Occupied Palestine/Israel: French P. M. Jacques Chirac calls for Palestinian self-determination and international peace conference during official visit to Israel...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Total strike in Gaza protests killing of 4 Palestinians 10/6 [FJ 10/11]. Also in Gaza, youths throw stones at Israeli vehicles, burn...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Qalqiliyyah district town of jinsafut, 3 are killed, 20 wounded in clash between Bashir and Nassar families [FJ 10/4]. In Bayt Safafa...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Clerks Union and Finance Ministry sign new wage agreement ending nationwide strike [CSM 9/28]. Palestinian-owned house in 'Isawiyyah...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and...
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: French P. M. Jacques Chirac calls for Palestinian self-determination and international peace conference during official visit to Israel [LAT 11/2]. Numerous demonstrations in Gaza Strip are reported [FJ 11/8]. Israeli cabinet postpones discussion of Landau commission report on Shin Bet methods [NYT 11/2]. Shahir Sa'd, leader of W. Bank Federation of Labor Unions, is banned from crossing into Jordan [Fl 11/8]. Al-Fajr reports Palestinians have been denied work permits by the Saudi embassy in Amman because they are Palestinian graduates of Birzeit University [FJ 11/8]. Israeli military objections com. in Jenin approves Nasir Abu 'Aziz's expulsion order [FJ 11/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At Gaza Strip's jabaliya refugee camp, 1 woman is injured when soldiers fire on student demonstrators [FJ 11/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Total strike in Gaza protests killing of 4 Palestinians 10/6 [FJ 10/11]. Also in Gaza, youths throw stones at Israeli vehicles, burn tires in roads; 5 Israelis are injured by stones thrown at tourist bus [FBIS 10/9]. Trustees of al-Najah, Birzeit, al-Quds, and Islamic universities meet in Nablus [FJ 10/11]. IDF checkpoint outside al-Birah prevents students from attending classes [FJ 10/11]. Representatives of striking employees from Abu Dis College of Science and Technology meet with administration officials [FJ 10/11]. Al-Dustur reports Higher Education Council has approved establishment of 3 new community colleges on W. Bank: 2 in Hebron and 1 in Bethlehem [FBIS 10/9].
Other Countries: Reagan administration drops plan to sell Saudi Arabia Maverick anti-tank missiles in effort togain congressional support for remainder of arms sale package [NYT 10/9]. Washington Jewish Weekly reports U.S. Sen. Lawton Chiles, chairman of Senate Budget Com., is supporting Israeli request to refinance part of its debt [WJW 10/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli warplanes attack Tyre [FBIS 10/9]. Amal and Palestinians exchange machine gun and rocket fire southeast of Sidon. State of alert is declared for Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps in Beirut [FBIS 10/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Qalqiliyyah district town of jinsafut, 3 are killed, 20 wounded in clash between Bashir and Nassar families [FJ 10/4]. In Bayt Safafa south of Jerusalem, 2 unidentified attackers stab a taxi driver [FJ 10/4]. Israeli authorities revoke residence papers of Mubarak 'Awad, Palestinian-American who is director of Jerusalem's Palestine Center for the Study of Nonviolence [NYT 9/29]. Al-Sha'b reports Palestinians from Jenin area have filed protests against Israeli plan to expel 'Abd al-Nasir Abu 'Aziz when he is released after 5-years imprisonment [FJ 10/4]. Bethlehem Water Authority director protests W. Jerusalem decision to connect Bayt Safafa to Israeli water system [FJ 10/4]. Bethlehem Mayor Ilyas Furayj begins visit to U.S. [FJ 10/4]. Israeli officials allow youth clubs in Yatta village and Balata refugee camp to reopen [FJ 10/4].
Other Countries: U.S. releases declassified testimony of National Security Council consultant Michael Ledeen. Ledeen testified that Reagan administration approved Israeli request for original shipment of artillery toIran [WP 9/29]. Letter to Reagan administration from 64 senators opposing U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia is released to public [WP 9/29]. In Los Angeles, Israeli F. M. Shimon Peres states intemational peace conference is still a possibility but time is running out [LAT 9/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Clerks Union and Finance Ministry sign new wage agreement ending nationwide strike [CSM 9/28]. Palestinian-owned house in 'Isawiyyah village north of Jerusalem is demolished by Israeli bulldozers [FJ 10/4].
Arab World: Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah and Saudi government deny allegations published in Washington Post that Saudi Arabia paid Fadlallah $2 million bribe to end bombing attacks on Westem targets [WP 9/28]. Libyan leader Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi receives Abu Musa in Tripoli [FJ 10/4].
Other Countries: Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO's Political Department, holds talks with Egypt's F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid in New York [FJ 10/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew is imposed on Ramallah after student protesters throw stones, molotov cocktail at troops. Curfew also ordered for Balatah and Tulkarm camps [FJ 4/12].
Arab World: Reports charge Jordanian Minister of Occupied Territories Affairs Marwan Dudin was involved in disappearance of funds [FJ 4/12].
Other Countries: Christian Science Monitor reports American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuit challenging use of McCarran-Walter Act in case of 7 Palestinians arrested by INS 1/26 [CSM 4/9]. Israeli F. M. Peres concludes 3 days of talks with Soviet representatives in Rome [NYT 4/10]. King Hussein and members of Jordanian government meet with British P. M. Thatcher to discuss possibility of Middle East peace conference [IN 4/10]. Israeli Pres. Herzog on state visit to W. Germany asks Bonn not to sell submarines to Saudi Arabia [LAT 4/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities impose curfews on 2 towns and 2 refugee camps on W. Bank after demonstrations in support of prison hunger strike [CSM 4/10].
Arab World: Four Israeli helicopters attack PLO positions in 'Ayn al-Hilwah in S. Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 6 [NYT 4/10]. Syrian troops reinforce their posts around Beirut's Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah refugee camps; 47 wounded Palestinians are evacuated from Burj al-Barajinah [NYT, IN 4/10].