7 / 15500 Results
  • November 1, 1995

    DFLP, Fatah, PFLP, PPSF, FIDA, PPP, Arab Liberation Front form permanent committee on Jerusalem to pressure Pres. Clinton to block embassy move. (VOP 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

    In Ramallah, settler...

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  • August 1, 1995

    Jordan's King Hussein makes 1-day trip to Egypt to discuss bilateral relations, regional issues, developments in peace process with Pres. Mubarak. (MENA, RJ 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; MENA, RE 8/1 in FBIS 8...

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  • July 5, 1995

    FM Peres says 7/4 agmt. calls for phased Israeli pullout fr. West Bank over 2 yrs, starting with 4 towns (Jenin, Nablus, Qalqiliyya, Tulkarm), adding Ramallah, Bethlehem after bypass roads are...

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  • April 6, 1995

    Jordan's 1st amb. to Israel, Marwan Muasher, arrives in Tel Aviv to assume his duties. Israel's 1st amb.to Jordan, Shimon Shamir, arrives in Amman to take his post. (MM, WT 4/6; RJ, JT 4/6 in FBIS...

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  • March 26, 1995

    PA-Israeli delegations meet in Jericho to discuss next official round of negotiations on elections, redeployment scheduled for 3/28-29 in Cairo. Parties say sides are still divided but talks are...

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  • February 28, 1995

    Commenting on upcoming visit to the region by U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad warns he would make no concessions to Israel; criticizes Jordan, PLO for signing separate...

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  • January 9, 1995

    Arafat, PM Rabin meet at Erez checkpoint; agree on recognition of Palestinian passports, release of prisoners, routes linking autonomous areas. Men over 50, women over 35 will begin using safe-...

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DFLP, Fatah, PFLP, PPSF, FIDA, PPP, Arab Liberation Front form permanent committee on Jerusalem to pressure Pres. Clinton to block embassy move. (VOP 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

In Ramallah, settler rabbi is shot, seriously wounded when his car is ambushed. DFLP claims responsibility. IDF closes Jericho area. (AFP, QY, VOP 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; CSM 11/2)

In retaliation for Islamic Jihad leader Shiqaqi's assassination 10/26, Hizballah strikes IDF, SLA convoy in s. Lebanon, killing 2 SLA mbrs, wounding 3 SLA mbrs and 5 IDF soldiers. Meanwhile, 40,000 mourners attend Shiqaqi's funeral in Damascus; 1,000s more hold memorial rally in Tehran. (MM 11/1; QY 11/1 in FBIS 11/1; QPAR, RMC, SANA, SARR 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/2)

Jordan's King Hussein makes 1-day trip to Egypt to discuss bilateral relations, regional issues, developments in peace process with Pres. Mubarak. (MENA, RJ 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; MENA, RE 8/1 in FBIS 8/2)

In preparation for redeployment, IDF announces plans to build 12.4-mi. fence btwn. Tulkarm, Qalqiliyya, along the "seamline," which they say is "approximately" the Green Line. (MM 8/2)

PM Rabin inaugurates West Bank north-south road that allows settlers to bypass Jericho. (MM 8/1)

Israeli police, soldiers clear 200 settlers fr. Beit El encampment, arrest 100. All of those arrested 7/31, 8/1 are quickly released. (QY 8/1 in FBIS 8/2; NYT, WT 8/2)

FM Peres says 7/4 agmt. calls for phased Israeli pullout fr. West Bank over 2 yrs, starting with 4 towns (Jenin, Nablus, Qalqiliyya, Tulkarm), adding Ramallah, Bethlehem after bypass roads are built; elections to be held end of 1995. PA official says initial pullout will begin 4 wks after agmt. is signed, end 25 days before elections. IDF would temporarily pullout of Bethlehem, Hebron, Ramallah during voting. PLO will amend charter. Peres warns 7/25 date for signing agmt. might be delayed several wks. Israel's Savir, PA's Qurai` meet in Jerusalem to compose subcomms. to address individual issues. (MM 7/5; HA, VOP 7/5 in FBIS 7/6; WP, WSJ, WT 7/6; PR 7/9) (see 6/27)

