Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military spokespersons tell reporters armed attacks in the northern West Bank have nearly doubled in the past year, while attacks in the...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military spokespersons tell reporters armed attacks in the northern West Bank have nearly doubled in the past year, while attacks in the...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police announce they have arrested 6 members of a West Bank Palestinian family in connection with kidnap-slaying of Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Reagan administration is reportedly quietly encouraging Israel to sell arms to Iraq, according to an unnamed report published in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tax officials, accompanied by troops, raid 'Aqbat Jabir refugee camp, outside Jericho, imposing value-added taxes (VAT) in the...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Arab Students Front, affiliated with the Israeli Communist party, wins the majority of seats in elections for the Arab student...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli and U.S. officials resume talks on strategic military and political cooperation [JP 3/19].
Other Countries: U.S. House of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Defense Ministry's coordinator of occupied territories affairs, Shmuel Goren, leaves for U.S. in effort to raise $500 million for...
Arab World: During the past weeks, 4 Palestinian factions opposed to mainstream PLO leadership condemned the PLO's 3/8 reply to King Hussein's 2/19 speech and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Herut party convention ends in chaos and intra-party violence; no new party chairman is named [JTA 3/13; NYT 3/14]. Foreign Ministry...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets in Jerusalem with Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin [JTA...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Galilee district police report huge quantities of arms and ammunition were seized last year in Palestinian villages in the Galilee and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Some 50 Palestinians held in detention for suspected antiIsrael activities have been released because of overcrowding; some 200...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fifteenth Herut party convention opens in Jerusalem [JTA, WP, BG 3/10].
Military Action
Arab World: One Israeli soldier, 2...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: New Arabic newspaper al-Nahar, staffed by pro-Jordanian Palestinians, begins operations in East Jerusalem; Publisher and Editor...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli security authorities seal 1 house and 3 rooms belonging to 4 residents of Tulkarm accused of throwing fire bombs at Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities search and close for 6 months offices of the 2 General Federations of Trade Unions, located in Nablus, saying they...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: More Palestinians withdraw their candidacies for mayoralities of West Bank towns, including jamil Tarifi of al-Birah and Muhammad Rashid...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 50,000 mourners attend Zafir al-Masri's 2-hour funeral procession through Nablus, carrying Palestinian flags and pictures of Yasir...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: An Israeli army intelligence report dated 6/30/48 has recently surfaced which states more than 70 percent of the Palestinian exodus from...
Arab World: Deputy head of the DFLP Yasir 'Abd Rabbu states PLO is considering abrogating 11 February Hussein-Arafat agreemento heal rifts in the PLO and head off...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of West Bankers have traveled to Amman to express support for King Hussein following his attack on the PLO last week; the trips...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states he is considering ways to promote self-rule among Palestinians in the occupied territories, outlines plans to nominate...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin meets with 20 West Bank personalities, outlines Israel's policy of encouraging talks with a Jordanian-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Committee to Confront the Iron Fist sponsors press conference on treatment of Balata refugee camp residents, who state 258 people from...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres knew about secret offer U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy made to King Hussein whereby PLO would be invited to intl....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel plans to increase aid to El Salvador, now that a Salvadoran ambassador has been named to the disputed Israeli capital of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anatoly Shcharansky states his concern for human rights remains undiminished, extends to his adopted country, Israel; states he would...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military spokespersons tell reporters armed attacks in the northern West Bank have nearly doubled in the past year, while attacks in the Bethlehem-Hebron area have declined by 11% [JP 3/27]. Students at Bethlehem U. stone cars and pedestrians following Land Day demonstration, unfurl Palestinian flag, throw makeshift gasoline bombs at Israeli soldiers, set up roadblocks; Israeli troops fire in air to disperse them [JP 3/27].
Arab World: Car bomb explodes near Phalange party office in East Beirut, killing 10, wounding 80; 2 hours earlier, 6 were wounded by bomb outside another Phalange party office [NYT, WP 3/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police announce they have arrested 6 members of a West Bank Palestinian family in connection with kidnap-slaying of Israeli soldier David Manos, whose remains were found in a West Bank cave 2 weeks ago [JTA 3/28].
