PLO pol. dept head Faruq al-Qaddumi says PLO and Arab states must carefully examine the proposal to hold next round of multilateral refugee talks in Tunis. Israel accepted the Tunisian offer,...
Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike for one week after Israeli official promise to begin investigation of their demands 10/12. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/13; MM, WP 10/12)
Chmn. Arafat offers to meet with PM Rabin, a la South Africa's De Klerk and Nelson Mandela, to promote Middle East peace. (London MBC TV 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; MM 7/29)
Discussions begin between Palestinian, Jordanian officials in Amman in advance of upcoming peace talks. Among those participating are members of Jordanian and Palestinian delegations and PLO...
State Dept. announces Secy. of State Baker has sent letters to Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians inviting them to resume fifth round of peace talks 4/27 in Washington and to...
PLO issues statement authorizing participation in multilateral talks in Moscow but only if Palestinians from E. Jerusalem, diaspora are included in delegation. (Radio Monte Carlo 1/26 in FBIS 1/30...
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PLO pol. dept head Faruq al-Qaddumi says PLO and Arab states must carefully examine the proposal to hold next round of multilateral refugee talks in Tunis. Israel accepted the Tunisian offer, which he says is a "U.S. demand" (see 10/22). (SANA 10/31 in FBIS 11/2)
IDF kills Hamas mbr. in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip. Demonstrations erupt throughout Strip. (al-Fajr 11/9)
Lebanese PM-designate Rafiq al-Hariri meets with Pres. Asad, other Syrian officials in Damascus, then returns to Beirut to announce new govt. Chamber of Deputies speaker Nabih Birri criticizes the new cabinet, will travel to Damascus for consultations. (Radio Lebanon, VOL 10/31 in FBIS 11/2)
Hizballah mbr. is killed after exploding a roadside bomb near SLA patrol inside "security zone." Israel shells villages north of "security zone." (Qol Yisra'el 10/31, Voice of the Oppressed 11/1 in FBIS 11/3)
In interview with Middle East Insight magazine, Pres. candidate Bill Clinton says Arab states should end boycott against Israel. (WT 11/12)
Bilateral talks in Washington adjourn until 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)
Two-day multilateral conference on economics opens in Paris, with World Bank suggesting establishment of Middle East reconstruction bank modeled on similar European bank. Dr. Fayiz al-Tarawina, head of the Jordanian delegation, says the Arab states will reject any joint projects with Israel before withdrawal from the o.t. Syria and Lebanon boycott, London-based businessman Zayn Mi'asi heads the Palestinian team, and Bank of Israel gov. Ya'akov Frenkel heads the Israeli delegation. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29; MM 10/30)
Chmn. Arafat sends Madrid conf. anniversary messages to leaders of U.S., Russia, China, France, Japan, Austria, Great Britain and Sweden urging them to help remove Israeli obstacles to progress in peace talks. (Akhbar al-Usbu' 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)
Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Hani al-Hassan issues statement praising Saudi Arabia's support of the Palestinian cause and the kingdom's treatment of its Palestinian community. (Saudi Arabian TV 10/29 in FBIS 10/30)
King Hassan of Morocco meets with Pres. Asad in Damascus. (MM 10/30)
Israel shells Iqlim al-Tuffah, western Biqa' regions, overflies Sidon and surrounding refugee camps. SLA soldier is wounded in bomb attack north of "security zone," southern Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)
Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike for one week after Israeli official promise to begin investigation of their demands 10/12. (ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/13; MM, WP 10/12)
Palestinian delegation head Faisal Husseini "rejects" conditions Israel is trying to place on Palestinians participating in multilateral negotiations (see 10/8). (al-Quds 10/12 in FBIS 10/14)
Hamas announces it will meet with PLO Chmn. Arafat in Khartoum 11/10 in attempt to curtail intra-Palestinian violence. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 10/12 in FBIS 10/19)
Israeli visiting a Gaza settlement is killed by unidentified assailant; IDF troops kills 2, wound 40 in clash with stonethrowers in Nusayrat camp, Gaza. Curfew clamped on Gaza City, Khan Yunis, Rafah, and 3 camps in the Strip. (MM, WP 10/12; ITV 10/11 in FBIS 10/13)
IDF shoots, kills 2 infiltrators from Jordan, armed with knives, north of Jericho. Jordanian sourcesay the 2 were 17-year-old Palestinians from Hebron living in Amman. (MM 10/12; Qol Yisra'el, RMC 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)
U.S. officials elaborate on acting Secy. of State Eagleburger's 10/1 letter to American Jewish leaders announcing new efforts to end Arab boycott against Israel, saying U.S. ambs. in the Middle East (mostly in the Gulf ) have-been instructed to encourage Arab govts. to make gestures that could boost the peace process (see 9/24, 10/1). (WP 10/12)
