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  • September 21, 1994

    U.S. envoy Dennis Ross arrives in Jerusalem, talks with PM Peres and FM Rabin, says "real gaps" remain btwn. Israeli, Syrian positions. Later meets with Arafat, discusses aid, elections. (MM 9/21...

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  • March 7, 1991

    U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].

    En route to Saudi Arabia as part of...

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  • January 21, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports indicate Israel is sending psychologists to army units in Gaza Strip because of concerns about the effect of "power, force, and...

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  • March 27, 1983


    PLO says it has moved 8 Israeli POWs from Lebanon to undisclosed location because it had information a military operation was being planned to free them.


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U.S. envoy Dennis Ross arrives in Jerusalem, talks with PM Peres and FM Rabin, says "real gaps" remain btwn. Israeli, Syrian positions. Later meets with Arafat, discusses aid, elections. (MM 9/21; WT 9/22; VOP 9/22 in FBIS 9/22)

PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi, Jordanian PM al-Majali meet in Jordan, agree to resume PLO-Jordanian contacts at the "ministerial level" before end of the month. (JT 9/24 in FBIS 9/26)

Al-Qaddumi vows to fight new U.S. position in UN, strengthen language of resolutions presented. Egypt, Jordan say they will also oppose U.S. moves. (Reuters 9/21; RJ 9/26 in FBIS 9/26)

Israeli PM Rabin holds consultations on Palestinian elections with FM Peres, MK Shahal, MK Sarid, Chief of Staff Barak, IDF, police officials. Rabin, Barak want negotiations on elections only, talks on extending autonomy later. Peres, others say there is no choice but to discuss all issues simultaneously. (ITV, QY 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hasan, Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu meet in London, discuss Jordanian, Likud views on negotiations. Netanyahu suggest Jordan, Israel reach a "strategic consensus" opposing PLO; Hassan gives no reaction. (JTV 9/21 in FBIS 9/22; MM 9/22; JP 10/1)

Arafat meets with Hamas mbrs. inc. spokesmen Mahmud al-Zahhar, Isma'il Haniyah; discusses ways to enhance national unity, safeguard security in autonomous areas; releases 3 Hamas mbrs. detained after shooting 9/17. (VOP 9/22 in FBIS 9/22; AFP 9/22 in FBIS 9/23)

IDF imposes curfew on village of Biddu nr. Ramallah after riot sparked by death 9/18 of Palestinian by IDF at roadblock. (QY 9/21 in FBIS 9/21)

Arafat approves license of pro-Islamist daily newspaper, Al-Istiqlal to be run by `Ala' al-Saftawi, `Adnan `Abu-Hasnah. (VOP 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

Israeli border police arrests 7 Palestinian policemen for being in Jerusalem area without permits. (ITV 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

U.S. troops begin leaving Gulf; Def. Sec. Cheney says U.S. will return average of 5,000 troops per day over next few weeks [LAT, WP, CSM 3/8; MET 3/19].

En route to Saudi Arabia as part of 11-day Middle East tour, Sec. Baker says he will propose series of "confidence-building measures" between Israel and Arab states to open path to broader peace talks [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 3/8].

In Kuwait, at least 2 Palestinians have been shot dead and 5 others hospitalized from beatings and shootings, as Palestinians raise concerns about reprisals against their community in Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WP 3/8].

Israeli gov't. rejects Pres. Bush's call for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict that includes trading land for peace; F.M. David Levy says attempts to pressure Israel are not welcome [LAT, WT 3/8; JDS, IDF, PDS 3/7, MAA 3/8 in FBIS 3/8]; in separate statements, PLO and Egypt welcome what they call "positive elements" in Pres. Bush's 3/6 speech [AVP, MENA 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; MEM 3/7].

Palestinian journalist Taher Shriteh, jailed without charge on 1/28/91, is freed on bail after international campaign to gain his release (cf. 3/11) [NYT, MEM 3/8; AFP 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].