Arab World: Shi'ite Amal militia announces it holds 3 Palestinian guerrillas who the PLO claimed were killed in cross-border raid into Israel in which 4 Israeli soldiers were also claimed to have been killed [JP 3/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities have arrested scores of West Bankers and 1 Gazan on charges of committing attacks that have wounded at least 8 Israelis; most of the suspects are said to belong to Fateh cells active in the Jerusalem and Ramallah areas, to have been responsible for series of bombings since last September [JP, JTA 3/24].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat repeats PLO offer to trade acceptance of UN resolutions 242 and 338, and therefore acceptance of Israel, in return for guarantees by the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council of the Palestinians' rights to selfdetermination [BG 3/25]. Morocco's King Hasan proposes a summit conference between a chosen Arab leader and P.M. Peres to hear Israel's views on the Fez peace plan [JP 3/25].
Other Countries: U.S. is reportedly pressuring Israel to sell arms to Iraq, including Israeli "drone" reconnaissance aircraft and Soviet weapons captured by Israel during past wars with Arab neighbors [DT 3/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Lebanese state radio reports Israeli forces shelled Nabatiyyah, killing 3 civilians and wounding 22 [NYT 3/25]. Jerusalem Post reports the SLA shelled Nabatiyyah in response to 12 katyusha rockets that landed in "security zone" in early morning [JP 3/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres rejects pressure from Labor Party Central Committee to break 1984 agreement with Likud bloc to rotate offices with Foreign Minister Shamir, due to take place in October [NYT, MG 3/24].
Arab World: East Jerusalem newspaper al-Mithaq reports Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad has outlined terms under which he would be willing to begin dialogue with Fateh organization: (1) PLO must issue statement in Arafat's name praising Syrian army's role in 1982 Lebanon war; (2) statement must contain apology for media campaign PLO has conducted against Syria since its evacuation from Beirut; (3) statement must praise Syria's rejection of "capitulatory" solutions to M.E. conflict, affirm Syria's efforts to prevent cantonization of Lebanon; (4) statement must criticize "reactionary" Arab efforts to pressure PLO to accept UN Security Council Resolution 242 [JP 3/24]. Yasir Arafat states it is up to the U.S. to break the deadlock in M.E. peace efforts that followed the collapse of Jordanian efforts to bring the Palestinians into the talks with Israel [BG 3/24]. Arafat states he has sent new proposals for a M.E. peace settlement to the U.S., awaits a response [PI 3/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Reagan administration is reportedly quietly encouraging Israel to sell arms to Iraq, according to an unnamed report published in London [JP 3/21]. Several thousand Golan Heights Druze converge on Majd al-Shams to protest police confiscation of 2 tons of apples belonging to Druze growers who allegedly failed to submit income tax returns UTA, JP 3/24].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat is quoted as saying the United Arab Emirates has resumed financial aid to the PLO [BG 3/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tax officials, accompanied by troops, raid 'Aqbat Jabir refugee camp, outside Jericho, imposing value-added taxes (VAT) in the millions of shekels on merchants, confiscating stock to force payment, and detaining and remanding into custody for 4 days merchants who protested the moves [FJ 3/28].
Arab World: Following 4 hours of talks in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak, King Hussein states peace efforts have reached a dead end for now [BG 3/21]. Yasir Arafat is quoted as saying the PLO is ready to open a new page in relations with Syria [JP 3/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Arab Students Front, affiliated with the Israeli Communist party, wins the majority of seats in elections for the Arab student committees in 4 of the 5 Israeli universities [FJ 3/28].
Arab World: Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad) states thousands of guerrillas who left Lebanon during 1982 Israeli invasion have returned to take up fighting positions [NYT 3/20].
Other Countries: Head of PLO political department Faruq al-Qaddumi holds talks in London with British Labor party leader Neil Kinnock, in apparent effort to win support for the organization following last month's collapse of PLO-Jordanian peace initiative [MG 3/20].
Military Action
Arab World: Gunmen in Cairo open fire on car carrying 2 Israeli diplomats and their wives, killing 1 woman, injuring 3 others; anonymous letter claims responsibility by "Egypt's Revolution." (Attack is 2nd on Israeli diplomats in Cairo in less than a year by the previously unknown group) [NYT, WP 3/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli and U.S. officials resume talks on strategic military and political cooperation [JP 3/19].
