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  • December 11, 1995

    IDF declares Nablus area a closed military zone, begins final redeployment 6 days ahead of schedule. IDF arrests 13 yeshiva students who refuse to leave Joseph's tomb, inside the closed zone; 40...

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  • July 24, 1995

    Nr. Tel Aviv, suicide bomber kills 5 Israelis, injures 33 in bus bombing, marking 1st attack inside Israel since 1/22. Hamas is suspected. IDF seals Gaza, West Bank. PM Rabin temporarily halts...

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  • April 25, 1995

    Syrian, Israeli ambs. resume talks on security issues in Washington. Mtg. is attended by Secy. of State Christopher but does not include military advisers. (QY 4/26 in FBIS 4/26; MM 4/27; WT 4/28...

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IDF declares Nablus area a closed military zone, begins final redeployment 6 days ahead of schedule. IDF arrests 13 yeshiva students who refuse to leave Joseph's tomb, inside the closed zone; 40 others settlers who arrive at the tomb to confront the IDF are detained. After withdraw, Jewish settlers who attend yeshiva in the city will continue to receive IDF protection. (IL, NYT, WP 12/12; QY 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; CSM 12/13; MEI 12/15)

Pres. Clinton holds positive telephone conversation with Pres. Asad, then meets with PM Peres. Peres asks for assurances that money fr. its $3 b. 1996 aid package will be received by 1/1/96 even if the foreign aid bill has not been passed (aid for FY 1996 was to begin 10/95); gives Clinton a letter, asking for Pollard's release (see 11/21). (ITV, QY, SARR 12/11, QY 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/12; MM 12/13; MA, SARR 12/13 in FBIS 12/13; WJW 12/14; MM 12/15; HA 12/15 in FBIS 12/15; CSM 1/4; WJW 1/18)

Israel Amb. to the U.S. and chief negotiator with Syria Rabinovitch says Israel is ready to make unspecified "significant concessions" to Syria. (WT 12/12)

In Paris, PA, France sign $15-m. cooperation agmt. (VOP 12/11, 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; PR 12/29)

PA announces creation of National Dialogue Office (NDO) to be headed by fmr. Hamas mbr. Faluji. At the same time, Faluji announces the indefinite closure of al-Watan. NDO will promote dialogue btwn. the PA, other political, social forces amid recognition of the "changed reality" following fr. the Oslo process. (HA 12/12 in FBIS 12/14)

In Gaza, Arafat, Hamas delegation meet to discuss of Hamas-PA talks on elections scheduled for 12/18-21 in Cairo. (VOP 12/12 in FBIS 12/12)

In Gaza, Arafat discusses joint ventures opportunities with Poland's Construction M Barbara Blida, delegation of Polish businessmen. (VOP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12)

Syria grants special amnesty to fmr. secy. gen. of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood `Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, allowing him to return to Damascus after 16-yrs. exile. (RMC 12/11 in FBIS 12/11; MM 12/14) (see 11/30)

Nr. Tel Aviv, suicide bomber kills 5 Israelis, injures 33 in bus bombing, marking 1st attack inside Israel since 1/22. Hamas is suspected. IDF seals Gaza, West Bank. PM Rabin temporarily halts negotiations but vows they will continue; both sides suggest continuing talks outside Israel. (MM 8/25; IDF Radio, QPAR, QY, SARR, VOP 7/24 in FBIS 7/24; QY, VOP 7/24 in FBIS 7/25; CSM, FT, MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/25; NYT, WT 7/26; CSM, WJW 7/27; PR 7/28; MEI 8/4; JP 8/5) (see 7/12)

PA demands return of part of the Golan to Palestinian control in bid to improve their position in water negotiations with Israel; says Syria gave area to PLO in 1964. Unofficially, Syria disputes this, saying the Arab League gave the area to Syria after the 1948 war, sovereignty was affirmed under 1949 armistice agmt. (AFP 7/24 in FBIS 7/26; MM 7/25; VOP 7/26 in FBIS 7/27; AFP 7/26 in FBIS 7/28; MM 7/31)

At Erez checkpoint, PA Social Affairs M Intisar al-Wazir, Israeli Labor and Welfare M Ora Namir hold 1st talks on ways of cooperating on labor, social security, welfare; discuss economic importance of Palestinians working in Israel. (QY 7/24 in FBIS 7/25)

UN endorses 6-mo. extension of UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon but recommends 10% cut in size. (WT 7/26; RL 7/29 in FBIS 7/31)

Israeli Civil Administration gives eviction order to settlers occupying Givat Hatamar hill nr. Efrat. (QY 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)

Israel releases 3 Americans detained 7/22. (WP 7/25)

Suha Arafat gives birth to baby girl, Zahwa, in Paris. (NYT, WT 7/25; WSJ 7/26; MM 7/27; PR 7/28)

Syrian, Israeli ambs. resume talks on security issues in Washington. Mtg. is attended by Secy. of State Christopher but does not include military advisers. (QY 4/26 in FBIS 4/26; MM 4/27; WT 4/28)

PA, Israel resume talks on elections in Cairo, focus on allowing East Jerusalem Palestinians to vote, nature, structure, jurisdiction of projected legislative council. (MENA 4/25, MENA, VOP 4/26 in FBIS 4/26; WT 4/26; MENA, QY, VOP 4/26 in FBIS 4/27)

Preliminary donor mtg. opens in Paris. PA Planning M Shaath suggests donor states commit to timetable for meeting pledges for 1 yr., but several states (Shaath refuses to say which) oppose. (RMC 4/26 in FBIS 4/28)

In 1st such incident since signing of DOP, Palestinian arrested 4/22 on charges of being a sr. military leader in Hamas dies of injuries sustained during interrogation by Shin Bet. (MM 4/25; QY 4/25 in FBIS 4/25; CSM, NYT, WP 4/26; WP 5/4)

Jordan's amb. to Israel Muasher meets with Arafat advisor Husseini, frmr. PLO negotiator Hannan Ashrawi at Orient House in East Jerusalem, says Jordan, PA have resolved their differences over Jerusalem. (QY 4/25 in FBIS 4/25; QY 4/25 in FBIS 4/26; MM 4/26)

PA signs $65 m. contract with OPIC, Washington-based General Resources and Design Group to build Marriott hotel in Gaza. Hotel will have independent infrastructure (incl. water desalinization, communications, electricity). (MM 4/27)

Jordan's Dentists' Association bans mbrs. fr. treating Israelis, who have been coming to Jordan for cheaper medical attention since signing of peace treaty. Move seen as part of growing disenchantment with normalization with Israel. (MM 4/26, 5/2)

In retaliation for Yassin killing 3/31, Hizballah suicide bomber crashes explosive-rigged car into IDF, SLA convoy in s. Lebanon, wounding 9 IDF soldiers, 1 SLA mbr., 12 civilians. IDF reinforces troops in south, sweeps area, arrests 40 Lebanese. IAF overflies Beirut, is fired on by Lebanese Army again. (AFP, IDF Radio, QY, RL, VOL 4/25, RL 4/26 in FBIS 4/26; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/26; VOL 4/26 in FBIS 4/27; JP 5/6; MEI 5/12)