Occupied Palestine/Israel: Commercial strike continues in E. Jerusalem, Nablus, and Ramallah [FJ 12/20]. Police use tear gas to break up demonstration by Arab and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza, 3 Israeli buses used to transport Palestinian workers to Israeli factories are torched [FJ 10/25]. In Jerusalem's Old City,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem schools, shops remain closed to protest 10/11 clash between police, Jews, and Muslims at al-Aqsa Mosque [FBIS 10/13]. EEC...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Bayt Jann village in the Galilee, hundreds of Palestinian Druze clash with Israeli soldiers and nature reserve officers when...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire to break up Nablus demonstration marking 20th anniversary of 1967 war; kill 15-year-old boy, wound 10-year-old...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police question at least 50 Arabs after 2 Arabs stabbed Jewish brothers walking in E. Jerusalem [WP 1/17].
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Commercial strike continues in E. Jerusalem, Nablus, and Ramallah [FJ 12/20]. Police use tear gas to break up demonstration by Arab and Jewish Hebrew U. students outside P. M. Shamir's residence [FBIS 12/17; FJ 12/20]. Group of 12 Balatah refugee camp residents file complaint against defense minister and military commander of occupied territories in Israeli High Court charging border guards used excessive force in controlling demonstrations [FJ 12/20].
Other Countries: U.S. Senate passes measure temporarily prohibiting denial of visas to and expulsion of foreigners because of their political beliefs; bill also includes provision to close PLO observer mission to UN and PIO in Washington, D.C. [NYT 12/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army sends reinforcements into Gaza Strip. In Jabalya refugee camp, at least 3 Palestinians are shot, wounded when troops open fire on crowd demonstrating atfuneral of youth killed 12/15; about 20 others are arrested. Israeli soldier is stabbed in Rafah; members of patrol open fire, wounding at least 3. Army fails to break general strike [NYT 12/17]. Israel begins using water canons to control demonstrating crowds in occupied territories. Widespread arrests are reported [WP 12/17]. Tire-burning, bottle-throwing demonstrators clash with soldiers in Jerusalem [FJ 12/20].
Arab World: Israeli troops enter eastern Lebanon, battle Lebanese militias, killing 1 [FJ 12/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza, 3 Israeli buses used to transport Palestinian workers to Israeli factories are torched [FJ 10/25]. In Jerusalem's Old City, rabbinical students attack 4 Arabs; police arrest 3 Jews [CSM 10/20].
Arab World: Palestinian child abducted in Beirut 3 months ago is released by his kidnappers [FJ 10/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrations are reported in Shu'fat refugee camp, Hebron, and E. Jerusalem [FJ 10/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem schools, shops remain closed to protest 10/11 clash between police, Jews, and Muslims at al-Aqsa Mosque [FBIS 10/13]. EEC Commissioner Claude Cheysson concludes 3 days of negotiations with Israeli leaders on direct export of W. Bank and Gaza Strip produce to W. Europe [MET 10/24]. Military orders 2 Gaza Strip secondary schools closed for 1 week [FJ 10/18]. Israeli officials partially lift travel ban for Gaza residents [FJ 10/18].
Arab World: Fateh official Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf) announces that group of Palestinian notables from occupied territories has requested meeting with U.S. Sec. of State George Shultz during his visit to Israel [FBIS 10/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah, Palestinian bystander is shot, killed when Israeli troops open fire on stone-throwing demonstrators; 5 other Palestinians are injured [FBIS 10/13; WP 10/14]. Violent protests continue in Gaza Strip [FBIS 10/13]. At Bethlehem University, stonethrowing student demonstrators clash with IDF soldiers; university is ordered closed until 10/18 [FJ 10/18].
Other Countries: Morris Abram, head of Conference of Presidents ofMajor American Jewish Organizations, says he has pledged noninterference by U.S. Jews in intemal Israeli affairs [NYT 10/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, protesters burn tires, throw stones at soldiers. Soldiers force merchants to open shops; curfew is lifted [LAT 10/12].
Arab World: Palestinian fighters repulse Amal attack near 'Ayn al-Hilwah; 7 are killed [WP 10/12]. Mustafa Sa'd, leader of Nasserite Popular Liberation Army, announces his forces, which are serving as buffer between Amal and Palestinian fighters, are withdrawing [WP 10/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Bayt Jann village in the Galilee, hundreds of Palestinian Druze clash with Israeli soldiers and nature reserve officers when authorities try to evict Druze from village land annexed by Israel for a nature reserve; at least 16 Israelis and 6 Druze are injured [BG 7/7; FJ 7/12]. Office of Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek announces mayor will boycott French Consulate's Bastille Day celebration to protest practice of holding separate receptions for Arabs in E. Jerusalem and for Jews in W. Jerusalem [WP 7/7].
Arab World: U.S. envoy Vernon Walters meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. al-Asad for 2d day of discussions aimed at improving U.S. -Syrian relations [WP, NYT 7/7].
Military Action
Arab World: Combined Israeli ground and air forces fight Hizballah guerrillas in daylong battle near Yatir in S. Lebanon [BG 7/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire to break up Nablus demonstration marking 20th anniversary of 1967 war; kill 15-year-old boy, wound 10-year-old [LAT 6/6]. Some stores reopen in E. Jerusalem and Ramallah, on 2d day of 2-day general strike [LAT 6/6]. Stone thrown at Israeli bus near Dahayshah refugee camp injures 1 woman passenger; curfew imposed on camp [FJ 6/7; BG 6/8]. Israeli troops open fire after Molotov cocktail is thrown at patrol in Hebron's Bab al-Zawiyah; no injuries are reported [FJ 6/7]. Classes at Bethlehem University are suspended to protest 20 years of Israeli occupation [FJ 6/7]. Estimated 8,000 Arabs and Jews participate in Tel Aviv demonstration protesting 20 years of occupation [FJ 6/14]. Nablus' al-Najah University is ordered closed for 2 days [FJ 6/14]. Israeli press reports plan to deploy additional army unit in occupied territories [FJ 6/14].
Arab World: Speaker of Lebanese Parliament Husayn Husayni resigns citing Pres. Jumayyil's failure to conduct thorough investigation of assassination of P.M. Karami [BS 6/6].
Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm that grand jury investigating Iran-contra affair has issued subpoenas for Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman, Amiram Nir, counterterrorism adviser to prime ministers Peres and Shamir, and Ya'acov Nimrodi, Israeli arms dealer. Israeli government isprotesting the action [WP 6/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police question at least 50 Arabs after 2 Arabs stabbed Jewish brothers walking in E. Jerusalem [WP 1/17].