Other Countries: U.S. House of Representatives approves $4.4 billion antiterrorism bill that would increase security at U.S. embassies, pay U.S. diplomats for each day held hostage [WP 3/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Defense Ministry's coordinator of occupied territories affairs, Shmuel Goren, leaves for U.S. in effort to raise $500 million for Israeli scheme to "improve the quality of life" in the West Bank and Gaza; Palestinians oppose the objective of the trip, calling it a "prelude to autonomy" [FJ 3/21]. Ariel Sharon begins to mediate between Yitzhak Shamir and David Levy, rivals for control of the Herut party [NYT, TS 3/17].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. Counselor Edward Derwinski, returning from trip related to refugee affairs, states Palestinians displaced in the Arab-Israeli wars are "permanent refugees" and should be absorbed by the Arab world [JP 3/16; JTA 3/17]. Americans for a Safe Israel holds 1986 national conference [JW 3/28].
Arab World: During the past weeks, 4 Palestinian factions opposed to mainstream PLO leadership condemned the PLO's 3/8 reply to King Hussein's 2/19 speech and called for total abrogation of the 11 February Amman agreement [FJ 3/14].
Other Countries: Greek court sentences 25-year-old Palestinian to 10.5 years for aborted attempt to assassinate senior Jordanian diplomat in Athens in 1984; police say 'Amir Mabruki was connected with Black September organization [LT 3/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli security forces find body of Israeli soldier David Manos, who had disappeared 6/11/84, in a cave in the West Bank [CT 3/26; JTA 3/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Herut party convention ends in chaos and intra-party violence; no new party chairman is named [JTA 3/13; NYT 3/14]. Foreign Ministry expresses official dissatisfaction with Egypt's report on Ras Burqa massacre [JP 3/14].
Other Countries: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper, states during visit to Washington, D.C. he is exploring possibility of an international conference without preconditions, in which individual Palestinians would be part of a single Arab delegation [JTA 3/13]. Pakistani Pres. Zia al-Haq urges PLO to recognize Israel's right to exist, supports peace plans put forward by King Fahd and King Hussein UP 3/14]. U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy ends visit to Tunis, Cairo, and Jerusalem with no significant progress made [JP 3/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets in Jerusalem with Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin [JTA 3/13]. Ariel Sharon defeats Binyamin Begin, son of Menachem Begin, in election for key position in the Herut party convention [NYT, BG 3/13]. Begin supports Yitzhak Shamir, who faces opposition from Ariel Sharon and David Levy in the struggle for party control [JTA 3/13].
Arab World: Egypt gives Israel a report on the Ras Burqa massacre in which 7 Israelis were shot dead by an Egyptian security man last October [JP 3/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Galilee district police report huge quantities of arms and ammunition were seized last year in Palestinian villages in the Galilee and Druze villages in the Golan, most stolen from the Israeli army [JP 3/12].
Arab World: King Hussein states Jordan will continue to abide by Rabat summit conference decisions, will not replace PLO as representative of Palestinian people, gives guarded pledge of assistance to Palestinians in occupied territories [JP 3/12].
Other Countries: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy states U.S. will unfreeze $150 million of the $1.3 billion civilian aid program for Egypt in wake of police rioting 2 weeks ago. (U.S. had been withholding the aid to express displeasure at Egypt's failure to implement economic reforms) [WP, FT 3/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Some 50 Palestinians held in detention for suspected antiIsrael activities have been released because of overcrowding; some 200 Palestinians were arrested following assassination of Zafir al-Masri; 20 are still being held on suspicion of links with the PFLP. Over 60 Golan Heights Druze have been arrested following P.M. Peres' visit to the area [LT 3/10]. Five leading black American university officials visit Israel in pilot project aimed at creating an academic bond between their institutions in the American south and Hebrew University in Jerusalem [JTA 3/11]. Violence breaks out between participants at Herut party convention over struggle for chairmanship of the party [BG 3/11].
Arab World: An Iraqi deputy foreign minister reportedly recently met with Israeli Ambassador to the UN Binyamin Netanyahu, on Iraq's initiative, to seek advice on Iranian army's capabilities and intentions; Israeli Foreign Ministry officials deny the reports [JP 3/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian resident of Balata refugee camp is shot and killed after he refused to stop and identify himself, military spokesman says [LAT 3/11; LT 3/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fifteenth Herut party convention opens in Jerusalem [JTA, WP, BG 3/10].
