PNA Justice M Freih Abu Middein announces investigation into death in custody of Rafah r.c. resident. Prisoner held on suspicion of drug smuggling, collaboration. Justice Min. statement says...
July 10, 1994
March 24, 1994
At least 35 Palestinians wounded by IDF in protests throughout o.t. against siege of house in Hebron that killed 5 Palestinians. At least 5 wounded in Hebron, 15 in Nablus, and 13 in Gaza Strip....
September 10, 1993
Israeli PM Rabin formally signs letter recognizing PLO as "the representative of the Palestinian people" 10 hours after PLO Chmn. Arafat signs letters of recognition. (NYT 9/11)
U.S. Pres....
March 18, 1993
PM Rabin meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali in New York. (MM 3/17)
Gunfire erupts near Palestinian negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi in Rafah, Gaza, killing 52-year-old schoolteacher...
July 16, 1992
Israeli govt. declares 1-week freeze on signing contracts for govt.-subsidized housing, including those affecting construction i the o.t. Freeze also is called on planning and early proceedings of...
July 8, 1992
EC grants ECU 29 million (about $35 million) for o.t. housing projects to Palestinian delegation's Housing Council. Accord sets precedent of intl. actor dealing directly with the o.t. as a...
July 7, 1992
Fateh-Hamas violence escalates in Gaza Strip, over 1,000 involved, over 30 injured in clashes in Khan Yunis, Rafah, al-Mughazi, Shati' camps-called worst Fateh-Hamas clashes since beginning of...
November 28, 1989
Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis and Arab diplomats in Paris say Libya has placed Abu Nidal, leader of Fateh Revolutionary Council, under house arrest [NYT 11/28...
February 26, 1989
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Detainees of Ansar 3 begin hunger strike protesting conditions [FBIS 3/3].
Arab World: Israel, Egypt sign agreement giving Egypt...
September 3, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir calls for the removal of Avraham Tamir, dir.-gen. of the For. Min., for stating that Palestiniansee the PLO as their...
August 1, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir says that King Hussein's surrendering of sovereignty of W. Bank "does not create anything significantly new" [WP 8/21....
PNA Justice M Freih Abu Middein announces investigation into death in custody of Rafah r.c. resident. Prisoner held on suspicion of drug smuggling, collaboration. Justice Min. statement says prisoner died of "excessive violence" during interrogation. 3 interrogators detained and under investigation. Palestinian human-rights orgs., including Hanan Ashrawi's Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights, call it a "case of maltreatment and torture." (NYT 7/10; CSM, MM 7/11)
Israel announces 24-hr. closure of Gaza Strip to start early 7/11 in response to weekend clashes btwn. Palestinians, IDF. (WSJ, WT 7/11; CSM 7/12)
Israeli Civil Admin., with PLO approval, appoints Fateh mbr. Ghassan al-Shak`a mayor of Nablus. (Israeli Channel 2 TV 7/10 in FBIS 7/11)
Israel welcomes King Hussein's offer of a summit mtg. with PM Rabin. (CSM 7/11)
Arafat performs `umra pilgrimage in Mecca, returns to Tunis. PNA Planning M Nabil Shaath says Arafat visit restored Palestinian-Saudi relations PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir `Abd-Rabbuh tells reporters PLO HQ, including Political Dept., International and Pan-Arab Relations Dept., and Returnees Dept. will remain in Tunis despite Arafat's move to Gaza. (MENA 7/10 in FBIS 7/11; MM 7/11; WT 7/13)
Israeli navy kills 2 PFLP frogmen off coast nr. Naqura. (Qol Yisra'el 7/11 in FBIS 7/13; MM 7/12; JP 7/23)
At least 35 Palestinians wounded by IDF in protests throughout o.t. against siege of house in Hebron that killed 5 Palestinians. At least 5 wounded in Hebron, 15 in Nablus, and 13 in Gaza Strip. Settlers attack Palestinian homes in Hebron, which is declared closed military zone. (MM 3/24; NYT, WP, WT 3/25)
Pres. Clinton meets Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, offers "personal" commitment to unified Jerusalem under Israeli control; later tells reporters that "my position has not changed." (WJW 3/31)
Fateh, Hamas activists in Rafah, Gaza Strip, clash. 20 Palestinians wounded by gunfire before faction leaderstop fight. (WP 3/31)
Israeli security guard shot 3/23 in Jerusalem dies of wounds. PFLP-GC claims responsibility for attack. (MM 3/24)
