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  • November 18, 2021

    In the West Bank, Israeli settlers and Israeli forces prevented Palestinian farmers from working their lands in at-Tabaqa. Israeli forces fired tear gas at Palestinian pupils heading to a school...

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  • January 25, 1995

    Arafat arrives in Amman for talks Palestinian-Jordanian relations with King Hussein. (JTV, RJ 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

    PM Rabin's new settlement construction review comm. approves plan to build...

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  • July 1, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court orders investigation into Shin Bet affair, gives government 14 days to explain why it did not carry out police...

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  • May 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 25 Jewish terror suspects formally charged with membership in "terrorist organization"; suspects names remain secret. Musrara...

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  • May 21, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former Stern Gang leader PM Shamir publicly denounces terrorism by Jewish settlers, and tells Knesset Israeli gov't. will not surrender...

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  • March 7, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Police discover huge cache of weapons, including 107 grenades, 80 loaded magazines, mines, anti-tank bazooka shells and several dozen...

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In the West Bank, Israeli settlers and Israeli forces prevented Palestinian farmers from working their lands in at-Tabaqa. Israeli forces fired tear gas at Palestinian pupils heading to a school in al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya, for the 3d day in a row, injuring dozens with tear gas. 11 Palestinians were arrested during late-night raids in Bethlehem and Ya‘bad. In East Jerusalem, Israeli forces violently dispersed Palestinian protesters in Isawiya, causing tear-gas related injuries and arresting 1 minor. Israeli forces also violently dispersed Palestinian protesters in Silwan during a raid, causing tear-gas related injuries. (WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 11/18; PCHR 11/25)

1 Palestinian prisoner ended his hunger strike to protest his administrative detention after 103 days as Israel and his attorney entered an agreement to end his detention. (WAFA 11/18)

Israeli sources said that Israel retroactively edited an intelligence file about al-Jalaa high rise in Gaza, that Israel bombed in May, before handing the file to the U.S. The edited file was given to the U.S. after it demanded a justification for the bombing of the building that housed media offices for the AP and Al Jazeera. (HA 11/18)

Israel’s defense minister Benny Gantz said, during a meeting, that settler violence against Palestinians is “a grave phenomenon” and must be “uproot[ed].” Defense Minister Gantz was speaking after being presented with data of recent settler attacks on Palestinians during the olive harvest season. The data showed an increase of around 150% in settler violence against Palestinians compared to 2 years ago. (HA 11/19; GDN 11/28 WP 11/29)

Israel’s prime minister Naftali Bennett spoke with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan after Turkey released 2 Israelis it had detained for 1 week for taking pictures of the presidential palace. The call between the 2 was the 1st between President Erdoğan and an Israeli prime minister since 2013. Erdoğan also spoke with Israel’s president Isaac Herzog. (AJ, TOI 11/18)

The Middle East Quartet released a statement after an in-person meeting in Oslo, calling for alleviating the PA fiscal crisis, easing access of people and goods coming in and out of Gaza, and curbing Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The Quartet envoys also urged respect for civil society groups, hinting criticism at Israel’s decision to designate 6 Palestinian rights groups as terrorist organizations. (WAFA, WAFA 11/18; AP, HA, MEMO 11/19)

The 2d committee of the UNGA passed a draft resolution reaffirming the rights of the Palestinian people over their natural resources in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem and the Arab population in the occupied Golan Heights. 157 voted in favor, 14 abstained, and 7 voted against, including Canada, Israel, and the U.S. (WAFA 11/18; MEMO, MEMO 11/19; WAFA 11/20)

Arafat arrives in Amman for talks Palestinian-Jordanian relations with King Hussein. (JTV, RJ 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

PM Rabin's new settlement construction review comm. approves plan to build more than 3,000 units, sell around 1,000 for 20,000 new settlers in 3 settlements surrounding Jerusalem. Housing M Ben-Eliezer says decision strengthens Israel's claim to Jerusalem. PA warns Rabin is jeopardizing talks. (QY 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/26; QY 1/26 in FBIS 1/26; JP 1/28; WP 1/31; MEI 2/3)

Settlers complain Rabin, his comm. did not approve construction of 2,700 of the units submitted for review. Finance M Avaraham Shohat, a comm. mbr., defends Rabin, saying current government has far outpaced the Likud's rate settlement expansion fr. 1979-92. (NYT, WP, WT 1/26)

Syrian VP Khaddam meets with delegation fr. 7 Jordanian opposition parties to discuss formation of united Arab front. (SARR 1/25, 1/26, SATV 1/26, SARR 1/27 in FBIS 1/31)

Arafat, PM Rabin each welcome Clinton's freeze on assets to prevent terrorism. (QY 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; IDF Radio 1/25 in FBIS 1/26)

Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP, Hizballah each issue statement criticizing Clinton's freeze on U.S. assets, saying freeze is meaningless since they have no U.S. holdings. (MM 1/25; VOL 1/25 in FBIS 1/31; WP 1/26) (see 1/24)

UNRWA announces it has received $20 m. donation fr. Saudi Arabia for infrastructure, job creation in Gaza, plus $7.5 m. for Palestinian policemen's salaries (to be paid through UNRWA). (UNRWA News 1/25)

U.S. says it is unhappy with Egypt's threat to withdraw fr. NPT; says it will not pressure Israel to sign NPT; reprimands Egypt for signing "anti-Israeli" communiqué that followed fr. mtg. with King Fahd, Pres. al-Asad 12/29. (WP 1/26)

Palestinian police say they have arrested 20 mbrs. of Islamic Jihad, incl. the group's chief idealogue, Abdallah al-Shami; IDF says it has arrested over 100 Palestinians in West Bank on charges of inciting anti-Israel fervor since bombing 1/22. (NYT 1/26)