Military Action
Arab World: One Israeli soldier, 2 unidentified Arab militiamen are killed in clash in S. Lebanon; 5 other Israelis wounded [WP, PI 3/10; JP 3/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: New Arabic newspaper al-Nahar, staffed by pro-Jordanian Palestinians, begins operations in East Jerusalem; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 'Uthman Hallaq says paper will represent view of "silent majority" [JP 3/7].
Other Countries: PLO Executive Committee and Fateh Central Committee have been meeting for 3 days in Tunis to decide on response to Hussein's 2/19 cancellation of joint Jordanian-PLO peace effort [NYT 3/8; JP, WP 3/9]. San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein concludes 6-day visit to Israel, concludes port-call agreement with Zim shipping company, 14-point memorandum of agreement with Haifa Mayor Arye Gurel covering cultural and other exchanges [JP 3/9].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israeli army vehicles traveling in the Gaza Strip are ambushed with a remote control charge, a device common in Lebanon but hitherto unemployed in the occupied territories; no injuries or damage caused UP 3/7]. American tourist David Blumenfeld is lightly injured by gunfire inJerusalem's Old City while returning from Friday evening prayers at the Westem Wall; police cordon off the area, find the weapon used, make several arrests [JP 3/9; JTA 3/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli security authorities seal 1 house and 3 rooms belonging to 4 residents of Tulkarm accused of throwing fire bombs at Israeli vehicles [JP 3/7].
Arab World: Israeli journalist Uri Avneri is expelled from Jordan to Egypt after reportedly holding contacts with Jordanian and PLO officials in Amman; Avneri retums to Israel, states he met with senior Jordanian and Palestinian personalities, including at least 1 cabinet minister and PNC members, denies he was expelled. (Avneri's trip was approved by P.M. Peres, Foreign Minister Shamir, and Defense Minister Rabin) [JP 3/7; WP 3/8]. Syrian Foreign Minister Faruq al-Shar' concludes 2 days of apparently unproductive talks in England with senior British officials; he states in press conference that Israel is main obstacle to peace in the M.E., that Syria allows Abu Nidal group to maintain political press office in Damascus but it "has nothing to do with violence" [WP, MG, LT 3/6].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA soldier is killed by roadside bomb; Israelis kill 2 Arab guerrillas in S. Lebanon "security zone"; Lebanese security sources say Israeli troops kill 1 farmer, injure another in raid outside "security zone" [MG 3/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities search and close for 6 months offices of the 2 General Federations of Trade Unions, located in Nablus, saying they were fronts for terrorist organizations; documents are seized, no arrests made [JP 3/6]. Family of 'Aziz Shehadeh, prominent West Bank lawyer murdered 3 months ago, holds press conference, accuses Israeli police of negligence, inefficiency, and double standards in their investigation of the crime [LAT, JP 3/6]. Knesset overwhelmingly rejects proposal presented by Tehiya MK Geula Cohen to annex territory occupied by Israel since 1967 [PI, BG 3/6].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan urges 100 American Jewish leaders attending White House briefing for the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations to support his request to Congress for $100 million in aid for the Contras fighting the Nicaraguan govemment; Reagan promises he would never sell arms to moderate Arab countries that would threaten security of Israel [JTA 3/6; MO 3/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: More Palestinians withdraw their candidacies for mayoralities of West Bank towns, including jamil Tarifi of al-Birah and Muhammad Rashid Ja'bari, of Hebron; Fathi Fahmawi, of Janin, abandons plan to organize municipal council acceptable to Israel [WP, PI 3/5]. Israel Radio reports gun used to kill al-Masri is same as one used in killing of Israeli border policeman in January and an Israeli merchant last August, both in Nablus [WP, PI, LT 3/5]. Jerusalem District Court sends Israeli bailiffs to Palestinian-run Jerusalem Electricity Company to evaluate and mark company's equipment; bailiffs give company 3 weeks to pay $10 million debt to the Israel Electric Corporation before JEC's property will be seized; workers declare partial strike in protest of the measure [JP 3/5, 6].
Arab World: PLO leadership meets in Tunis to discuss response to King Hussein's unilateral break from joint M.E. peace approach [MG 3/5].
