Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be...
Grenades, mortars, rockets fired in Tripoli fighting between Lebanese Communist Party rnilitia and Soldiers of God militia; land mine explodes near Khiyam; Italian MNF...
Abu Jihad, in interview, says PLO guerrillas ordered to step up attacks on IDF in Lebanon.
Detainees at Ansar camp carry out pro-PLO demonstration for 6 hours when IDF unit enters camp for inspection; Lebanese Army destroys Palestinian houses in Burj al-Barajneh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 29 Jews placed under house arrest, fined IS5,000 in connection with Temple Mount incident; Cabinet agrees to share military intelligence from Lebanon war with US; 2 Bedouin arrested for breaking windows of tractors at planned Nevatim air force base near Tel Malhata, for which 700 families are being evacuated; Supreme Muslim Council calls for educational and commercial strike to protest March 1 1 Temple Mount incident; shops forced open by border police in Nablus; curfews in Halhoul and 4 refugee camps approach end of second continuous week; stone-throwing in Jerusalem, Hebron and 6 other West Bank towns; 32 school-children in Araba suffer unexplained illness; government announces plans to establish 15 military settlements, convert to civilian settlements 8 existing military posts in West Bank; Labor MK calls new settlement plans a tombstone for Middle East peace; 260 West Bank residents convicted of stone-throwing since January 1; Kiryat Arba resident detained on charge of firing shots at Hebron house on February 26, wounding 5 year-old girl.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US talks resume in Netanya.
US and Other Countries: US officials welcome Israeli decision to share military data from Lebanon war, will send 4-man US Air Force team to Israel next month to begin evaluation.
Military Action:
Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be patient; 500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards reportedly arrive in Baalbeck.
1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; in South Lebanon, Dutch UNIFIL soldier stabbed.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: After talks in Cairo, Trade Ministry Director General says Egyptians promised to resume issuing licenses for import of Israeli goods; indictments for conspiring to incite hostility between Muslims and Jews, other acts, filed against 29 Jews in connection with Temple Mount incident; head of Islamic Committee in Jerusalem asks UN Secretary General to protect al-Aqsa from further attacks; fourth school in 10 days closed in Beit Sahour after students demonstrate, raise Palestinian flag.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis.
US and Other Countries: US Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis gives Shamir detailed, written proposals for security arrangements in South Lebanon as part of agreement for Israeli troop withdrawal; Pentagon releases US Marine Corps Commandant letter to Defense Secretary Weinberger saying that IDF has been deliberately threatening lives of US officers in Lebanon, reveals previously classified incidents; Garter, in Damascus, says Reagan Administration suggestion that Syria has become puppet of Soviet Union is ridiculous.
Military Action:
Grenades, mortars, rockets fired in Tripoli fighting between Lebanese Communist Party rnilitia and Soldiers of God militia; land mine explodes near Khiyam; Italian MNF patrol attacked with RPGs near airport; remote-controlled bomb explodes near IDF vehicle outside refugee camp near Tyre, area closed and searched; IDF surrounds town of Barja, arrests 3 Lebanese suspected of involvement in ambushes.
2 killed, 7 wounded in Tripoli fighting, schools and shops closed in old quarter of city; 9 Italian MNF wounded in 2 Beirut attacks, 2 vehicles destroyed; Lebanese Army informs residents of Burj al-Barajneh camp in Beirut that government prohibits repairs of bombed-out roofs, arrests 15 on charges of abusive construction, threatens to arrest additional 34 tomorrow.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Defense Minister Arens orders drastic cuts in ministry's National Security Unit, expanded by Sharon to proportions of alternative general staff; Arens tells Knesset Foreign Affairs committee there is no need to freeze West Bank settlements to entice King Hussein to enter peace negotiations; Cabinet selects Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Moshe Levy to replace IDF Chief of Staff Eitan; Central Bureau of Statistics says inflation rate is 130% a year; 3 suspects in attempt to take over Temple Mount released on bail; Nazareth municipal employee sentenced to 3 months in jail for participating in illegal Land Day demonstration in 1982; two new Chief Rabbis elected for 10-year terms, say that West Bank and South Lebanon are part of Israel; Bedouins call off hunger strike after Agriculture Ministry official agrees to meet them; curfews remain in force in Halhoul, Dheisheh, Aida, Jalazon and Ein Beit Alma, new curfew imposed on Balata camp; IDF seizes house opposite al-Amari camp for lookout post; 5 Village League members armed with automatic rifles enter village of Nuba, threaten to destroy it unless alleged demonstrators are turned in, IDF later arrests 3 residents,on charges of calling Hebron Village League head a traitor.