House of Representatives votes to authorize $15.8 billion to pay for Gulf war, and also $650 million for Israel, and warns other nations that Congress "may consider appropriate action" if promised payments are not made [NYT, WP, WT 3/8].

Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar selects Switzerland's ambassador to Washington, Edouard Brunner, asspecial Middle East envoy to begin new high-priority search for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict [WP 3/8].

Palestinian leaders representing Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP, but not Hamas, meet in Jerusalem with visiting EC "troika" representatives including Italian F.M. Gianni de Michelis; EC ministers also meet with Israeli P.M. Shamir and D.M. Arens, then depart for Jordan [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8; FJ 3/11; MET 3/19].

Border policeman in Nablus is stabbed, wounded; attacker escapes and army imposes curfew on Nablus and adjacent refugee camps [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/8]; 30 Palestinians are detained in Jerusalem after IDF opens fire on demonstrators [JDS 3/7 in FBIS 3/11].

Syria and Saudi Arabia sign wide-ranging cooperation agreement which both nations say was sign of desire to foster closer relations [MEM 3/8].

Italian F.M. de Michelis is quoted as calling for "internal revolt in the Palestinian [resistance] movement" now that PLO has "ruled itself out" of peace negotiations [MEM 3/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports indicate Israel is sending psychologists to army units in Gaza Strip because of concerns about the effect of "power, force, and beatings" policy on mental health of Israeli soldiers [NYT 1/22]. Shopowners in E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and Gaza Strip strike [FBIS 1/21; FJ 1/24]. Attorney for 5th Palestinian scheduled for deportation announces his client is dropping his appeal [FBIS 1/22].

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak calls for 6-month cease-fire in occupied territories, international peace conference on the Middle East as part of new peace initiative [WP, LAT 1/22]. Jordan's P.M. Zayd Rifa'i tells parliament that 23 PFLP members have been detained on charges of attempting to instigate disturbances in Jordan [FBIS 1/25].

Other Countries: U.S. criticizes Israel's new policy of beating Palestinian protesters [WP 1/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews on 4 Gaza Strip camps are eased, allowing people to leave for work and food trucks to enter; 4 other Gaza camps remain under curfew [WP 1/22]. Palestine Press Service reports minor disturbances near Hebron, Ramallah, and Nablus. Relief workers in occupied territories reportreating many Palestinians for fractures, head wounds caused by severe beatings by soldiers, border police [WP, LAT 1/22]. Military lifts 7-day-old curfew on town of Salfit. Sa'ir, village near Hebron, al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah, near Ramallah, and old and new 'Askar camps are placed under curfew [FJ 1/24].

Arab World: Moroccan government acknowledges 1 student iskilled and 9 others injured in clash between police and pro-Palestinian demonstration in Fez [NYT 1/25].


PLO says it has moved 8 Israeli POWs from Lebanon to undisclosed location because it had information a military operation was being planned to free them.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Senior IDF officers receive Peace for Galilee campaign ribbon, Yesh Gvul (There's a Limit) movement holds demonstration, calls ribbon mark of Cain; Sharon attacks Arens' Lebanon negotiating position in Cabinet meeting, says Israel is conceding too much for too little, other ministers call for unilateral withdrawal to Awali river; foreign and defense ministers tell Habib there can be no agreement unless Haddad forces play key security role; 300-480 children, mostly girls, in 5 Jenin schools taken ill with dizziness, headaches, fainting spells and stomach pains, Jenin Mayor SI wki suspects settlers of spreading poison gas, government accuses radical Palestinian factions, Civil Administration medical officer says victims definitely inhaled poison gas; Jenin under curfew after stone-throwing demonstrations; border police jeep assaulted near Sakhnin, 4 youths arrested.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat postpones visit to Amman, has talks with King Fahd in Riyadh.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia says it will support any PLO-Jordanian agreement.

US and Other Countries: NY businessman creates special legal defense fund, supported by private American contributions, for settlers accused of violating Israeli law when retaliating against attacks by Palestinians.