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  • November 16, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin says he will tie Palestinian elections to revocation of parts of PLO charter. (MM 11/17; NYT 11/18)

    PM Rabin arrives in U.S. to lobby Congress mbrs. for continuation of...

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  • August 2, 1994

    Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab is told he can no longer publish for al-Quds under his own byline after he organized a petition campaign protesting Arafat's closing of al-Nahar...

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  • June 3, 1994

    Palestinians in Hebron demonstrate against previous day's air raid on Lebanon, throw rocks at IDF, which responds with tear gas, rubber bullets.  (WP 6/4)

    Israel masses tanks artillery on...

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Israeli PM Rabin says he will tie Palestinian elections to revocation of parts of PLO charter. (MM 11/17; NYT 11/18)

PM Rabin arrives in U.S. to lobby Congress mbrs. for continuation of Israel's $3 b. annual foreign aid. Incoming head of U.S. Foreign Relations Comm., Sen. Jesse Helms, has suggested halting Israel's $1.2 b. economic aid, simultaneously forgiving Israel's debt. (MM, WT 11/16; IDF Radio 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; WT 11/17; WJW 11/24)

Jordan lifts economic boycott against Israel, drafts customs regulations based on Israeli-Jordanian agmt. (AFP 11/16 in FBIS 11/16)

Arafat holds PLO Exec. Comm. mtg. in Gaza (previously scheduled for 11/15) after 2 mbrs. arrive fr. abroad. The 8 mbrs. in attendance cannot form the quorum of 12 required by PLO charter. Those attending are: Arafat, PA Finance M Muhammad Zuhdi al-Nashashibi, PA Education M Yasir `Amr, PA Culture M Yasir `Abid Rabbu, PA Labor M Samir Ghawshah, Palestine Liberation Front leader Ali Ishaq, independents Juweid Sourani, Jamal Sourani. (PR 11/20)

UNRWA Commissioner-General Ilter Türkmen meets with Arafat in Gaza to discuss current conditions, developments in autonomous areas, project coordination. (UNRWA News 11/30)

Arafat orders release of 30 Islamic Jihad mbrs. arrested in crackdown following 11/11 suicide bombing. (QY 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Jane's Intelligence Review says Israel has 200+ nuclear weapons, incl. gravity bombs, missiles, shells, mines; is currently testing sea-launched cruise missile. (WT 11/17, 11/19)

Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab is told he can no longer publish for al-Quds under his own byline after he organized a petition campaign protesting Arafat's closing of al-Nahar, a pro-Jordanian daily.  (MM 8/3; JP 8/13)

Israel allows 1st shipment of Palestinian produce under economic provisions of 5/4 Cairo agreement.  Israeli farmers will be compensated fr. $83 m. govt. fund for losses due to Palestinian competition.  (Qol Yisra'el 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; CSM 8/4; TJT 8/5)

Israeli Labor M. Ora Namir decides to allow 5,000 more Gaza workers into Israel.  ( Al-Hamishmar 8/3 in FBIS 8/4)

Al-Nahar newspaper applies for distribution permit fr. PNA officials in Gaza and Jericho.  (Israel TV 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

Jordanian, Israeli experts meet at Wadi al-`Araba to establish border crossing.  (RMC 8/2 in FBIS 8/3)

UNRWA Commissioner-General Ilter Türkmen begins week-long visit to Gaza, West Bank, and Jordan, including mtgs with PLO Chmn. Arafat in Gaza and PECDAR Dir. Ahmad Qurai`.  (UNRWA News 8/10)

Palestinians in Hebron demonstrate against previous day's air raid on Lebanon, throw rocks at IDF, which responds with tear gas, rubber bullets.  (WP 6/4)

Israel masses tanks artillery on northern border, southern Lebanese evacuate home as tensions mount after previous day's air raid.  15,000 attend Beirut funeral of some of raid's victims addressed by Hizballah S.G. Shaykh Hasan Nasrallah.  Fijian UNIFIL soldier killed nr. Tyre by unknown gunmen.  (NYT, WP, WT 6/4; RL 6/3 in FBIS 6/7)

UNRWA Commissioner-General Ilter Türkmen starts 2-day visit to West Bank, Gaza Strip to discuss UNRWA projects with PECDAR, Israeli officials.  Türkmen also reviews UNRWA's "Peace Implementation Programme" with UNRWA field directors.  (UNRWA News 6/15)