Other Countries: New White House National Security Advisor Vice Admiral John Poindexter will replace 2 top M. E. staffers, James Covey and Howard Teicher with Dennis Ross, former senior Pentagon official and strong supporter of close U.S.-Israeli strategic cooperation [JP 3/4].
Military Action
Arab World: Hizballah publishes names of 11 people it executed in reprisal for massive car bombing in W. Beirut last March which it said was intended to kill Hizballah's spiritual leader, Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah; organization states the 11 worked for section of Lebanese intelligence that cooperated with Israeli and U.S. intelligence [JP 3/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 50,000 mourners attend Zafir al-Masri's 2-hour funeral procession through Nablus, carrying Palestinian flags and pictures of Yasir Arafat, and chanting pro-PLO slogans [WP, CT 3/4]. P.M. Peres states Israel will not be deterred from implementing policy of "devolution" in occupied territories, will continue to hand over administrative powers to residents there [JP 3/4]. Nadim Zaru, of Ramallah, and Walid Mustafa Hamad, of al-Birah, withdraw candidacies for mayoralities of those 2 towns [JP 3/4; WP 3/5]. Plans for delegation of senior pro-Jordanian figures to visit Amman to express support for King Hussein are also shelved [JP 3/4]. Sephardic speakers at press conference called by the Jerusalem Committee for Sephardic Jewry and the World Sephardic Federation state Jewish communities in Syria and Lebanon are being neglected [JTA 3/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian Muhammad Mahmud Abu Dar'a, 57, is shot in the head and killed, and his son Mahmud Muhammad Abu Dar'a, 22, is wounded in separate demonstration in Balata refugee camp in which the murdered man reportedly tried to strangle an Israeli soldier; 4 Palestinians are arrested [WP, CSM, CT, JP 3/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: An Israeli army intelligence report dated 6/30/48 has recently surfaced which states more than 70 percent of the Palestinian exodus from Palestine by June 1948 was caused by Jewish military attacks [JP 3/2]. In last 3 days, Israeli security forces have freed 32 Palestinians held under administrative detention orders because 6-month detention period had ended; freed detainees were asked to sign document sating they would not commit future offenses; some refused to sign [JP 3/3]. Israel has agreed to allow Golan Heights Druze to export apples to Syria, possibly through Jordan or directly; P.M. Peres also favors renewing family reunions between Golan and Syrian Druze, which were stopped by Syrians several years ago [JP 3/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-appointed Palestinian mayor of Nablus, Zafir alMasri, is shot dead by a single, unidentified assailant. In Damascus, the PFLP claims responsibility; in Beirut, a telephone caller claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal group) [NYT, PI, CT 3/3]. Nablus city council appoints Deputy Mayor Hafiz Tuqan mayor [CSM 3/3].
Arab World: Israeli army patrol north of the S. Lebanon "security zone" intercepts guerrilla squad, kills 1 [JP, JTA 3/3].
Arab World: Deputy head of the DFLP Yasir 'Abd Rabbu states PLO is considering abrogating 11 February Hussein-Arafat agreemento heal rifts in the PLO and head off what he called attempts by King Hussein to create a substitute Palestinian leadership [NYT 3/2].
Other Countries: Thirty-four members of Congress serving on committees that deal with foreign policy received nearly half the $853,520 in contributions made last year by 65 political action committees advocating strong support for Israel, according to a report by Common Cause [WP 3/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two guerrillas from the DFLP wearing Israeli army uniforms and carrying Israeli army weapons are caught after crossing Lebanese border into Israel; both are killed [LT, NYT, JP 3/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hundreds of West Bankers have traveled to Amman to express support for King Hussein following his attack on the PLO last week; the trips are reportedly being orchestrated by members of the Jordanian parliament residing in West Bank [JP 2/28]. Nearly 170 prisoners in Kafr Yunis prison went on 2-day hunger strike last week to protest maltreatment and inhumane prison conditions [FJ 2/28].
Other Countries: UN Secretariat in New York is seeking Israeli explanation following reports that several villagers in Shakra, S. Lebanon were tortured during Israel's search for 2 missing soldiers last week [JP 2/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states he is considering ways to promote self-rule among Palestinians in the occupied territories, outlines plans to nominate mayors in 3 major West Bank towns, would consider easing restrictions on travel to Jordan [NYT 2/27]. Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe Levy states 170 people were arrested during 6-day sweep in S. Lebanon, some have been transferred toprisons in Israel [NYT, TS 2/27].
