palestinian schoolgirls, Israeli delegate rejects charges as irresponsible and unfounded; Security Council requests Secretary General to conduct independent inquiry into reported cases of poisoning.


PLO says it has moved 8 Israeli POWs from Lebanon to undisclosed location because it had information a military operation was being planned to free them.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Senior IDF officers receive Peace for Galilee campaign ribbon, Yesh Gvul (There's a Limit) movement holds demonstration, calls ribbon mark of Cain; Sharon attacks Arens' Lebanon negotiating position in Cabinet meeting, says Israel is conceding too much for too little, other ministers call for unilateral withdrawal to Awali river; foreign and defense ministers tell Habib there can be no agreement unless Haddad forces play key security role; 300-480 children, mostly girls, in 5 Jenin schools taken ill with dizziness, headaches, fainting spells and stomach pains, Jenin Mayor SI wki suspects settlers of spreading poison gas, government accuses radical Palestinian factions, Civil Administration medical officer says victims definitely inhaled poison gas; Jenin under curfew after stone-throwing demonstrations; border police jeep assaulted near Sakhnin, 4 youths arrested.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat postpones visit to Amman, has talks with King Fahd in Riyadh.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia says it will support any PLO-Jordanian agreement.

US and Other Countries: NY businessman creates special legal defense fund, supported by private American contributions, for settlers accused of violating Israeli law when retaliating against attacks by Palestinians.