40 / 15521 Results
  • March 19, 1985

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close UNRWA-run boys preparatory school in Qalandiya for 1 mo. after stones allegedly thrown at IDF from school [FJ 3/22]. Green Patrol seizes...

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  • March 14, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground defendant Yossi Edri concludes plea bargain with prosecution; charges against him are reduced [JP 3/15]. Several...

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  • May 24, 1984

    Social/Economic/ Political:

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi...

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  • January 9, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 500 industrial, service & gov't. workers protest at Finance Ministry against yesterday's work sanctions. 2 Likud MKs present urgent agenda...

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  • March 21, 1983

    Military Action:

    Abu Jihad, in interview, says PLO guerrillas ordered to step up attacks on IDF in Lebanon.


    Detainees at Ansar camp carry out pro-PLO demonstration...

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  • March 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    Grenades, mortars, rockets fired in Tripoli fighting between Lebanese Communist Party rnilitia and Soldiers of God militia; land mine explodes near Khiyam; Italian MNF...

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  • March 14, 1983

    Military Action:

    Rival militias battle in Tripoli; Druze militia surrounds Lebanese Army barracks in Hammana, warns army and police to keep off roads in Chouf mountains; in response to...

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  • March 3, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF convoy ambushed south of Damour, 3 IDF wounded.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Police search settler houses in Kiryat Arba for illegal...

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  • February 25, 1983

    Military Action:

    Shell lands near Jordanian airliner at Beirut airport, fails to explode, Lebanese Army detains neighborhood residents.


    UNRWA head says 73...

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  • January 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF bus in Kfar Sil ambushed by Lebanese National Resistance using rocket propelled grenades and machine guns, IDF returns fire into groves alongside road; artillery,...

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Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close UNRWA-run boys preparatory school in Qalandiya for 1 mo. after stones allegedly thrown at IDF from school [FJ 3/22]. Green Patrol seizes large flock of Bedouin goats near Mitzpe Ramon (2nd time since 3/14); goats later sold by Green Patrol officials [JP 3/31].

Arab World: IDF sources indicate intention after final withdrawal to erect "security zone" in S. Lebanon to be patrolled by SLA; also state that "extremists" in zone will be deported [LT 3/19]. IDF raid Abba, S. Lebanon; 1 killed, 1 wounded; 1 home destroyed, undetermined number arrested. IDF close road from Israeli border to Marjayoun [JP 3/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground defendant Yossi Edri concludes plea bargain with prosecution; charges against him are reduced [JP 3/15]. Several hundred students demonstrate outside Haifa U. protesting police action during 3/10 sit-in on campus [JP 3/15].

Other Countries: After meeting with British PM Thatcher in London, Pres. Mubarak fails to get UK support for his 2/24 peace proposals, although Thatcher affirms British support for direct negotiations [MG, FT 3/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Green Patrol seizes 45 goats belonging to Bedouin shepherds near Dimona; goats later sold by Green Patrol officers [JP 3/31].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 3 resistance fighters near Tyre. Roadside bomb south of Qasmiya Bridge explodes near IDF vehicle; no casualties.

Social/Economic/ Political:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of 25 Jewish terror suspects begins, 2 Israeli Army officers charged with bomb attacks on 3 West Bank mayors (1980); Rabbi Levinger released and Rabbi Waldman (also of Kiryat Arba) arrested for alleged links with Jewish terrorists. Za'el Issa Harashe, 34, of Bani Na'im released after 17-yr. imprisonment on security-related charge. Saleh Baransi released from custody. Residents of Deir al-Hatab fight fire destroying 300 dunums of trees and crops; arson suspected. Military court sentences Sharhabil Farajeh of Halhoul to 6 mos. prison on political charge upon return from studies in Jordan. Abd al-Basit of Daboriyah given 6 mos. prison on charge of PLO membership.

Arab World: Lebanese PM meets with US, Soviet and UK ambs. to seek help ending Israeli human rights violations in S. Lebanon; later Soviet amb. strongly condemns Israel's "inhuman" acts.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces bulldoze homes of Qasem, Ali & Majed Sweitat in Izzedin near Jenin, West Bank, claiming they are built on "state land." Mine explodes near Biddu village, killing 10 sheep. Bomb planted in Bir Sab'a Beduin market defused; no arrests.

Arab World: Israeli planes bomb Bar Elias village in Beqaa Valley. 4 Israelis wounded by roadside bomb near Ansariya, S. Lebanon.

