Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres survives no-confidence motion and wins Knesset approval for 7-point peace plan recently offered at the UN; vote is 68-10 in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres survives no-confidence motion and wins Knesset approval for 7-point peace plan recently offered at the UN; vote is 68-10 in...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview, US Ambassador Samuel Lewis states Cabinet Min. Ariel Sharon briefed US special envoy Philip Habib on IDF plans to drive...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Udi Adiv, former Matzpen member convicted in 1972 of spying for Syria, released from Ramle prison [MG 5/15].
Arab World: In Amman...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Affidavit submitted by Jewish underground defendant Menachem Livni states at least 7 rabbis were consulted, informed of group's...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF release 37 of more than 1,100 Lebanese and Palestinians transferred 4/2 from Ansar prison camp [BG 4/19]. Convicted Jewish...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem court convicts David Ben-Shimol of murder in 10/28/84 rocket attack on Palestinian bus near Jerusalem, 9/22/84 grenade attack...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Foreign Min. official David Kimche summons diplomats from UNIFIL, UN Sec. Council nations for explanation of recent anti-resistance...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any...
Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat objects to portions of Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals; states talks must take place under UN supervision, PLO appointments...
Arab World: PLO exec. committee endorses 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord with changes: reiterates opposition to UN Sec. Council Resolution 242; reiterates that...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres survives no-confidence motion and wins Knesset approval for 7-point peace plan recently offered at the UN; vote is 68-10 in support of Peres' initiative to Jordan [NYT, WP 10/29]. Israeli military issues deportation orders against 4 Palestinians for alleged "subversive political activity": 'Ali Abu Hilal, from Abu Dis, and Dr. 'Azmi Shu'aybi, from al-Bireh, both charged with membership in the DFLP; and Hasan Faraje, from Dheisheh camp, and Zaki Abu Stita, from Jabalya camp in the Gaza Strip, both charged with membership in the PFLP [LT 10/29]. The 4 will appear before an advisory board this week, where they can appeal the orders [JP 10/29].
Arab World: Yasir Arafat and King Hussein, accompanied by aides, meet for several hours, discuss strains in their relationship, schedule more talks for tomorrow [NYT, WP 10/29].
Other Countries: Jewish Telegraph Agency reports representatives of international Jewish organizations for the first time officially met 2 Chinese govt. agency officials in Peking recently [JTA 10/29].
Military Action
Arab World: SLA militiamen kill 3 unidentified gunmen near SLA position near village of 'Aysha in security zone [JP 10/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to protest brutal actions by guards. Mothers and relatives of Asqalan prisoners continue their hunger strike at the Gaza Red Cross office; Israeli army threatens to disband their sit-in strike by force [FJ 10/4]. Al-Fajr daily prints obituary for Lt. Col. Muhammad al-Ghoul, the chief of security for the Tunis headquarters of the PLO killed in the 10/1 raid. Other reports mention death of Abu al-Tayyib, leader of Force 17, Arafat's bodyguard unit [BG 10/5].
Arab World: Tunisian civilians killed in 10/1 Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis have been quietly buried to avoid anti-American backlash, Tunis announces; 60 died in the raid, including 12 Tunisian civilians [WP 10/5]. Tunisian police are deployed to prevent opposition parties from marching on the U.S. embassy [FT 10/5].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council passes, by vote of 14-0 (with the U.S. abstaining), resolution condemning Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, urging member countries to "take measures to dissuade Israel from resorting to such acts," stating Tunisia's right to reparations. PLO rep. to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi accuses U.S. of "collusion" in the raid [LAT 10/5; NYT 10/6]. Two Palestinians and 1 Briton accused of the 9/25 murder of 3 Israelis in Lamaca appear before Cyprus court. Israel says the 3 are members of Fateh's Force 17, but Force 17 officials in Tunis deny they ordered the executions [DT 10/4]. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev states Russia may reestablish diplomatic ties with Israel if there is movement toward overall settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict [TS 10/5]. State Dept. announces MK Meir Kahane's U.S. citizenship has been revoked because of his membership in the Israeli Knesset [WP 10/5; JP 10/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of an Israeli, Haim Falah, who had been shot in the head, is found in the Galilee [MG 10/7]. Anonymous caller phones Western news agency in Jerusalem and claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh's Force 17 for killing 2 other Israelis near Jerusalem; their bodies have not yet been found [MG 10/7].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad organization delivers message and Polaroid photo to 2 Beirut newspapers stating they have executed William Buckley, political officer at the U. S. embassy held hostage since March 1984, in retaliation for Israel's 10/1 air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, in which they said the U.S. was involved. Buckley's body has not been found, and the claim is unconfirmed [LAT 10/4; LT 10/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview, US Ambassador Samuel Lewis states Cabinet Min. Ariel Sharon briefed US special envoy Philip Habib on IDF plans to drive PLO from Lebanon months before actual invasion [WP 5/24]. Police arrest Musa Adawi [released 5/20 during prisoner exchange] for "incitement" [JP 5/27].
