The IDF sends tanks into Jenin, clashes with residents, killing 4 Palestinians, wounding 1 Palestinian journalist; 2 IDF soldiers are also wounded. The IDF demolishes 7 Palestinian homes in Rafah...
January 28, 2003
December 17, 1998
U.S. stages 2d strike on Iraq, having hit more than 50 targets with over 200 Tomahawk missiles 12/16. Democratic congressmen accuse Republicans, many of whom questioned the timing of the attacks,...
November 4, 1996
UK FM Rifkind proposes establishing an organization in the Middle East for regional security and cooperation modeled after the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe. Arab League...
September 4, 1996
1st Netanyahu, Arafat mtg. is held at Erez. Netanyahu says he is prepared to negotiate a final peace, improve Palestinian economic conditions, allow 50,000 Palestinian workers into Israel (see 8/5...
January 24, 1991
Allied bombers, aided by improving weather, step-up pace of attacks deep into Iraq; largest Marine amphibious assault force since Korean War practices landings in Gulf [NYT, LAT, WP 1/25].
November 13, 1990
Israeli authorities arrest 3 prominent Palestinian leaders and order them imprisoned without trial; Radwan Abu Ayyash and Ziad Abu Zayyad are ordered held for 6 months in "administrative detention...
November 1, 1990
In report submitted to Sec. Council, UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar suggests that the 164 nations that signed 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention on protecting civilians in wartime should meet to discuss...
October 17, 1990
According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].
July 21, 1982
Military Action:
Low-level fighting continues around Beirut, despite cease-fire; PLO guerrillas in southern Lebanon fire single rocket into northern Israel for the first time since June 6,...
The IDF sends tanks into Jenin, clashes with residents, killing 4 Palestinians, wounding 1 Palestinian journalist; 2 IDF soldiers are also wounded. The IDF demolishes 7 Palestinian homes in Rafah, 2 in Balata r.c.; bulldozes Palestinian land nr. Jabaliya r.c.; fires on stone-throwing Palestinians protesting the curfew in Nablus, killing 1 Palestinian; fires on residential areas of Tal al-Sultan. (AP, HA, PM 1/28; LAW, PCHR 1/29)
Sharon and his Likud party win a landslide election victory largely at the Labor party’s expense. Likud gets 38 seats (up fr. 19 in the 2/01 elections; higher even that top projections, which figured Likud would take 32 seats), Labor gets 19 seats (down fr. 25), Shinui comes in 3d with 15 seats (up fr. 6), and the ultra-Orthodox Shas party gets 11 seats (down fr. 17); Meretz, 1 of Israel’s clear-cut peace parties, gets 6 seats (down fr. 10); the far-right National Union party, not represented in the last Knesset, gets 7 seats. Yisra’el Ba’Aliya party head Natan Sharansky quits the Knesset, Meretz head Yossi Sarid resign fr. as party chmn. in light of their parties’ poor showing. During the day, Israeli police detain 4 Israeli Arabs for leading a 15-car caravan around the Galilee, calling for an election boycott. Voter turnout was 68.5%-- lowest in Israel’s history. Sharon has 42 days to form a majority coalition. The new Knesset will have 40 freshmen MKs. (HA, MM, WP 1/28; HA, MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/29; AYM, al-Quds 1/29 in WNC 1/30; JP, MM, WJW, WP 1/30; JPI 1/31; PR 2/5; MEI 2/7; MM 2/18)
Bush gives State of the Union address, focusing on Iraq; says Saddam Hussein has missed his “final chance” by showing “utter contempt” for the UN inspectors; claims Iraq is hiding and amassing weapons of mass destruction (WMDs; including an active nuclear weapons program), deceiving inspectors, aiding al-Qa`ida; says the U.S. seeks to work with an international coalition to remove Hussein but will go it alone if necessary, adding that “The liberty we prize is not America’s gift to the world; it is God’s gift to humanity.” Regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, he says only that the U.S. will continue to work for a “secure Israel and a democratic Palestine.” (NYT, WP, WT 1/29; MM 1/30; MA 1/30 in WNC 1/31; MEI 2/7)