FRC ("Abu Nidal" group) officially accused of involvement in 1/29 assassination of Jordanian diplomat in Beirut. Indictment names 3 FRC mbrs. already in custody, 13 others at large. (MM 3/24; see also MM 3/17)
Israeli PM Rabin formally signs letter recognizing PLO as "the representative of the Palestinian people" 10 hours after PLO Chmn. Arafat signs letters of recognition. (NYT 9/11)
U.S. Pres. Clinton lifts ban on U.S. contacts with PLO, saying PLO commitments to Israel "justify aresumption of our dialogue." Move paves way for PLO Chmn. Arafat to attend signing ceremony 9/13. (WP 9/11)
Fateh supporters hold march in Gaza in support of PLO-Israel agreement attended by thousands, with similar march held in East Jerusalem organized by PLO. Hamas leads counter-demonstrations in Gaza City and Rafah. 3 Hamas supporters wounded in clashes with IDF. (NYT 9/11)
PFLP and DFLP (Hawatmah) withdraw reps. fr. PLO Exec. Comm. to protest PLO-Israel agreement. Withdrawal coincides with resignation of PLO rep. in Lebanon Shafiq al-Hut and denunciation of accord by 10 Palestinian opposition factions. (RMC 9/10 in FBIS 9/10; WP 9/11)
Lebanese FM Buwayz rejects working paper submitted to Lebanon by Israel. (RL 9/10 in FBIS 9/13)
PM Rabin meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali in New York. (MM 3/17)
Gunfire erupts near Palestinian negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi in Rafah, Gaza, killing 52-year-old schoolteacher within 10 feet of him. IDF and Israeli TV says PFLP gunmen tried to shoot the delegate (PFLP denies); 'Abd al-Shafi says bullets came from IDF firing on stonethrowers. IDF kills 1, wounds over 50 Palestinians in Khan Yunis. (Qol Yisra'el 3/18, 3/19 in FBIS 3/19; MM, NYT 3/18, 3/19)
Hamas spokesman in Amman Ibrahim Ghawshah announces the group will escalate attacks in the West Bank to make conditions there similar to Gaza, to force Israel to withdraw. (MM 3/18)
Last Friday of Ramadan passes peacefully in Jerusalem, where over 200,000 Palestinians prayed at al-Aqsa Mosque, watched over by scores of Israeli police. (MM 3/19)
Joint PFLP-Fateh unit attacks Israeli, SLA forces in "security zone." (VOL 3/19 in FBIS 3/22)
Israeli govt. declares 1-week freeze on signing contracts for govt.-subsidized housing, including those affecting construction i the o.t. Freeze also is called on planning and early proceedings of new roads in o.t. About 3,000 units in early stages in o.t. are affected by the freeze, and govt. is still unsure about what to do with 4,000 completed units unattached to infrastructure, 12,000 in various stages of construction, and about 500 completed units that have been populated in the o.t. About 60% of these 16,500 scheduled units are in "political settlements." Financial incentives encouraging settlement will be ended. (Qol Yisra'el, HaAretz 7/16 in FBIS 7/16; MM, NYT, WP 7/17)
The Jerusalem Report states that 100 of the 142 settlements in the o.t. are "political settlements" according to PM Rabin, and can therefore expect significant cuts in govt. aid. These include all 16 settlements inthe Gaza Strip, as well as large W. Bank settlements of Qedumim, Elqana, and possibly Ariel. (Likud MK and Ariel mayor Ron Nahman claims freeze will have "opposite result" in his settlement, plans to increase its pop. from 11,000 to 20,000 in a year.) (Al Hamishmar 7/16 in FBIS 7/16; HaAretz 7/17 in MM 7/17)
Fateh gunman shoots, wounds 3 unarmed Hamas supporters in Rafah, Gaza. Hamas gunmen shoot, wound 1 unarmed Fateh supporter. Some 1,000 Fateh supporters then raid mosque in Yibna camp, Hamas gunmen inside open fire, wound 8. IDF troops impose curfew on Yibna. Two-week total for Fateh-Hamas violence is 1 dead, about 150 wounded. (MM, WP 7/17)
Palestinians throughout o.t. stage commercial strike called for by PLO-backed UNLU to protest seige at al-Najah University. Palestinian-Israeli leaders including all 6 MKs meet to discuss strategy, form delegation to meet with PM Rabin concerning al-Najah. Some 250 prominent Palestinians begin hunger strike in Nablus to protest siege. (MM 7/16, 17; Qol Yisra'el 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)
U.S. State Dept. calls for "restraint" from Israel in its handling of situation at al-Najah University, Nablus. IDF soldiers continue to surround campus, searching all students who leave; students refuse to leave until army withdraws. (WP 7/17)