Arab World: Syria accuses Chmn. Arafat of provoking Shi'ite-Palestinian battle in Beirut [NYT 5/23]. In Amman, Chmn. Arafat calls for intervention of UN Sec. Council in Beirut fighting [LT 5/23]. Fateh Deputy-in-Command Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) asserts Israel, PLO negotiating another release of Palestinian prisoners in return for bodies of IDF soldiers killed in Lebanon [FT 5/23].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Palestinian fighters fire Katyusha rockets into Shi'ite areas S. of Beirut to relieve Amal's seige of Palestinian camps in Beirut; 34 killed in continuing battle [NYT 5/23, 24]. Shi'ite forces storm Gaza Hospital in Shatila camp, kill 25 patients [LT 5/26, NYT 5/27]. IDF evacuate Kafr Huna, Rihan, Mashghara, 'Aisheh, Farara [JP 5/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Udi Adiv, former Matzpen member convicted in 1972 of spying for Syria, released from Ramle prison [MG 5/15].
Arab World: In Amman, Chmn. Arafat states he would endorse UN Sec. Council Res. 242 if US endorses Palestinian "self-determination" [WP 5/15].
Military Action
Arab World: IDF issue identity cards to residents of S. Lebanon "security zone" who request them [LAT 5/16]. IDF report resistance fighters fire from S. Lebanon across border at IDF ambulance; later retract report to avoid panic in N. Israeli towns [WSJ 5/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Affidavit submitted by Jewish underground defendant Menachem Livni states at least 7 rabbis were consulted, informed of group's terrorist activities, including settlement leader Moshe Levinger, former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, and MK Eliezer Waldman [JP 5/2].
Arab World: PLO Exec. Comm. Mbr. 'Abd al-Razzaq Yahya indicates Fateh would endorse UN Sec. Council Res. 242 if US recognizes Palestinians' right to self-determination [CSM, PI 5/2].
Other Countries: In Washington, Aerospace Daily reports Irael has deployed Jericho II nuclear-armed missiles in Negev, Golan [JP 5/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Stones injure 2 on Israeli bus near Arroub camp; one passenger fires at nearby taxi, wounds occupant [JP 5/2].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 4 resistance fighters near Rihan [NYT 5/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF release 37 of more than 1,100 Lebanese and Palestinians transferred 4/2 from Ansar prison camp [BG 4/19]. Convicted Jewish underground defendants Uri Maier, Dan Be'eri, Yossi Edri sentenced to terms ranging from 25 mos. to 3 yrs. [JP 4/19]. High Court orders Defense Ministry to explain absence of appeals court system in occupied territories [FJ 4/26].
Arab World: In Baghdad, joint PLO-Fateh leadership meeting rejects proposals of US State Dept. official Murphy which call for public PLO recognition of Israel's right to exist, UN Sec. Council Resolutions 242, 338 [FT 4/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF soldier shot, wounded in Gaza; assailant killed by 2nd soldier [JP 4/19].
Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Lebanese Forces, SLA bombard Mieh Mieh, 'Ain al-Hilweh; 8 killed [BG 4/19]. Amal militiamen surround Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra, Shatila camps, search residents entering and leaving [WP 4/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem court convicts David Ben-Shimol of murder in 10/28/84 rocket attack on Palestinian bus near Jerusalem, 9/22/84 grenade attack on E. Jerusalem coffeehouse; sentenced to life imprisonment [WP 4/18]. US Navy Sec. John Lehman indicates US to build submarines, missiles, patrol boats in coordination with Israel [JP 4/18]. Occupied territories observe Prisoners Day with meetings, visits to families of prisoners [FJ 4/19]. Democratic Front for Peace and Equality calls for closure of al-Fara'a prison in W. Bank [FJ 4/19].