U.S. stages 2d strike on Iraq, having hit more than 50 targets with over 200 Tomahawk missiles 12/16. Democratic congressmen accuse Republicans, many of whom questioned the timing of the attacks, of being unpatriotic. Russia recalls its ambs. fr. Washington (for the 1st time since World War II), London; the Duma accuses the U.S. of "international terrorism." Lebanon denounces the operation. Jordan expresses regret. Syria opposes U.S. "double standards" in its Iraq, Israel policy. (MM 12/17; AFP, IRNA, MENA, Petra-JNA, RJ 12/17 in WNC 12/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/18; al-Thawra, Tishrin 12/18 in WNC 12/28; NYT, WP, WT 12/19; MENA 12/19, SATN 12/20, al-Ahram 12/21 in WNC 12/22; MEI 12/25)
Across the West Bank and in Gaza City, Palestinians protest the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. The largest demonstration, attended by 3,000 Palestinians, is held in Nablus. In el-Bireh, the IDF shoots, kills 1 Palestinian, injures 16 others. (WP, WT 12/18; MEI 12/25)
In Egypt, the government expresses its "regret" over the U.S.-led strike on Iraq; the Arab League, al-Azhar's chief cleric denounce use of military force; Cairo University students go on hunger strike to protest; Egyptian police lock American University in Cairo students on campus to keep them fr. demonstrating. (MENA, RE 12/17 in WNC 12/21)
UK FM Rifkind proposes establishing an organization in the Middle East for regional security and cooperation modeled after the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe. Arab League protests that regional peace must be achieved before such a body could be established. (RE 11/6 in WNC 11/7; MM 11/8)
In Ankara, Turkey's Pres. Demirel, Iranian Oil M Gholam-Reza Aqazadeh discuss timetable for implementing 8/12 gas deal (expected to be completed in 1998), possibility of further expanding energy cooperation. (IRNA 11/4 in WNC 11/6; IRNA 11/6 in WNC 11/8)
In s. Iraq, U.S. jet fires on a 2d missile battery after the site's radar appeared to be targeting it. U.S. Defense Secy. Perry is uncertain if plane was really threatened. Iraq says it has not been aiming at U.S. aircraft. (WP, WT 11/5) (see 11/2)
1st Netanyahu, Arafat mtg. is held at Erez. Netanyahu says he is prepared to negotiate a final peace, improve Palestinian economic conditions, allow 50,000 Palestinian workers into Israel (see 8/5). (MM 9/4; CSM, MM, WP, WT 9/5; VOA, YA 9/5 in WNC 9/6; al-Quds al-Arabi 9/5, RE 9/6 in WNC 9/9; MEI, MM, PR 9/6; JT 9/8 in WNC 9/10; MM 9/9, 9/10; PR 9/13; JP 9/14; MEI 9/20)
Arafat rejects new Hebron redeployment plan presented to the PA by Israeli Infrastructure M Sharon. The plan calls for expanding the area to be transferred to full PA control, decreasing the number of Palestinians left under Israeli control fr. 17,000 to 3,000; linking the Jewish enclave to the Tomb of the Patriarchs/ al-Ibrahimi mosque, Kiryat Arba settlement; erecting a wall btwn. the Arab, Jewish sections; permitting PA to increase police presence in Hebron within 6 mos. if security in the city is maintained. (YA 9/5 in WNC 9/6) (see 9/3)
Following Netanyahu-Arafat mtg., YESHA settlers' council holds emergency mtg.; announces it will no longer wait for permission fr. Netanyahu to undertake new housing construction in the West Bank, Gaza. (WP 9/6)
LAWE says there are currently some 320 Palestinian administrative detainees in Israeli prisons, 2/3 of whom were arrested after the Oslo II agmt. was signed 9/28/95. 1/4 are residents of area A, which is fully under PA control. (LAWE 9/4)
Iraqi air force twice challenge expanded no-fly zone in s. Iraq. U.S. responds by firing on a radar station. Pres. Clinton hints that there would be no further action against Iraq unless the U.S. senses a fresh provocation. (MM 9/4; CSM, WP, WT 9/5; JT 9/5 in WNC 9/6) (see 9/3)
In advance of the last 2 rounds of Lebanese elections (9/8, 9/15), Syria brokers election coalition agmt. btwn. Amal, Hizballah meant to increase the chances of success for Islamist candidates and undermine the alliance btwn. current speaker Birri, current PM Hariri. Syria does not want to excessively reduce the power of the Islamists, who experienced significant losses in the 8/18, 8/25, 9/1 rounds of voting. (MM 9/5; al-Nahar 9/13 in WNC 9/17; MEI 9/20)
Allied bombers, aided by improving weather, step-up pace of attacks deep into Iraq; largest Marine amphibious assault force since Korean War practices landings in Gulf [NYT, LAT, WP 1/25].