Other Countries: US Defense Sec. Weinberger discloses US assisting Israel to develop Saar 5 attack missile patrol boat.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 500 industrial, service & gov't. workers protest at Finance Ministry against yesterday's work sanctions. 2 Likud MKs present urgent agenda for freeze on new settlements in occupied territories. 15 Bedouin sheikhs present PM Shamir with complaints of deteriorating conditions as Israeli military continue to expropriate grazing and watering lands in Negev and Galilee; Shamir says the issue will be turned over to Agriculture Ministry. Mapam MK Elazar Granot proposes Alignment table bill abolishing state of emergency in effect in Israel since 1948.

Arab World: Jordanian Parliament meets for first time since 1976; amends constitution to permit Palestinians from Israeli-occupied West Bank to be appointed as members. Former Lebanese PM Saeb Salam protests to LAF commander Gen. Ibrahim Tannous recent LAF mass arrests of civilians carried out in Sabra and Shatila camps.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Grenade thrown under IDF patrol vehicle explodes without injury in Jericho.

Military Action:

Abu Jihad, in interview, says PLO guerrillas ordered to step up attacks on IDF in Lebanon.


Detainees at Ansar camp carry out pro-PLO demonstration for 6 hours when IDF unit enters camp for inspection; Lebanese Army destroys Palestinian houses in Burj al-Barajneh.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 29 Jews placed under house arrest, fined IS5,000 in connection with Temple Mount incident; Cabinet agrees to share military intelligence from Lebanon war with US; 2 Bedouin arrested for breaking windows of tractors at planned Nevatim air force base near Tel Malhata, for which 700 families are being evacuated; Supreme Muslim Council calls for educational and commercial strike to protest March 1 1 Temple Mount incident; shops forced open by border police in Nablus; curfews in Halhoul and 4 refugee camps approach end of second continuous week; stone-throwing in Jerusalem, Hebron and 6 other West Bank towns; 32 school-children in Araba suffer unexplained illness; government announces plans to establish 15 military settlements, convert to civilian settlements 8 existing military posts in West Bank; Labor MK calls new settlement plans a tombstone for Middle East peace; 260 West Bank residents convicted of stone-throwing since January 1; Kiryat Arba resident detained on charge of firing shots at Hebron house on February 26, wounding 5 year-old girl.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US talks resume in Netanya.

US and Other Countries: US officials welcome Israeli decision to share military data from Lebanon war, will send 4-man US Air Force team to Israel next month to begin evaluation.

Military Action:

Grenades, mortars, rockets fired in Tripoli fighting between Lebanese Communist Party rnilitia and Soldiers of God militia; land mine explodes near Khiyam; Italian MNF patrol attacked with RPGs near airport; remote-controlled bomb explodes near IDF vehicle outside refugee camp near Tyre, area closed and searched; IDF surrounds town of Barja, arrests 3 Lebanese suspected of involvement in ambushes.


2 killed, 7 wounded in Tripoli fighting, schools and shops closed in old quarter of city; 9 Italian MNF wounded in 2 Beirut attacks, 2 vehicles destroyed; Lebanese Army informs residents of Burj al-Barajneh camp in Beirut that government prohibits repairs of bombed-out roofs, arrests 15 on charges of abusive construction, threatens to arrest additional 34 tomorrow.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Defense Minister Arens orders drastic cuts in ministry's National Security Unit, expanded by Sharon to proportions of alternative general staff; Arens tells Knesset Foreign Affairs committee there is no need to freeze West Bank settlements to entice King Hussein to enter peace negotiations; Cabinet selects Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Moshe Levy to replace IDF Chief of Staff Eitan; Central Bureau of Statistics says inflation rate is 130% a year; 3 suspects in attempt to take over Temple Mount released on bail; Nazareth municipal employee sentenced to 3 months in jail for participating in illegal Land Day demonstration in 1982; two new Chief Rabbis elected for 10-year terms, say that West Bank and South Lebanon are part of Israel; Bedouins call off hunger strike after Agriculture Ministry official agrees to meet them; curfews remain in force in Halhoul, Dheisheh, Aida, Jalazon and Ein Beit Alma, new curfew imposed on Balata camp; IDF seizes house opposite al-Amari camp for lookout post; 5 Village League members armed with automatic rifles enter village of Nuba, threaten to destroy it unless alleged demonstrators are turned in, IDF later arrests 3 residents,on charges of calling Hebron Village League head a traitor.

