8 / 15500 Results
  • November 19, 1996

    At the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York, U.S. vetoes a 14-1 decision to reelect Secy. Gen. Butros Butros-Ghali to a 2d, 5-yr. term. This vote is expected to be the 1st in a series btwn. now...

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  • October 22, 1996

    In Tel Aviv, Israeli, PA talks on civil authority in Hebron reportedly reach agmt. Later in the day, talks on Hebron security resume in Jerusalem. U.S. special envoy Ross thinks an agmt. can be...

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  • September 25, 1996

    In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in...

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  • August 29, 1996

    Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)

    To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches...

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  • August 28, 1996

    On his way fr. Gaza to the weekly PC session in Ramallah, Arafat's helicopter is forced to hover for 45 mins. before being permitted to land. At the PC, Arafat accuses Israel of "declaring a state...

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  • July 20, 1996

    Israel seals Ramallah, preventing Palestinians fr. leaving the city, after PSF mbrs. allegedly abduct an Israeli Arab fr. East Jerusalem in connection with a land dispute with the Coptic Church...

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  • January 20, 1996

    Palestinian elections are held; 676 candidates run for the Palestinian Council, 2 for president. (WP, WT 1/20; ITV 1/20, QY 1/21 in FBIS 1/22; NYT, WT 1/21; CSM, MM, WT 1/22; WJW 1/25; JP 1/27;...

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  • January 12, 1996

    Secy. of State Christopher meets with Pres. Asad in Damascus, then returns to Israel to brief PM Peres. (MM 1/11; IDF Radio, HA, MA, QY, SARR 1/11 in FBIS 1/11; IDF Radio 1/11 in FBIS 1/16; MM, WT...

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At the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York, U.S. vetoes a 14-1 decision to reelect Secy. Gen. Butros Butros-Ghali to a 2d, 5-yr. term. This vote is expected to be the 1st in a series btwn. now and 1/97, when the final decision on the secy. gen. must be made. U.S. amb. to the UN Madeline Albright says the U.S. is prepared to use its veto indefinitely; if African nations want a secy. gen. fr. their continent, they should begin looking for another person. (MM 11/19; RE 11/19 in WNC 11/21; MM, WP, WT 11/20; RE 11/20, al-Dustur, al-Ra'i 11/21 in WNC 11/22; MM 11/21; al-Quds al-Arabi 11/21, al-Dustur 11/22 in WNC 11/25; NYT 11/22; RE 11/22 in WNC 11/26; WJW 12/5)

King Hussein says that the only way to break the logjam in current PA-Israeli talks is for Israel to fully implement its original agmts. with the Palestinians, says Jordan would support Palestinians in their quest for a an independent country. (WT 11/20)

Israel's mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert presents Housing M Meir Porush with a plan to build 2,200 housing units btwn. Pisgat Ze'ev and al-Za'im junction in a bid to link French Hill in East Jerusalem with Ma'ale Adumim. (IDF Radio 11/19 in WNC 11/20; CSM 1/9)

Some Jewish settler leaders say that they have received death threats fr. extremist settlers for suggesting that the shrine-like grave of Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Arabs in Hebron 2/25/94, be dismantled. Goldstein's grave has become a pilgrimage site, with gardens, a fountain, and benches, where visitors meditate, read religious texts. (WT 11/20)

2 Israeli border policemen are arrested after Israeli television airs amateur videotape showing them beating Palestinian workers who were caught in Jerusalem without permits. Justice Min. says it is investigating another incident in which 3 border guards are accused of beating 8 Palestinians caught trying to cross into Israel nr. Qalqilya. (MM 11/19; CSM, WP, WT 11/20; WJW 1128; JP 11/30)

Palestinian human rights activist Iyad Sarraj says that Israel has refused to issue him a visa to attend a conference in Norway, saying he must stay in Gaza for security reasons. (WT 11/20)