Arab World: Lebanese Cabinet resigns in wake of fighting between Murabitoun, Palestinian fighters and Amal, PSP militias in Beirut [NYT 4/18]. UNRWA closes Beirut office in wake of fighting [MG 4/18].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council approves (13-0, 2 abst.) extension of UNIFIL mandate in S. Lebanon until 10/19 [BG 4/18].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Amal, PSP militias engage in heavy fighting with Murabitoun, Palestinian fighters in Beirut; Marabitoun effectively destroyed [NYT 4/19]. IDF planes bomb DFLP base in Bar Elias; no report of casualties [NYT, PI 4/18]. 3 IDF troops injured by roadside bomb near Kafr Kanna [MG 4/18]. Mine blast wounds 3 IDF soldiers in western occupation sector. IDF kill 3 resistance fighters in eastern occupation sector. IDF raid Shabriha, Shuhur; at least 4 arrested [JP 4/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Foreign Min. official David Kimche summons diplomats from UNIFIL, UN Sec. Council nations for explanation of recent anti-resistance campaign in S. Lebanon; accuses Pres. Gemayel of provoking violence [PI 3/6]. MK's Meir Cohen-Avidov, Yuval Ne'eman return from US with pledges of $70,000 for Keren Hebron fund, a taxdeductible US charity for families of Jewish underground defendants [JP 3/5]. Palestinian prisoners at Jnaid, Nafha prisons initiate hunger strike in solidarity with striking inmates at Ashkelon prison (begun 2/22) [FJ 3/8]. Clash between nationalists and Islamic fundamentalist factions injures 8 at Islamic U., Gaza; 20 arrested; studies suspended for one day [FJ 3/8]. Jewish underground defendant Dan Be'eri plea bargains with Jerusalem District Court to reduce number of charges against him in connection with plot to blow up al-Haram al-Sharif [JP 3/6]. Strike called by 52 Palestinian town councils ends after Interior Min. promises to cover their municipal debts totalling IS 1.4 billion [FJ 3/8].
Arab World: Thousands of Shi'ites march in Beirut protesting 3/4, IDF raid on Ma'rakah [WP 3/6].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade thrown at IDF patrol in Sa'ir; IDF detain over 150, destroy property; 24-hr. curfew imposed. [MG, FJ, JP 3/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any negotiations [BG 3/5]. Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), PLO Central Com. Mbr. Mahmoud 'Abbas arrive in Amman to renegotiate portions of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [MG 3/5].
Other Countries: US, Israel conclude free trade agreement; all tariffs between the 2 countries to be eliminated by 1995 [NYT 3/5]. US State Dept. rejects congressional request to allow PLO UN observer Zuhdi Terzi to travel to Washington and address members of Congress [WP 3/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close 8 stores in Halhoul after Israeli taxi stoned. 2 detained in Beit Jalla after Israeli car similarly attacked [JP 3/5]. In Issawiya (jerusalem) Border Police destroy 2 homes built without permit [FJ 3/8].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes in Ma'rakah religious bldg., at least 12 killed, over 50 wounded; among the dead are 2 top Amal guerrilla leaders, Muhammad Saad, Khatit Jaradi; blast occurred less than 30 hrs. after IDF completed massive raid [NYT, LAT 3/5]. 16- yr.-old 'Ali Ma'rouf dies of heart attack while running from attacking IDF troops in Sila [NYT 3/10]. IDF raid Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre, beat director Dr. Ahmad Mroueh, fire shots, destroy property; at least 35 arrested, including some donating blood for victims of Ma'rakah blast [LAT 3/5]. IDF announce it will require special passes to cross Qasmiya Bridge on Litani River; southbound trucks carrying food, products across bridge also need permits; northbound vehicles forbidden, required to use Qa'qa'iya Bridge [JP 3/4]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post at Qasmiya Bridge. RPGs, shots fired at IDF posts in Bidias, Tyre. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles In Tyre, 'Abbasiya. No casualties in any of the actions [JP 3/5].
Arab World: In Tunis, Chmn. Arafat objects to portions of Pres. Mubarak's 2/24 peace proposals; states talks must take place under UN supervision, PLO appointments to joint delegation cannot be subject to conditions or limitations; denounces US "hypocrisy" towards PLO [NYT 3/3].
Military Action Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF move 800 troops, 3 tanks, over 30 other vehicles into Ma'rakah; 1 killed, 17 arrested, 2 homes destroyed; winter food stocks ransacked, mosques desecrated; IDF fire upon Reuters photographer Patrick Baz, 2nd joumalist, as they carried white flag in village. IDF destroy house in Teir Dibba. In Beirut, Nabih Berri threatens attacks on Israeli towns if S. Lebanese villages are attacked by IDF [NYT, WP 3/3, JP 3/4].
Arab World: PLO exec. committee endorses 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord with changes: reiterates opposition to UN Sec. Council Resolution 242; reiterates that Palestinian-Jordanian federation can occur only after independent Palestinian state is formed; proposes PLO delegation to intl. peace conference as part of joint Arab delegation to be formed after "complete Arab support" of plan is secured [DT 2/21].
Other Countries: US, USSR begin talks on Middle East in Vienna [WP 2/20]. UN Human Rights Commission condemns Iraeli violations of human rights in occupied Arab territories [MG 2/20].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF soldier wounded by roadside bomb near Lake Karoun. IDF kill commando, arrest dozens, near 'Arab Salim bridge on the Zahrani River [JP 2/20]. RPGs fired at IDF positionear Ansar; no casualties. RPGs, shots directed at IDF position near Deir Qanun; no injuries [JTA 2/21].