IDF, SLA air and ground forces attack Hizballah north of self-declared security zone. Hizballah unit ambushes IDF patrol, killing 1, wounding 1. IDF kills 3 attackers, strafes Hizballah positions. Hizballah shells IDF, SLA positions in return. IDF puts forces in northern Israel on high alert. (RL 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; VOL 1/25 in FBIS 1/27; MM, WP 1/26; MEI 2/17)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court orders investigation into Shin Bet affair, gives government 14 days to explain why it did not carry out police investigation into Shin Bet killings of April 1984 and why investigation should not be held, gives former Shin Bet chief Shalom and his 3 still unnamed deputies 7 days to explain why they asked for amnesty [NYT, PI 7/2]. Israeli High Court rejects government motion to dismiss challenges to its handling of scandal and orders 10 respondents to submit new affidavits within 14 days [LAT 7/2]. In letter to Israeli President Herzog, offered as evidence in High Court, Shalom says, "My activities were carried out on authority and with permission to maintain the security of the state and to prevent disclosure of its most guarded secrets" [LT 7/2]. Shalom is quoted in today's Ha'Aretz as saying Yitzhak Shamir (at the time prime minister) had given him authorization to kill any "terrorists" who took hostages [NYT 7/2]. Forty-six Arab municipal councils in Israel go on strike over discriminatory Israeli budget policy [FJ 7/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 25 Jewish terror suspects formally charged with membership in "terrorist organization"; suspects names remain secret. Musrara shopkeepers strike, Arab Chamber of Commerce (Jerusalem) meet to protest Israeli VAT collections, illegal under international law. West Bank military coordinator meets with Bethlehem & Beit Sahour mayors. Liberal Party votes to continue 19-yr.-old alliance with Herut.

Other Countries: At American Jewish Press Association conference US Sec. of Defense Weinberger reveals US Navy purchased Israeli-made pilotless planes. [Both US Navy and Air Force have own drone development programs and 10 US companies produce them.] US State Dep't. spokesman says Reagan admin. asked Congress to defer action on proposed 8,000-man Gulf strike force based in Jordan. US embassy in Colombo reports Sri Lanka [having severed relations with Israel in 1970] to allow limited Israeli presence there to train Sri Lankan counter-insurgency forces.

Military Action: Occupied Palestine/Israel:

Police raid several Ramallah shops, fining or closing them for lack of license.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former Stern Gang leader PM Shamir publicly denounces terrorism by Jewish settlers, and tells Knesset Israeli gov't. will not surrender its sovereignty over West Bank, but is ready to talk peace with any Arab leader. Reiterating that Israel considers Camp David only formula for settlement, PM Shamir rejects Chrmn. Arafat's call for peace conference under UN auspices.

Arab World: Lebanese amb. to Libya Farhat [dismissed by Libya when his gov't. signed agreement with Israel May 17, 1983] returns to his post. Egypt's FM Hassan Ali summons Israeli amb. Sassoon to protest Israel's "inhuman and illegal practices in occupied Arab territories".

Other Countries: In UN Security Council session, Zehdi Terzi accuses Israel of killing or wounding 60 refugees in its recent attack on Ain al-Hilweh camp, S. Lebanon. In effort to monitor Arab influence in US, American Jewish Congress pres. Mann announces nationwide push for legislation compelling colleges & universities to report sources of grants over $100,000 a year. Meeting with Israel's Science Minister, Thai Science Min. Lathopitat says he wants stronger industrial ties with Israel. After rash of complaints, British mail order house Freemans issues apology after accidentally shipping Israeli-made bras to Abu Dhabi.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: EL-OP unveils new ship-board air defense system Spirtas. Military court sentences 7 Nablus men charged with murder of Hebron settler; 4 get life, 3 get 20-25 years.

Arab World: 2 Katyushas fall in IDF-occupied territory near Ba'loul, east of Lake Karoun.


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Police discover huge cache of weapons, including 107 grenades, 80 loaded magazines, mines, anti-tank bazooka shells and several dozen kilos of explosives in evacuated Palestinian village of Lifta near Jerusalem; suspected to be linked with "TNT" cells. MK Tsaban's motion to establish a committee of inquiry into the invasion of Lebanon defeated in Knesset vote (42-33). PM Shamir accuses Egypt of "tretreating from the Camp David framework, " citing Egypt's failure to return its ambassador to Israel. MK Rabin says PLO operations against Israel were "child's play" compared to Shi'ite "terror" against IDF in S. Lebanon. Chief of Staff Levy tells Foreign Affairs & Defense Com. 2,000 [Palestinian] "terrorists" have returned to Beirut, and IDF withdrawal from S. Lebanon would not guarantee Israel secure borders. 4 American-Israeli youths arrested for last Sunday's attack on Arab bus near Ramallah. 5 Galilee Palestinians arrested on prima facie evidence of membership in religiousnationalist organization that may have set fire to 30 vehicles in recent months. Nablus mayor Shaka'a rejects military authorities' conditions placed on his travel permit to US.

Other Countries: US amb. to OAS Middendorf affirms US and Israel have mutual strategic interests in Central America where a battle is being waged by "atheistic Communism to destroy our 'Judeo-Christian civilization'." "Moral Majority" leader Jerry Falwell reaffirms support for Israel before group at Herzl Institute, NY, stating Israel's best friends in US are "Bible-believing Christians" and US should not have interrupted Israel's "liberation" of Lebanon from Syrian and PLO "slavery." Rev. Jesse Jackson's US presidential campaign staff compile evidence of "hounding" by some Jewish-American organizations.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Israelis killed and 9 wounded in booby-trapped bomb explosion on bus near Ashdod; Abu Nidal's PDFLP-GC in Damascus claims responsibility; 150 Arab men rounded up as suspects.