German court sentences Palestinian woman to 12 yr. in jail for participation in 1977 hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner in Mallorca, Spain. She was arrested in 1994 in Oslo and extradited to Germany. (WP 11/20)

In Jarju', s. Lebanon, an Israeli shell filled with nails hits a residential home, causing damage but no injuries. (RL 11/21 in WNC 11/22)

In Tel Aviv, Israeli, PA talks on civil authority in Hebron reportedly reach agmt. Later in the day, talks on Hebron security resume in Jerusalem. U.S. special envoy Ross thinks an agmt. can be reached within the next 2 wks. (RJ 10/22 in WNC 10/25; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/23; WJW 10/24)

French Pres. Chirac visits East Jerusalem. (MM 10/22; IDF Radio 10/22 in WNC 10/23; LCI 10/22 in WNC 10/25; NYT, WP, WT 10/23; CSM, MM 10/24; MEI 10/25; JP 11/2; MEI 11/8)

In Beirut, Lebanese, French officials negotiate aspects of a partnership agmt. that they hope to sign by the end of the year. Outstanding issues (agriculture, rights of institutions and serviced, immigration) must wait until new Lebanese government is formed. (RL 10/22 in WNC 10/24)

Nr. Ramallah, IDF shoots (live ammunition), kills Palestinian youth during antisettlement protest. Also in the West Bank, a Palestinian motorist is killed when his car is fired upon nr. Ofra settlement. (MM 10/22; LAWE 10/23)

YA reports that several Turkish air force crews recently participated in joint training, military exercises with the Israeli air force in the Negev. (YA 10/22 in IL 10/22)

Lebanon's Press Association Council complains that "newspapers are not exercising . . . self-censorship," are publishing topics banned under the new media law (see 9/17); orders newspapers to cease publishing direct interviews with Israeli officials. (al-Nahar 10/23 in WNC 10/24) (see 10/2)

Birri is reelected as Lebanon's parliamentary speaker. (RL 10/22 in WNC 10/24; WT 10/23)

In the worst fighting since the peace process began, Palestinians, IDF clash in Ramallah. IDF shoots rubber bullets, stun grenades, live ammunition at protesters. IDF, PA security forces engage in firefight. 7 Palestinians are killed, 100s (incl. 2 EA mbrs., the mufti of Jerusalem) wounded; 8 IDF soldiers are injured by rocks, bottles; Ramallah is declared closed military zone; West Bank, Gaza are sealed. Clashes also occur in Bethlehem (wounding 12 Palestinians, 2 Israelis), East Jerusalem. In Ramallah, Bethlehem fighting dies down when officers fr. IDF, PA negotiate cease-fire, pullback. PM Netanyahu, Israel officials accuse PA of instigating violence. PA says outbursts were spontaneous reaction to 9/24 tunnel opening, months of closure. (MM 9/25; IDF Radio, IGPO, ITV, JTV, al-Quds al-Arabi, RMC 9/25 in WNC 9/27; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 9/26; MM 9/27; TJT 9/27 in WNC 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak receives phone calls fr. Arafat, Netanyahu, appealing to Egypt to intervene to calm the situation in the territories; suggests holding Arafat-Netanyahu mtg. in Cairo. Mubarak adviser Baz holds urgent phone conversations with U.S. special envoy Ross. (RE 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; MBC 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

PM Netanyahu arrives in Paris, meets with Pres. Jacques Chirac, leaves for Bonn. (WP 9/26)

At the UN, Israeli FM Levy signs Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, briefs U.S. special envoy Ross on events in West Bank, Gaza. Ross says U.S. demands that Israel "make a gesture" concerning the tunnel. (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27; ITV 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak invites fmr. PM Peres to visit Cairo. Peres accepts but sets no date. (IDF Radio 9/25 in WNC 9/27)

Tel Aviv district court extends for 3 mos. the remand of Hizballah's Shaykh `Abd al-Karim Obeid (abducted fr. Lebanon in 7/89), fmr. Amal leader     Mustafa al-Dirani (abducted fr. Lebanon 5/21/94). (ITV 9/25 in WNC 9/27) (see 2/23)