Over 80 PNC mbrs. living in Amman sign memo to PLO Central Council supporting the intifada, the delegation and negotiation process, and resolutions of the 19th PNC, and calling for Palestinian and Arab unity in the peace process. (Sawt al-Sha'b 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)
Chmn. Arafat offers to meet with PM Rabin, a la South Africa's De Klerk and Nelson Mandela, to promote Middle East peace. (London MBC TV 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; MM 7/29)
FM Shimon Peres meets with Russian for. min. Middle East head Viktor Posuvalyuk, who later meets with Hanan Ashrawi. (Qol Yisra'el 7/28 in FBIS 7/30)
Under increasing pressure, Israel agrees to allow U.S. investigators to question Brig. Gen. Rami Dotan and others who diverted $40 million of U.S. aid for unauthorized purposes. Justice and Def. Dept. do not wholly believe that Dotan and others were acting solely in their own interests, implying that the govt. of Israel may be implicated in the fraud, which would constitute a default on Israel's aid agreements with the U.S. Another conspirator, Harold Katz, will be questioned also on his connections to Jonathan Pollard (see 6/11, 722). (WP 7/29)
West Bank towns of Nablus and al-Kabatiyya join Janin in commercial strike (see 7/27). (MM 7/28)
FM Shimon Peres and the U.S. State Dept.'s Richard Arnitage announce joint assistance project for 5 former Soviet Muslim republics. (Davar 7/30 in FBIS 7/31; MM 7/29)
Discussions begin between Palestinian, Jordanian officials in Amman in advance of upcoming peace talks. Among those participating are members of Jordanian and Palestinian delegations and PLO officials. (al-Ray 4/23, Radio Monte Carlo 4/23 in FBIS 4/24)
Israel prevents Muhammad 'Abd al-Fattah al-Hawrani, member of steering committee of Palestinian delegation, from crossing into Jordan from o.t. to join rest of Palestinian delegation [al-Hawrani had earlier been arrested and released by occupation authorities. See 2/17, 3/10]. (NYT 4/25)
IDF launches investigation into 4/21 shooting of 2 youths in Dura, W. Bank [2 Israelis who witnessed the event contradicted IDF's version of what occurred; see 4/21]. (MM 4/23)
Syrian television broadcasts report suggesting Syrian Jews will be able to emigrate to U.S. under aegis of family reunification, a move Pres. Asad already announced to a delegation of Syrian Jewish leaders [see 4/13]. Move is interpreted as possible Syrian concession on eve of Middle East peace talks. (MM 4/27; JP 5/2)
Press reports emerge detailing how Syria asked Israel, through a third party, to allow a helicopter to ferry supplies across Israeli lines in Golan to a Syrian military unit stranded on Mt. Hermon [Jabal al-Shaykh] by a snowstorm last winter. Israel agreed to the request, and allowed the helicopter to fly along a course designated by Israeli authorities. (MM 4/23, 4/27)
State Dept. announces Secy. of State Baker has sent letters to Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians inviting them to resume fifth round of peace talks 4/27 in Washington and to make a commitment to moving the negotiations to a venue closer to Middle East. (WP 3/31)
Israel's Palestinian citizens mark annual commemoration of Land Day with a "national holiday" instead of the traditional protests and strikes. Rally is staged in Ramiya, a village which the government does not officially recognize and whose inhabitants face eviction [see 3/22]. Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) organizes Land Day strikes in Gaza, but security forces curfew most areas. (MM 3/30)
EC "troika" arrives in Amman for discussions with Jordanian, PLO officials on peace talks, upcoming multilateral economic talks. (Radio Jordan 3/31 in FBIS 4/1)
PFLP, DFLP-Hawatima faction, Palestine Liberation Front, and Palestinian Popular Struggle Front issue statement in Damascus confirming their support for 1988 Palestine National Council decision calling for confederation between Jordan and an independent Palestinian state. (Radio Monte Carlo 3/30 in FBIS 3/31)
Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan is released from prison [see 3/291. (MM 3/31)
PLO issues statement authorizing participation in multilateral talks in Moscow but only if Palestinians from E. Jerusalem, diaspora are included in delegation. (Radio Monte Carlo 1/26 in FBIS 1/30; MM 1/27)
PFLP-GC, DFLP, PPSF, PLF, Fateh-Uprising [Abu Musa], al-Sa'iqa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad in Palestine, Palestinian Revolutionary Communist Party meet in Damascus to urge Arab boycott of Moscow talks. PFLP was reported ready to attend, but decided not to. DFLP abstains from signing communique issued by the meeting. (al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 1/26 in FBIS 1/27; MM 1/27)
PM Shamir rules out any freeze on settlement activity aspart of compromise to obtain U.S. loan guarantees. (WP 1/27)
Delegation of American Jewish leaders which has been touring Middle East holds press conference in Israel, states that U.S. decision to provide loan guarantees to Israel is dependent upon freeze in settlement activity. (MM 1/27)
Seven-hour battle near Bayt Layf, inside "security zone," leaves one IDF soldier, two Islamic Resistance Movement fighters dead. IDF artillery afterwards shells numerous villages in s. Lebanon. (NYT, MM 1/27; Ha'Aretz 1/27 in FBIS 1/29)