Faisal Husseini announces Israeli defense establishment proposal to deport wanted men in al-Najah University for 3 years as step to lifting siege; Palestinians are drafting counter-proposal, and have sent a letter to PM Rabin to lift siege and curfew of Nablus. (Qol Yisra'el 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)
PLO representative calls on UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Ghali to provide int'l. protection for Palestinians in o.t., implementation of res. 681 to deal with siege at al-Najah University. (Radio Algiers Network 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)
PM Rabin agrees to meet with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo after U.S. Secy. of State Baker's upcoming visit; meeting would be first such visit since 1986. (WP 7/17)
Palestinian "rejectionist" groups - Hamas and the Palestine National Salvation Front (PFLP-GC, Fateh Uprising, Communist Revolutionary Party, and Sa'iqa) - meet in Damascus to discuss strategy of blocking the peace process and escalating the intifada. (MM 7/16)
King Hussein arrives in Damascus for visit with Pres. Asad. (Syrian Arab Republic Radio 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)
Islamic Resistance attacks Israeli, SLA roadblock in Kafr Huna, S. Lebanon. Israel overflies Arqub region, strengthens positions in al-Qantara, al-Tayyiba with armored vehicles. (Radio Lebanon 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)
Syrian VP 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam says Syria will not withdraw to eastern Lebanon in September, states that Taef accord requires withdrawal within 2 years of constitutional adoption of political reforms. (VOL 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)
EC grants ECU 29 million (about $35 million) for o.t. housing projects to Palestinian delegation's Housing Council. Accord sets precedent of intl. actor dealing directly with the o.t. as a distinct political entity. EC rep. Thomas Dupla meets with Dani Rothschild, coordinator of Israeli govt. activities in the o.t., who indicated that state-owned lands may be for the firstime allocated for Palestinian housing needs. (Al Hamishmar 7/9 in FBIS 7/9; MM 7/9)
Ten Palestinians are hospitalized in Gaza Strip as a result of Hamas-Fateh violence. IDF imposes curfew on Rafah. (WP 7/10)
Reps. of National Reconciliation Committee (NRC-4 Fateh and Hamas mbrs. each, 3 W. Bank leaders, 3 Palestinian Israelis) meet with Hamas leaders at Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi's home in Gaza, meet later with Fateh leaders at Red Crescent Society to investigate and halt violence in Gaza Strip. (MM 7/9)
Undercover IDF soldier is killed accidently by another undercover unit near Barta, W. Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 7/9 in FBIS 7/9)
Outgoing Fin. Min. Yitzhak Modai rejects all demands by housing min. officials to expedite his signature on 1,000's of new o.t. contracts-does not want to "impose a fait accompli" on new govt. Move rescinds 7/5 agreement with housing min. (IDF Radio 7/8 in FBIS 7/8)
Islamic World League issues statement in Mecca urging end to Fateh-Hamas violence in Gaza Strip. (SPA 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)
Fateh, PFLP, Arab Liberation Front, DFLP, and Palestinian People's Party issue statement warning Hamas to halt "attacks and excesses." (Algiers VOP 7/9 in FBIS 7/10; Sanaa VOP 7/10 in FBIS 7/13)
Number of military officers purged and/or executed by Iraqi Pres. Saddam Hussein since 6/29 reported coup attempt estimated at 200. (NYT 7/9)
Fateh-Hamas violence escalates in Gaza Strip, over 1,000 involved, over 30 injured in clashes in Khan Yunis, Rafah, al-Mughazi, Shati' camps-called worst Fateh-Hamas clashes since beginning of intifada. (Qol Yisra'el 7/7,8 in FBIS 7/8; MM 7/8)
Several rocket-propelled grenades are fired at IDF outpost in southern Golan Heights, near intersection of Israeli, Jordanian, and Syrian borders. IDF returns fire, conducts search, finding leaflets of Hizballah-Palestine. (Qol Yisra'el 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)
Lebanese govt. announces massive refugee resettlement plan to assist the estimated 800,000 people displaced from their homes since the civil war began in 1975; repatriation of refugees in key element of 1989 Taef agreement. (Radio Lebanon 7/7 in FBIS 7/8; NYT 7/9)
Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis and Arab diplomats in Paris say Libya has placed Abu Nidal, leader of Fateh Revolutionary Council, under house arrest [NYT 11/28].