ILMG opens 3d day of mtgs. to discuss issues raised 9/24 and new Lebanese complaints concerning Israel's expulsions 9/22, repeated Israeli attacks; releases statement stressing that firing fr. populated areas endangers civilians, Hizballah should refrain fr. carrying out attacks fr. or nr. villages. Lebanese FM Buwayz complains of U.S. bias toward Israel in ILMG. (RL 9/25, 9/26 in WNC 9/27; RL 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

In Damascus, Iranian, Syrian cultural attachés discuss expanding cultural ties. (IRNA 9/26 in WNC 9/30)

Palestinians observer 4-hr. general strike in West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem. (MM 8/29; CSM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 8/30; MEI 9/6)

To dispel tensions with the PA, Israeli PM Netanyahu dispatches his personal atty. Yitzhak Molho to meet with Arafat in Ramallah; authorizes adviser Gold to meet later in day with Arafat adviser Abbas. Senior Israeli negotiator IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron holds 1-hr. talk with PA counterpart PA Local Government M Saeb Erakat in Jerusalem, agrees to resume PISMC mtgs. next wk. (RMC 8/29 in WNC 8/30; NYT, WP, WT 8/30; MBC 8/30 in WNC 9/4; MM 9/2)

In Rome, Egypt's Baz, Italy's FM Lamberto Dini discuss peace process, 8/27-28 mtgs. in Paris. (RE 8/29 in WNC 9/3)

Israeli government approves construction of 2,000 new housing units in West Bank settlements around Jerusalem. (CSM, WP 8/30)

Deputy Jerusalem Mayor Shmuel Meir says the government has issued demolition orders for 70 Palestinian homes in the city that have been constructed without permits. (YA 8/30 in WNC 9/5; PR 9/6)

Israel blames Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) for shooting at bus 8/28, arrests 1 suspect. (HA 8/29 in IL 8/29)

Jordanian police raid JPD headquarters in Karak, arrest a number of party leaders. (SATN 8/29 in WNC 9/3) (see 8/18)

Hizballah ambushes IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier. Both sides then exchange gunfire, wounding 2 Lebanese civilians. (RL 8/29 in WNC 9/3; MM 8/30; QY 8/30 in IL 8/30; JP 9/7)

U.S.-brokered cease-fire goes into effect in n. Iraq. PUK, KDP agree to hold peace talks in London 8/30. (MM 8/29) (see 8/28)

On his way fr. Gaza to the weekly PC session in Ramallah, Arafat's helicopter is forced to hover for 45 mins. before being permitted to land. At the PC, Arafat accuses Israel of "declaring a state of war against the Palestinian people," rejects U.S. appeal for an Abbas-Gold meeting. For 1st time since 1993, he calls for 1-day general strike 8/29, prayer rally in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque for 8/30. PM Netanyahu warns Arafat against an escalation of rhetoric, violence. (MM 8/28; ITV 8/28 in WNC 8/30; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/29; ITV 9/2 in WNC 9/4)

UN Coordinator Larsen leaves Paris for Israel immediately after Arafat speech to attempt to "serious crisis" btwn. PA, Israel. (WP 8/29)

Israel, Turkey sign defense industry deal, stepping up military cooperation. Agmt. includes technology exchanges, is expected to pave way for $650-m. deal for Israel to overhaul 54 Turkish F-4 Phantom jets. Iran expresses concern. (CSM, MM, WP 8/29; VIRI 8/29, TDN 8/30 in WNC 9/3; VIRI 8/29 in WNC 9/4; RJ 9/4 in WNC 9/6 JP 9/7)

In Tulkarm, IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes built without permits. (PR 9/6)

Israeli police release Human Rights Watch employee Tarabiyya, arrested 8/19. (IDF Radio 8/28 in WNC 8/30; JP 9/7)