For 1st time, French warplanes attack targets inside Iraq; previously Pres. Mitterrand said French would only attack positions in Kuwait [NYT, LAT 1/25].
Saudi pilot shoots down 2 Iraqi Mirage F-1s, recording 1st Saudi kills in combat [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/25].
About 300 young Kuwaitis have been trained to help U.S. ground forces identify Iraqis in Kuwait in event of land war in Gulf; Kuwaitis will work as interpreters and try to spot Iraqis trying to blend in with Kuwaiti population [NYT 1/25].
Facing growing hesitation about Egypt's role in Gulf war, Pres. Mubarak says Egypt is obligated by its commitments to UN and Arab League to come to the aid of Kuwait; Mubarak also urges Israeli restraint [NYT, WP 1/25]; Los Angeles Times reports growing Arab concern over Iraq's survival [LAT 1/25].
UN Sec. Council meets to discuss ceasefire proposed by N. African countries, but effort is considered futile as U.S. and other permanent council members are certain to veto any resolution calling for end to fighting [NYT 1/25].
Israeli authorities arrest 3 prominent Palestinian leaders and order them imprisoned without trial; Radwan Abu Ayyash and Ziad Abu Zayyad are ordered held for 6 months in "administrative detention," while Gaza physician Ahmed Yaziji is ordered to serve 1 year in detention [JDS 11/13 in FBIS 11/14; WP, NYT 11/14].
Iraqi envoys visit Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya to discuss Baghdad's conditions on attending possible Arab summit-conditions reportedly include that Baghdad be consulted in advance on agenda, that timing and location be such that Saddam may attend, and that the Gulf crisis be discussed in context of regional "security" issues, including Israel-Palestine conflict [WP, NYT 11/14].
Pres. Mubarak begins 2-day visit to Libya to discuss Gulf crisis with Col. Qaddafi [CDS 11/14 in FBIS 11/14; WP 11/14].
Sec. Baker says Saddam threatens the "economic lifeline" of the West and U.S. military deployment is justified to protect American jobs: "[An] economic recession world- wide, caused by the control of one nation ... of the West's economic lifeline will result in the loss of jobs on the part of American citizens" [WP, NYT 11/14].
U.S. military advisors are helping remnants of Kuwait army regroup and train for possible battle with Iraq [NYT 11/14].
Congressmen from both parties call on Pres. Bush to convene special session of Congress to discuss Gulf crisis; White House says it opposes such a session [NYT 11/14].
In report submitted to Sec. Council, UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar suggests that the 164 nations that signed 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention on protecting civilians in wartime should meet to discuss new ways to ensure safety of Palestinians in O.T. (cf. 11/4) [WP, NYT, MEM 11/2].
Saddam Hussein orders the release of 4 elderly and sick American hostages [INA 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; WP 11/2; NYT 11/3].
Amnesty International says it has evidence that Saudi forces detained and tortured hundreds of Yemenis over their country's stand in the Gulf crisis, and urges King Fahd to conduct enquiry [WP 11/2].