Arab World: Radio Monte Carlo broadcasts statements by Nayif Hawatmah, general secretary of the DFLP, and a representative of the Palestine Communist party outlining conditions for rapprochement with Yasir Arafat's Fateh faction: (1) cancellation of the 11 February Amman agreement; (2) convening of the PNC; (3) creation of a collective leadership in the PLO [FJ 2/28].
Military Action
Arab World: Car bomb explodes outside entrance to 'Ain al-Hilwah refugee camp, near Sidon, killing driver and wounding 10; explosion occurred a half-hour before Palestinian students were to join a march to commemorate a slain Sidon leader [NYT, WP, CT 2/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin meets with 20 West Bank personalities, outlines Israel's policy of encouraging talks with a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation as long as none are PLO members [FJ 2/28]. Rashid al-Ja'bari, head of Hebron Chamber of Commerce and son of late Mayor Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali Ja'bari, has submitted candidacy for mayor to the civil administration [JP 2/25]. P.M. Peres makes surprise visit to Golan Heights, sparking violent demonstrations by about 5,000 Druze; five Israeli policemen are wounded [JP 2/26; FJ 2/28]. Golan figures who meet with Peres are also attacked [FJ 2/28]. Israel is now largest supplier of arms to China, selling 100 times as much as Britain last year [DT 2/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Committee to Confront the Iron Fist sponsors press conference on treatment of Balata refugee camp residents, who state 258 people from the camp - 80% of them minors - have been detained by security forces for varying periods in past 3 months [JP 2/25; FJ 2/28].
Arab World: Iranian News Agency reports that Iranian govt. has decided to set up an Islamic Republic in Lebanon in coordination with Lebanese Shi'ite leaders who are visiting Iran [LN 2/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres knew about secret offer U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy made to King Hussein whereby PLO would be invited to intl. conference if it met three preconditions [JP 2/23; WP 2/24].
Arab World: Hundreds of Lebanese villagers who fled during Israeli manhunt in S. Lebanon return to their homes; some accuse Israeli troops of torturing people detained for questioning [NYT, MG 2/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2/21].
Arab World: General Secretary of the DFLP Nayif Hawatmah issues public appeal to Yasir Arafat to abrogate 11 February agreement reached last year with King Hussein; representatives of DFLP and Arafat's Fateh organization are reported to have met in Prague during past week to discuss healing rift in PLO [NYT 2/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thirteen Israelis, including 5 soldiers, were wounded in at least 7 bombing incidents in the occupied territories and Israel last week [FJ 2/21].
Arab World: Israel calls off 6-day military operation north of its "security zone" in S. Lebanon, states it will still try to find 2 missing soldiers [BG 2/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel plans to increase aid to El Salvador, now that a Salvadoran ambassador has been named to the disputed Israeli capital of Jerusalem [CT 2/20].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat meets with top aides in Baghdad to discuss implications of King Hussein's 2/19 speech [JP 2/21].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. issues statement blaming breakdown of talks between King Hussein and Yasir Arafat on the PLO, says it will continue efforts to encourage direct negotiations between Jordan and Israel, although process is entering "period of reflection" [LT, WP 2/21].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli army clashes with Lebanese guerrillas in S. Lebanon; 1 Israeli, 8 Lebanese killed [NYT, LAT 2/21]. Lebanese sources state Israeli army has rounded up 200 people during search [NYT 2/21].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anatoly Shcharansky states his concern for human rights remains undiminished, extends to his adopted country, Israel; states he would like to compare Israeli prison life to Soviet prison life, learn Arabic, visit West Bank [WP 2/19].
Other Countries: European Court of justice upholds Britain's right to ban North Sea oil exports to Israel [WSJ, JC 2/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade is thrown at Israeli foot patrol in Gaza City, wounding 5 soldiers [JP 2/19].
Arab World: Israeli army moves large numbers of reinforcements into S. Lebanon, well beyond the "security zone," in search for 2 soldiers captured 2/17; tanks and helicopter gunships are employed [WP, LAT 2/19]. Iranian-linked Muslim faction warns it will kill 2 captured Israelis if army does not withdraw from S. Lebanon within 24 hours [NYT 2/19].