In Cairo, technical comm. on Palestinian refugees opens 2d mtg. (MENA 7/4 in FBIS 7/5)=

Arafat, UN Sec. Gen. Butros Butros Ghali meet in Jericho to discuss international presence, joint Israeli-PA patrols in West Bank during interim phase, possibility of Arafat speaking at UN's 50th anniversary conference. (VOP 7/6 in FBIS 7/7)

Addressing the Israeli-American Chamber of Commerce in Tel Aviv, U.S. Amb. to Israel Indyk demands Israel abolish import barriers that discriminate against U.S. imports; notes that, while the U.S. gives Israel $3 b./yr. in loans, grants, $10 b./5 yrs in loan guarantees as incentive to by U.S. products, Israel last yr. ran $1-b. trade surplus with the U.S. and a $7.5-b. trade deficit with the EU. (MM, WSJ 7/6; MM 8/2)

In protest over 7/4 agmt., Jewish settlers begin work on new 600 unit West Bank settlement 6 miles w. of Ramallah. (WT 7/6)

100s of women march in Ramallah, demanding Israel free Palestinian prisoners. Clashes erupt with Israeli border police. (WP 7/6)

Israeli Dep. FM Beilin arrives in Russia for talks aimed at dissuading Russia fr. concluding nuclear arms deal with Iran. (QY 7/5 in FBIS 7/6)

Jordan's 1st amb. to Israel, Marwan Muasher, arrives in Tel Aviv to assume his duties. Israel's 1st amb.to Jordan, Shimon Shamir, arrives in Amman to take his post. (MM, WT 4/6; RJ, JT 4/6 in FBIS 4/6; JP 4/15; WJW 4/20)

U.S. envoy Ross arrives in Israel for brief shuttle btwn. Israel, Syria; meets with PM Rabin, military Chief of Staff Shahak, senior IDF officials to discuss security arrangements within framework of agmt. with Syria. Israelis present demand for 1:9 geographical ratio for demilitarized zones. Ross will transmit Israeli suggestions, concerns to Syria 4/7. (MM 4/6; IDF Radio 4/7 in FBIS 4/7; MA 4/7 in FBIS 4/10)

Israeli, Egyptian FMs meet in Paris to try to solve NPT conflict . Egypt says it is willing to sign a ban on chemical weapons in exchange but no final compromise is reached. Sides agree to continue discussions within Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control, upgrade working group talks to FM level. (WP 4/5; CSM 4/6; MBC, MENA 4/6 in FBIS 4/7; HA 4/19 in FBIS 4/20)

Israeli Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer says he will present plan to ministerial comm. for additional 5,600 homes beyond Green Line, incl. 1,300 units in Matityahu settlement, 3,000 units in Ma'ale Adumim, finishing work on 800 units in Giva'at Ze'ev. (MM 4/7; QY 4/6, JP 4/7 in FBIS 4/7)

Arafat decides to replace editorial board of Jericho-based al-Aqsa newspaper with journalists who are Fatah mbrs. Decision is criticized as interference with freedom of press. (ITV 4/6 in FBIS 4/7)

Congressional hearings open on Clinton's Omnibus Counterterrorism Bill to speed deportation of illegal immigrants suspected of terrorism, prohibit fundraising for organizations the pres. deems dangerous, grant FBI broader authority to investigate, order wiretaps. Arab-American, Muslim groups protest bill, fearing it will be used to discriminate against them, curb legitimate fundraising. (WP 4/7)

Bomb explodes on Gaza border as IDF foot patrol passes, wounding 1 soldier. No one claims responsibility. (JP 4/6 in FBIS 4/7; NYT 4/7)

PA-Israeli delegations meet in Jericho to discuss next official round of negotiations on elections, redeployment scheduled for 3/28-29 in Cairo. Parties say sides are still divided but talks are reaching a "practical stage," esp. on makeup of observer teams. (IDF Radio, VOP 3/26 in FBIS 3/27; MM 3/29)