Pres. Bush says he is "not trying to prepare our country for war," but admits a diplomatic solution to Gulf crisis is no nearer, and that status quo cannot remain forever [WP, NYT 11/2].
Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of U.S. forces in Gulf, says his troops could obliterate Iraq but cautions that total destruction might not be "in the interest of the long-term balance of power in this region" [NYT 11/2].
Number of Soviet immigrants arriving in Israel during October topped 20,000 for 1st time, with 20,324 for a 1990 total of 121,752 [NYT 11/2].
Arab League begins its official work at its new headquarters in Cairo; acting Sec.-Gen. As'ad meets with Egypt's F.M. Majid to discuss Gulf crisis [MEM 11/1; CDS, MENA 11/1 in FBIS 11/2].
Israeli warplanes bomb targets in Lebanon's Biqa' Valley for 2d time in 8 days, no casualty figures are reported [IDF 11/1 in FBIS 11/1; BDS 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; WP 11/2].
According to New York Times, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have suspended some $40 million in monthly contributions to the PLO because of PLO's support of Iraq [NYT 10/18].
Expressing concern that U.S. could go to war against Iraq while Congress was in recess, Senate Foreign Relations Committee demands Pres. Bush obtain congressional approval before taking military action. Demand is rebuffed by White House and Sec. Baker, who says the pres. will "consult" with Congress if need be [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 10/18].
For. Sec. Hurd says he failed to convince Israelis to accept UN team investigating Haram al-Sharif incident; 28 prominent Palestinians cancel scheduled meeting with Hurd after local press reports 10/16 comments; Hurd says papers misinterpreted his comments [MEM 10/17; NYT, WT 10/18; JDS 10/17 in FBIS 10/17, 10/18].
Egypt's most prominent newspaper Al-Ahram assails King Hussein as co-conspirator with Saddam, saying King Hussein acknowledged in an interview with New York Times he knew in advance of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Al-Ahram's version of the interview is at odds with the Times article, which says King Hussein knew of the invasion only at 6:00 am on 8/2 [NYT 10/18].
Arab League emergency session, called for by Palestine to discuss Haram al-Sharif shootings, opens in Tunis (cf. 10/18) [SPA 10/17 in FBIS 10/18].
Military Action:
Low-level fighting continues around Beirut, despite cease-fire; PLO guerrillas in southern Lebanon fire single rocket into northern Israel for the first time since June 6, 2 guerrillas captured; IDF troops trade fire with PLO south of Beirut; IDF jets fly more mock raids over Beirut; reports of IDF build-up east and south of the city; IDF artillery barrages resume late tonight; IDF ammunition trucks sighted along coastal road, as well as dozens of rocket launchers.
Several hundred Muslims march through W. Beirut up to Green Line demanding an end to the siege; 5 IDF soldiers killed, 8 wounded in PLO ambushes near Tyre and in the Bekaa.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon rules out temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon; official expresses strong disapproval of any US recognition of the PLO on whatever basis; Begin is briefed by US Ambassador Lewis on Reagan's meeting with Saud and Khaddam; Avneri tells press conference that PLO initiative to gain US recognition started before invasion, says Haig personally involved; Foreign Affairs Committee discusses "serious erosion" in US determination to oppose recognition of PLO; Yitzhah Rabin warns of possible "war of attrition" developing in the Bekaa valley.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Salam meets with Arafat, calls for Arab summit to resolve problem of where PLO guerrillas are to go; Habib meets with Sarkis to report on Reagan meeting; PLO officials optimistic on talks with Reagan, but fear new fighting with IDF.
Arab Governments: Iran-Iraq conflict escalates, deflects attention from Lebanese conflict.
US and Other Countries: US cautiously explores new plan with other governments; USSR criticizes Arab countries for failing to act in unison over the Lebanese crisis; Mayor Andrew Young of Atlanta calls Israeli invasion "unjustified."