At weekly PC session, mbrs. threaten the executive with a no-confidence vote if it does not take firm action on behalf of prisoners, says the leadership is "not dealing seriously" with the...
After Israeli jurists confirm that the existing Oslo agmts. give Israel overriding responsibility for security in the West Bank and Gaza that would permit the IDF to reenter any PA area, Israel...
Fmr. Israeli PM Shimon Peres, Arafat, the Labor party deny rumors that Peres advised Arafat to hold up the signing of a Hebron protocol, blame the PM's office, Netanyahu for propagating the story...
Donors pledge $14 m. (U.S. $5 m., Denmark and the Netherlands $1.8 m. each, UK $1.55 m., Norway $1 m.) for the UNRWA at an extraordinary session in Amman. The money will fund part of the agency's...
1-day Antiterrorism summit is held in Sharm al-Shaykh. (CSM, MM, WP 3/13; MENA, RE, RJ, SARR 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; ITV, MENA, PBC, SARR 3/13, HA 3/14 in FBIS 3/14; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/14; MEI, MM 3/15...
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At weekly PC session, mbrs. threaten the executive with a no-confidence vote if it does not take firm action on behalf of prisoners, says the leadership is "not dealing seriously" with the prisoner issue in negotiations with Israel. (PR 12/13)
Responding to PM Netanyahu's 12/4 suggestion, Arafat says that he is willing to take part in a bilateral summit to finalize terms of an Israeli redeployment in Hebron. (WP 12/6)
Jordan, PA hold trade talks in Amman; discuss holding future trilateral economic mtgs. with Israel on provisions for Jordanian exports to/imports fr. the PA self-rule areas. (RJ 12/5 in WNC 12/9)
IDF says that 17 mos. ago, after 5 mos. of preparation, a special forces unit named Egoz began operating against Hizballah in s. Lebanon. To date Egoz mbrs., chosen fr. Golani Brigade recruits, have killed 16 Hizballah fighters or officials. 2 Egoz mbrs. have been killed. (MM 12/5; JP 12/14)
In New York, donors pledge $133 m. to the annual UNRWA pledging conference for regular programs, operations for 1997. (UNRWA press release 12/9; JT 12/13 in WNC 12/16)
Pres. Clinton nominates Amb. to the UN Albright for secy. of state, Sen. William S. Cohen (R-ME) for secy. of defense, National Security Adviser (NSA) Anthony Lake for CIA dir., Dep. NSA Samuel Berger for NSA. (ITV 12/5, MA 12/6 in WNC 12/9; MM, NYT, WP, WP 12/6; VIRI 12/6, RMC 12/7, al-Dustur 12/8 in WNC 12/10; MM 12/9; JT, RL 12/10 in WNC 12/11; WJW 12/12; MEI 12/20; WJW 12/26, 1/2)
PA announces it will make an official inquiry into Fityani's death in PA custody 12/3. (NYT 12/6; PR 12/13)
After Israeli jurists confirm that the existing Oslo agmts. give Israel overriding responsibility for security in the West Bank and Gaza that would permit the IDF to reenter any PA area, Israel drops its demand for written guarantees fr. the PA detailing IDF hot pursuit rights in Hebron, a key sticking point of the talks. (MM 11/27; IDF Radio 11/27 in WNC 11/29; MM 11/28; IDF Radio 11/28 in WNC 12/2; CSM, MM 11/29)
JT reports that the PLO is setting up a new "superministry" that will replace the Tunis-based Department of Returnees Affairs and will have headquarters in Gaza and offices in Amman, Gaza, West Bank to deal with issues concerning Palestinian refugees. The main objectives of the superministry, which will not be tied to any PA ministry, are political mobilization of the refugees; improvement of refugees' living conditions; establishment and further development of bilateral ties with Arab and non-Arab countries, the UNRWA, the Multilateral Working Group on Refugees. (JT 11/27 in WNC 12/2)
Netanyahu adviser Gold arrives in London for talks with the British FMin. on ways of advancing regional cooperation. (IDF Radio 11/27 in WNC 12/2; MM 11/29) (see 12/25)
Israeli Atty. Gen. Mikhael Ben-Ya'ir reports that border police routinely mistreat Palestinians, recommends that officers convicted of abuse be punished more harshly. (WT 11/28) (see 11/26)