Israeli FM Peres tells press "several" Jewish settlements in Gaza, West Bank will have to be removed as Israeli authority is replaced by Palestinian self-rule. Statement provokes outrage of Likud, settler groups. (Sunday Times of London 3/26 in FBIS 3/28)

3 alleged Hamas mbrs. cross into Gaza fr. Egypt nr. Rafah checkpoint. IDF captures 1; 2 others escape into PA territory. (QY 3/26, 3/27 in FBIS 3/27)

Commenting on upcoming visit to the region by U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad warns he would make no concessions to Israel; criticizes Jordan, PLO for signing separate agmts., not remaining united. (WT 3/1)

CNN says it has been briefed on secret Syrian-Israeli talks by Syrian official (rumors say Amb. to U.S. Walid Mu`allim), who claims Syria has foregone demands for symmetrical demilitarized zones, will exchange embassies. Israelis, Syrians deny report, but Israel's Amb. Itamar Rabinovitch says it "has all the markings of a Syrian plant." (HA, QY, RMC 3/2 in FBIS 3/2)

2d mtg. of donor country's Local Aid Coordination Committee (LACC) is held in Jericho. (VOP 2/28 in FBIS 3/1; VOP 3/1 in FBIS 3/2)

At request of PA, Arab states, UNSC debates Israeli settlement activity but refuses to adopt a resolution or council statement. (QY 2/28 in FBIS 3/1; VOP 3/2 in FBIS 3/3; MM 5/2)

PA Justice M Frayh Abu-Midyan says PA military court will try 17 alleged collaborators over next mo. Hamas urges executions. (QY 3/1 in FBIS 3/1)

Rabin government wins no-confidence vote filed 2/20 by vote of 59 to 48 with Shas voting with the opposition. (QY 2/27 in FBIS 2/28; MM 3/7)

IDF wounds 16 Palestinians in clash in Hebron. (VOP 2/28 in FBIS 2/28)

U.S. renews travel ban on Lebanon for 6 mos. (MM 3/1; RL 3/1 in FBIS 3/1; RL 3/1 in FBIS 3/2; MEI 4/14; MEI 4/28)

Arafat, PM Rabin meet at Erez checkpoint; agree on recognition of Palestinian passports, release of prisoners, routes linking autonomous areas. Men over 50, women over 35 will begin using safe-passage routes. (MM 1/9; AFP, QY, VOP 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; NYT, WP, WT 1/10; CSM 1/12; PR 1/15; MEI 2/3) (see 1/6)

Israeli-PA talks on procedures and mechanisms for elections, expanding self-rule reopen in Cairo. Parties defer discussion on redeployment, review events of previous 8 mtgs. (MM 1/9; MENA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/10; RE 1/9, MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/11)

PA holds conference on settlements in Jericho. Participants, incl. 4 PA mbrs. and Hamas mbrs., call on PA to suspend talks, step up protests, reconsider peace process in light of Israeli settlement violations. (MM 1/9; QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; NYT 1/10; Al-Quds 1/10, QY 1/11 in FBIS 1/11; CSM 1/12; PR 1/15)

PA, German officials meet in East Jerusalem to discuss development projects. Israeli FMin. complains it did not receive prior notice of mtg. (QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10) (see 12/26)

U.S. Defense Secy. Perry receives briefing on Golan fr. IDF, say U.S. anticipates being asked to provide monitors for the area (as opposed to security forces). (MM 1/9; AFP, JP, QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; WP, WT 1/10; CSM 1/11; MEI 1/20; JP 1/21)

Poll released by Center for Palestine Research Studies shows that majority of Palestinians favor suspending (31.5%) or completely halting (20.6%) talks with Israel. (MM 1/9)

HA reports Iraq is ready to recognize Israel since Israel has reconciled with PLO, has asked Morocco to mediate; claims Iraqi official Ismat Katani visited senior FMin. official Yitzhak Lior in Israel. Lior admits mtg. took place but says Israeli-Iraqi relations were not discussed. (HA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/10)

Rigged donkey cart explodes in Gaza as bus of Jewish settlers passes. No injuries, no one takes responsibility. (NYT, WT 1/10)