Unidentified gunmen open fire on an Israeli bus traveling on a Israeli-only bypass road to the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba in the West Bank, slightly wounding 2. (MM, NYT, WP 8/29; MA 8/30 in WNC 9/5)

Israeli police arrest 3 Palestinians who pitch tents at site of clinic in East Jerusalem which was demolished 8/27. (WT 8/29)

Amal attacks 2 SLA patrols in s. Lebanon, killing 1 soldier, wounding 5. (RL 8/28 in WNC 8/30)

Iran, Turkey connect electricity grids in keeping with agmt. signed by Turkish PM Erbakan during his 8/11-13 visit. (VIRI 8/18 in WNC 9/3)

In n. Iraq, KDP, PUK fighting intensifies, with the PUK gaining the upper hand. Iran calls for talks to end fighting, is generally seen as being the winner of the current crisis. (MM 8/27) (see 8/25)

Israel seals Ramallah, preventing Palestinians fr. leaving the city, after PSF mbrs. allegedly abduct an Israeli Arab fr. East Jerusalem in connection with a land dispute with the Coptic Church there. PSF says it arrested, did not kidnap, `Abd al-Salam al-Hirbawi. (WT 7/21; QY 7/20, JMCC, QY, VOP 7/21 in FBIS 7/22; WT 7/22; JP 7/27; MEI 8/2)

For the 2d wk., street clashes erupt btwn. over 10,000 orthodox, secular Jews over plans to close Jerusalem's Bar Ilan Street during Sabbath. 2,500 riot police attempt to keep order. (NYT 7/21; CSM 8/6; WJW 8/8) (see 7/13)

Palestinian elections are held; 676 candidates run for the Palestinian Council, 2 for president. (WP, WT 1/20; ITV 1/20, QY 1/21 in FBIS 1/22; NYT, WT 1/21; CSM, MM, WT 1/22; WJW 1/25; JP 1/27; WJW 2/1; MEI 2/2; JP 2/3)

In East Jerusalem, 51 Arabs and Jews are arrested for incitement, disturbing the voting process. 3 are slightly injured. Kach mbrs. attack Arafat adviser Faisal Husseini, spray teargas at Palestinians, damage Palestinian shops. Heavy IDF deployments around polling stations keeps voter turnout low. (ITV, QY, VOP 1/20 in FBIS 1/22)

All Palestinian refugee camps in s. Lebanon--except al-Rashidiyya, which is strongly pro-Arafat--call general strikes to protest elections in the self-rule areas. (RL 1/20 in FBIS 1/22; MM 1/22)

PM Peres invites all PNC mbrs., incl. rejectionists and Islamists, to return to the self-rule areas (but not Jerusalem) for discussions on amending the PLO charter. (ITV, QY 1/20, JT, QY 1/22 in FBIS 1/22; MM 1/22)

IDF closes central Hebron after settler is stabbed, forcing voters find international observers who will escort them to the polls. Voter turnout estimated at 25 percent as a result. (QY 1/20 in FBIS 1/22; NYT, WT 1/21; WT 1/22)

McDonnel Douglas agrees to purchase $750 m. of equipment fr. Israeli defense companies in a buy-back deal under which the IAF will purchase 25 of McDonnel Douglas's F-15I planes for $2 b. (JP 1/20)

Secy. of State Christopher meets with Pres. Asad in Damascus, then returns to Israel to brief PM Peres. (MM 1/11; IDF Radio, HA, MA, QY, SARR 1/11 in FBIS 1/11; IDF Radio 1/11 in FBIS 1/16; MM, WT 1/12)

Israeli police prevent fmr. PLO negotiator Hanan Ashrawi, who is running for a seat on the Palestinian Council, entering Jerusalem to campaign; arrest 4 Palestinians in Bayt Safafa for putting up campaign posters. Israeli border police break up election rally for Fatah candidate, PA M Qurai` in East Jerusalem. (QY 1/13 in FBIS 1/16; PWR 1/23) (see 1/11)