Turkey announces that it has canceled its purchase of Cobra helicopters fr. the U.S., gives the U.S. no explanation. (ANATOLIA 11/27 in WNC 11/29)
Israel reinforces troops, equipment in s. Lebanon. Israeli naval vessels detain, search a German ship entering Tyre port. (RL 11/27 in WNC 11/29) (see 11/23)
The Lebanese government passes a law suspending the closure of all unlicensed media outlets, which was set for 11/30 (see 9/17). Under the law, unlicensed outlets may continue to broadcast apolitical news only until they are explicitly denied a license. (al-Nahar 11/28 in WNC 12/4)
Fmr. Israeli PM Shimon Peres, Arafat, the Labor party deny rumors that Peres advised Arafat to hold up the signing of a Hebron protocol, blame the PM's office, Netanyahu for propagating the story. (IDF Radio, QY 11/18 in WNC 11/19; MM 11/19)
In Beirut, PLO's Qaddumi, PA's Faisal Husseini (in charge of the PA Jerusalem file) meet with Lebanese officials to discuss the political issues surrounding a solution Palestinian refugees issue (e.g., settling refugees in Lebanon, considered by both sides to be undesirable; easing restrictions on refugees' movement; continuing UNRWA operations). (al-Nahar, RMC 11/18 in WNC 11/20)
Israeli military court convicts 4 IDF soldiers of negligently shooting to death a Palestinian youth in the West Bank on 11/13/93, sentences them to 1 hr. in jail, fines them 1 agora (about 1/3 of a cent). (WP 11/19; WT 11/21; JP 11/30)
Donors pledge $14 m. (U.S. $5 m., Denmark and the Netherlands $1.8 m. each, UK $1.55 m., Norway $1 m.) for the UNRWA at an extraordinary session in Amman. The money will fund part of the agency's budget deficit, allowing operations to continue through 1996. (PR 10/4)
In al-Duhayshah refugee camp nr. Bethlehem, 100's of Palestinians demonstrate against Israeli settlement policy. (ITV 9/23 in WNC 9/27)
Fearing a massive IDF strike on Hizballah, the Lebanese army moves 300 commandos into s. Lebanon. (RL 9/23 in WNC 9/24; CSM 9/24) (see 9/22)
UN General Assembly (UNGA) opens its session, braces for battle over reelection of Secy. Gen. Butros Butros-Ghali. (NYT, WP 9/24) (see 7/23)
EA, PLO Exec. Comm. mtg. is held in Ramallah. (VOP 7/6 in FBIS 7/8)
UNRWA opens new headquarters in Gaza. Headquarters Coordinator April Glaspie, Arafat sign agmt. regulating UNRWA's legal relationship with the PA. (UNRWA press release 8/20)
PM Netanyahu presents Sharon's portfolio to the cabinet for approval. Dep. Construction M Meir Porush, fr. UTJ, refuses to relinquish 2 agencies under his control--the Public Works Dept. ($200-m. budget) and the Rural Construction Administration ($40-m. budget for construction of kibbutzim, small settlements)--forcing a delay. (WT 7/6; MM, NYT 7/8)
1-day Antiterrorism summit is held in Sharm al-Shaykh. (CSM, MM, WP 3/13; MENA, RE, RJ, SARR 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; ITV, MENA, PBC, SARR 3/13, HA 3/14 in FBIS 3/14; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/14; MEI, MM 3/15; MM 3/18; WJW 3/21; VOA 3/21 in FBIS 3/21; UNRWA News 3/27; MEI 3/29)
Israel opens some official channels with the PA; agrees to increase the number of trucks transporting foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals into the West Bank, Gaza to 75/day from 35/day; partially lifts wk.-long naval blockade on Gaza, allowing fishermen to operate within 4 mi. of the coast. (MM 3/13; CSM, NYT 3/15; WT 3/16)
In Beirut, Lebanon, an appeals court frees 2 fmr. PFLP mbrs. convicted of 1976 kidnapping, killing if U.S. Amb. Francis Meloy his economic counselor, and his driver. Judges rule that killings were covered under the 1990 amnesty for political crimes. U.S. denounces verdict. (NYT, WP 3/14; al-Nahar 3/14, MENA, VOL 3/18, RL 3/19 in FBIS 3/19; WP, WT 3/19; RL 3/19, 3/20 in FBIS 3/20; MM 3/20, 3/22)
U.S. offers $2-m. reward for the capture of escaped Abu-Abbas hijacker Molqi. (WT 3/14) (see 2/26)
To protest the antiterrorism summit in Sharm al-Shaykh, Hizballah attacks several IDF, SLA posts in s. Lebanon, loosing 2 cadres, inflicting no casualties. (MM 3/13; WT 3/15)