Arab Governments: Syrian officials say troops will not be withdrawn from Lebanon if any Israeli-Lebanese agreement provides for Israeli troops in Lebanon and formal trade, tourist, or diplomatic ties; Egyptian and Israeli officials hold second round of talks in Cairo on reviving trade relations.

US and Other Countries: State Department announces progress after third day of talks between Shultz and Shamir, emphasizes proposals for increased US responsibility for security, including training and equipping elite Lebanese force to patrol border, expansion in size and responsibility of MNF, and creation of a joint Lebanese- Israeli-US military commission to oversee security zone in South Lebanon; US officials say incentives to Israel such as high aid levels and release of F-16s are likely to accompany agreement to troop withdrawal accord; in statement read to conference on Soviet Jewry, Reagan says plight of Soviet Jews who are denied right to emigrate will remain in forefront of US foreign policy and human rights concerns.

Military Action:

Rival militias battle in Tripoli; Druze militia surrounds Lebanese Army barracks in Hammana, warns army and police to keep off roads in Chouf mountains; in response to attacks by Lebanese National Resistance, IDF steps up security in and around Sidon; Syrian small-arms fire directed at IDF fortification on eastern front.


3 killed, many wounded in Tripoli fighting, shops close as armed men roam streets; 3 wounded by Nabatiyeh car bomb.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 12 Bedouin men begin hunger strike in Israel to protest harassment by Green Patrol, demand talks with Ministry of Agriculture; Central Bureau of Statistics figures show $557m. trade deficit for first 2 months of 1983, nearly 20% higher than 1982; trial begins of two Kiryat Arba officials charged with illegal possession of explosives and destroying evidence police believe may be connected with June 1980 bomb attacks on West Bank mayors; 2 IDF injured by stones during incidents in East Jerusalem and Ramallah; general strike in Ramallah; Nablus market under curfew; Birzeit University reopens; 3 Birzeit students beaten, 1 detained by settlers; IDF uses helicopters to patrol West Bank; 35 Gaza youths sentenced by military tribunal to fines and suspended prison sentences for disturbing the peace by throwing stones last week; 6 teenagers in Ramallah sentenced to 6 to 8 months imprisonment and fined $400 to $900 for participating in recent disturbances; 3 girls in Ramallah convicted of stone-throwing, fined up to $2800 and given suspended prison terms; youth arrested in Jerusalem for wearing shirt in colors of Palestinian flag; special prayers held at Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosques to protest plot by Jewish zealots, uncovered by police last week, to seize Temple Mount.

Arab Governments: Egyptian-Israeli talks on normalization of trade and commercial relations, suspended since June, resume in Cairo.

US and Other Countries: Foreign Minister Salem tells Shultz and other officials in Washington, that Lebanese Army is capable of controlling all Lebanon, Israeli military presence is unnecessary; Shultz and Shamir meet for 5 hours, focus on possible use of international troops and increased US presence to meet Israeli security concerns in South Lebanon; Shamir delegation meets with Reagan, Bush, Weinberger, Shultz, Habib and Draper, Reagan reportedly emphasizes urgency of Israeli agreement to withdrawal terms; 10 IDF touring US to offset impression that Lebanon campaign was overly aggressive; US Ambassador to UN Kirkpatrick, in Israel for conference on Soviet Jewry, meets Begin; former President Carter meets King Hussein in Amman, says Israeli settlements in West Bank are illegal and an obstacle to peace.

Military Action:

IDF convoy ambushed south of Damour, 3 IDF wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Police search settler houses in Kiryat Arba for illegal arms and other evidence relating to attacks on Palestinians; 12 carloads of Kiryat Arba settlers block road outside Dheisheh camp, break into school, detain principal after he refuses their demand to line up students for identification; 25 Palestinian familes in Hebron receive warnings to emigrate; American supporter of Kach movement arrested at airport in connection with shooting of 4 year-old Hebron girl; soldier, border policeman injured, a dozen cars damaged in stone-throwing incidents; 1000 dunums of fertile land seized from Deir Dibwan near Ramallah for garbage processing plant; each of 6 Village Leagues receives IS 5 m. annual operating budget from Defense Ministry for salaries of clerks and officials, guards, entertainment and office expenses; 4 Druze residents of Golan sentenced to 3 to 8 years in jail for spying for Syria; IDF says mines that killed 5 Bedouin in Negev last week were laid by unknown persons who crossed the border to Egypt.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiations held at Netanya, progress reported on movement across borders, early warning stations; President Gemayel sends envoy to assure Saudi Arabia that Lebanon will not be infiltration point for Israeli goods, Saudi imports from Lebanon valued at $400m in 1982.