Arab Governments: Syrian officials say troops will not be withdrawn from Lebanon if any Israeli-Lebanese agreement provides for Israeli troops in Lebanon and formal trade, tourist, or diplomatic ties; Egyptian and Israeli officials hold second round of talks in Cairo on reviving trade relations.
US and Other Countries: State Department announces progress after third day of talks between Shultz and Shamir, emphasizes proposals for increased US responsibility for security, including training and equipping elite Lebanese force to patrol border, expansion in size and responsibility of MNF, and creation of a joint Lebanese- Israeli-US military commission to oversee security zone in South Lebanon; US officials say incentives to Israel such as high aid levels and release of F-16s are likely to accompany agreement to troop withdrawal accord; in statement read to conference on Soviet Jewry, Reagan says plight of Soviet Jews who are denied right to emigrate will remain in forefront of US foreign policy and human rights concerns.
Militarv Action:
IDF is conducting detailed census of South Lebanon, distributing 27-page questionnaire to mayors.
Lebanese car mechanic killed by IDF in Barouk mountains, allegedly resisting arrest.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Labor Party nominates Chaim Herzog, former Israeli UN ambassador, as candidate for President, Likud nominates Supreme Court Justice Menahem Elon; 20 weapons stolen from security company in Tiberias; police request detention orders against 38 Jewish zealots held for plotting armed takeover of Temple Mount, but plot denied by head of Kiryat Arba yeshiva, who says some of his students had only planned to hold their morning prayers there; Carter motorcade tours towns and settlements of West Bank, protests continue; IDF uses water cannon with indelible dye for first time as large scale counter demonstration technique; Village League leaders meet on West Bank with Likud MP, offer to sell land for industrial zone.
US and Other Countries: Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir and Lebanon negotiations delegate David Kimche arrive in Washington for meetings with Shultz and Habib; Israel rejects latest US proposal for sharing of military data from Lebanon war, intends to provide information in absence of any formal agreement, hopes to resume delivery of F-16s and speed approval of US funds for production of Lavi jet; 57 members of House send letter to Defense Secretary Weinberger urging agreement with Israel on military data sharing, state that Israel used over 100 US-developed weapons systems in Lebanon not previously utilized in full-scale combat, including F-15 and F-16 fighters, Sparrow AIM-7F and TOW anti-tank missiles.
Military Action:
Syrian troops and Lebanese militia exchange gunfire in Tripoli, 1 killed, 2 injured.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Police arrest 45 Jews, including 16 soldiers, armed with guns and grenades, as they prepare to seize Jerusalem's Temple Mount, site of al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock; 200 olive trees uprooted in orchard in Kafr Kassem, representatives of Lands Administration suspected; WZO Settlement Department proposes new West Bank settlement, Upper Nablus, as nucleus of future city, large tracts of land in area reportedly already seized by IDF for military outpost; Israeli police say hundreds of kilos of drugs, especially hashish, have been smuggled from Lebanon since the war; former President Carter receives honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University, says his deep religious belief is that God has ordered and ordained the existence of the state of Israel as a permanent homeland of the Jews, adds that right of Palestinians to have a voice in shaping their destiny is essential; protests in Gaza and West Bank against Carter visit to Gaza, where slogans appear on walls condemning Carter and deposed Mayor Rashad al-Shawa; IDF closes schools in Beit Sahur, Halhul, Yatta and Dheisheh, Bethlehem and Islamic Universities; iron bars thrown at IDF patrol in Ramallah, 1 soldier injured; demonstrations in Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus; curfews imposed on Kalandia, Jalazon, al-Aroub, Ein Beit Alma and Dheisheh camps; settlers fire at protesters near Dura.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem says there will be no political or economic relations with Israel, and no residual Israeli military presence on Lebanese territory.