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  • June 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens decides, for "security reasons," not to ban Arab-Jewish "Progressive Slate for Peace" election slate. Military censor bans...

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  • June 1, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of al-Jib, Ramallah district, present land deeds proving 154 dunums falsely registered in name of land broker. Israeli...

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  • May 13, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: After several hours of questioning about Jewish terror against Arabs, police arrest Rabbi Levinger for withholding information. 31-...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens decides, for "security reasons," not to ban Arab-Jewish "Progressive Slate for Peace" election slate. Military censor bans article by Neturei Karta's Rabbi Hirsch from publication in al-Fajr. Families of commandos killed (4/12/84) by IDF demand permission to rebuild houses demolished 4/14/84.

Other Countries: US Defense Dep't. notifies Congress of Hughes Aircraft sale of 7 Firefinder mortar-locating radar systems to Israel for $87 million.

Military Action

Arab World: IDF patrols attacked by rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) near Mishki and al-Muhdadi villages, S. Lebanon; grenade attack on IDF patrol in Nabatiya.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of al-Jib, Ramallah district, present land deeds proving 154 dunums falsely registered in name of land broker. Israeli bulldozers destroy 7 dunums of cucumbers in Rafah; authorities claim Palestinians must sign rental contract with state to farm village land. Nablus court sentences Jenin resident to 31/2 yrs. for throwing stones, writing slogans. Gaza farmers complain to Israeli tax dep't. for exacting monthly taxes in advance. Settlers break into Sa'ir secondary school, shooting in air, arresting 2 students on stone-throwing charge. As acting DM in Arens' absence, PM Shamir outlaws Arab-Jewish "Progressive Slate for Peace" (formed 5/31/84). Following Zorea Commission report, Att.-Gen. Zamir appoints civilian-military committee to investigate murder of commandos (4/12/84). Bank of Israel estimates Israel's war in Lebanon has cost $900 million to date (Haaretz). Military occupation authorities issue order No. 1 108 increasing sentence for stone-throwing to maximum 20 yrs.

Other Countries: The Jewish Press donates $26,000 to defense of the Jewish terrorist suspects.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: After several hours of questioning about Jewish terror against Arabs, police arrest Rabbi Levinger for withholding information. 31-member ad hoc com. drafts platform for new Arab-Jewish Knesset slate. "Organization of Partisans and Resistance Fighters" asks Interior & Justice ministers to ban pamphlet circulated by "Sons of the Torah," accusing Chaim Weizmann, Moshe Sharett, David Ben-Gurion and others in Jewish underground in Nazi Europe of permitting "Jewish blood to be spilled as oil to lubricate the wheels of the Zionist state." 5 men from Sakhnin go on trial for alleged murder of 15-yr.-old Jewish settler (12/84), all plead not guilty, claiming their confessions extracted by force. Ministerial Economic Com. approves Transport Minister's plan for Negev-Eilat railway.

Military Action:

Arab World: Israeli Army surround Nmariyeh village, S. Lebanon, conducts search, confiscates 20 residents' ID cards, orders them to appear at military compound. IDF patrol comes under light arms fire near Ansar, no injuries reported.