Arab Governments: Egyptian-Israeli talks on Taba end without resolving dispute over ownership of the 700 meter Red Sea coastal strip.

US and Other Countries: 18 rabbis end 2 days of lobbying in Washington to demonstrate alternative views among American Jewish leadership, support for Reagan plan and freeze on settlements; EEC expresses regret over Israel's settlement policy, reiterates its commitment to 1980 Venice Declaration calling for association of PLO with peace process.

Military Action:

Shell lands near Jordanian airliner at Beirut airport, fails to explode, Lebanese Army detains neighborhood residents.


UNRWA head says 73 Palestinian families have fled their homes in South Lebanon, says UN knows of 15 cases of murder.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin rejects settlement freeze, other Jordanian pre-conditions for entering talks; Eliahu Lankin refuses to accept post of Israeli ambassador to Britain; Israeli President Navon reportedly concerned about danger of civil war in Israel; Sharon files request with Treasury for a bureau in Tel Aviv and one in Jerusalem, in his capacity as Minister without Portfolio; IDF reports 5 Bedouin killed, 4 injured when their van hits land mine near kibbutz Zeelim in northwest Negev; Israel reported to have used more than 100 weapons systems in Lebanon that had not previously seen full-scale combat, such as F-15 and F-16 fighters, Sparrow AIM-7F missile; IDF reports recent demolition of four houses in Gaza belonging to Palestinians accused of throwing grenades in Tel Aviv and Gaza; bomb explodes outside mosque in Hebron, injuring two and damaging two cars.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Cabinet meets to discuss Habib proposals, reportedly calling for two security zones in South Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Ministry announces meetings next week with Israel to discuss Sinai border dispute over Taba, normalization of commercial relations.

US and Other Countries: State Department officials reportedly believe Arafat, after PNC, still has running room to continue dialogue with King Hussein; 40-page analysis of Israeli settlement policy, prepared by US Consul General in Jerusalem, recommends blocking each of five stages of settlement process if freeze is to be truly effective.

Military Action:

IDF bus in Kfar Sil ambushed by Lebanese National Resistance using rocket propelled grenades and machine guns, IDF returns fire into groves alongside road; artillery, rocket and hand-to-hand fighting in Tripoli.


21 IDF wounded in ambush, bringing total IDF casualties in 3 weeks to 25 wounded, 6 dead, and since Sept. 1, total IDF casualties are 104 killed, 203 wounded; one attacker killed by IDF; 19 killed in Tripoli fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: MK Charlie Biton, at lunch hosted by PLO in New York, calls for Palestinian state on the West Bank, urges US to negotiate directly with the PLO, Israel to cut military spending; Bedouin whose herds were seized in December win order nisi from Israeli High Court calling for Defense Ministry, Chief of Staff and Nature Reserves Authority (Green Patrol) to give reason within 10 days why the herds should not be returned; Palestinian union activists, journalists, writers and poets from Nablus, Tulkarm and Hebron arrested and detained by military authorities now number over 300 in Fara'a prison.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat in Kuwait calls on Arab states to exert economic pressure on US, then goes to Damascus for celebration of 18th anniversary of Fateh; Lebanese and Palestinian women from Bourj al-Barajneh protest detention of relatives; 3-week training by US Marines of Lebanese Army air assault battalion completed with display of heliborne hit and run attacks; $10 million worth of US military equipment, including 24 APCs, trucks and spare parts, for Lebanese Army arrives at Beirut port.

Arab Governments: Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tarik Aziz says Iraq is encouraging the PLO to negotiate with Jordan, and does not oppose peace negotiations between Israel, the PLO and Arab partners.

US and Other Countries: US expresses official concern to USSR over construction of SA-5 missile sites in Syria, as USSR Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin is called to the State Department to meet with Undersecretary for Political Affairs Lawrence Eagleburger; Senator Paul Tsongas (D-MA) meets with Begin, then Hussein, tells reporters if Syria is obstacle to peace and troop withdrawal from Lebanon, this obstacle must be removed, and that Begin told him he accepts Hussein in the peace process but will never freeze settlements