Other Countries: U.S. warns it will pull out of UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) if agency recognizes PLO [NYT 11/29].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military orders 2 Palestinian houses near Ramallah and 4 in Rafah destroyed [FBIS 11/30; FJ 12/4].
General strike called by Fateh is observed in Gaza Strip and parts of W. Bank. 4 firebomb and molotov cocktails are thrown in O.T.; no injuries [FBIS 11/ 29].
Arab World: Lebanese Pres. Hrawi orders dismissal of Gen. Aoun; Aoun refuses to vacate presidential palace [WP 11/29];
Syrian tanks, forces, take up positions near Aoun stronghold [WP, NYT 11/29]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Detainees of Ansar 3 begin hunger strike protesting conditions [FBIS 3/3].
Arab World: Israel, Egypt sign agreement giving Egypt control of Taba as of 3/15 [FBIS, WP 2/27]. Arafat visits Egypt [FBIS 2/27]. Amal accuses Fateh of violating agreement by reinforcing Fateh's military presence near Tyre; Fateh responds that it is protecting itself against possible Amal, Palestinian National Salvation Front attack [FBIS 3/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza troops shoot, kill 20-year-old Palestinian. In Rafah troops injured 25 Palestinians during clashes [FBIS 2/27].
Arab World: Syria fires 2 missiles at Israeli F-4 Phantoms flying over Beqa'a valley [FJ 3/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir calls for the removal of Avraham Tamir, dir.-gen. of the For. Min., for stating that Palestiniansee the PLO as their leadership [NYT 9/4]. The Israeli airline El Al announces that it will expand the number of flights to South Africa; South African Airways will also increase flights to Tel Aviv [JP 9/3]. In Tal, Israeli troops confiscate donkeys used to take Palestinian goods to market [FJ 9/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya 2 Palestinians are shot during clashes with troops; in Rafah 2 Palestinians are seriously injured during demonstrations [FJ 9/11].
Arab World: PFLP guerrillas clash with fighters from Fateh-Uprising (Abu Musa) in the suburbs of Beirut; 3 Palestinians are killed [NYT 9/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir says that King Hussein's surrendering of sovereignty of W. Bank "does not create anything significantly new" [WP 8/21. Israeli attorney general Yosef Harish indicts Pinhas Wallerstein, anti-Palestinian extremist, for manslaughter; last January Wallerstein chased 17-year-old Palestinian into a ravine, shot, killed him [WP 8/3]. Shops are closed in the W. Bank as the 1st day of a two-day general strike is observed; strike is to protest deportation of Palestinians [WP 8/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports 8 Palestinians accused of belonging to Fateh or DFLP [NYT 8/2, LAT 8/2]. In Khan Yunis a 7-month-old Palestinian dies after being exposed to tear gas [FJ 8/7]. Demonstrations occur in Khan Yunis, Rafah, Burayj camps and Gaza City [FJ 8/7].