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  • September 15, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots...

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  • April 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Spain's first ambassador to Israel, Pedro Lopez Aguirre de Goa, arrives to take up his post [JP 4/7]. Twenty black union leaders from...

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  • March 13, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Herut party convention ends in chaos and intra-party violence; no new party chairman is named [JTA 3/13; NYT 3/14]. Foreign Ministry...

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  • February 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports West Bank Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Balu to Jordan. (Balu was never released from jail following completion of his 16-...

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  • January 11, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deputy advisor on antiterrorism to P.M. Peres, Gideon Mahanayimi, states "best way" to fight terrorist organizations is by assassinating...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bulldozers demolish Arab-owned groves at Za'atara near Bethlehem to make way for parking lot for tourists (FJ 9/26). IDF shoots and kills 30-year-old mother, Muyassar Jamil al-Hih, at Hebron Mosque (Fl 9/15).

Arab World: In Beirut, group called "Arab Revolutionary Cells-'Umar al-Mukhtar Forces" claims responsibility for Beirut kidnapping of Frank Reed and Joseph Ciccippio (NYT 9/16).

Other Countries: In Washington, Israeli P.M. Peres meets President Reagan at White House, de-emphasizes endorsement of international conference, stresses need for direct negotiations at bilateral level with each of parties concerned in peace process (NYT 9/16). Amnesty International of London announces ithas compiled allegations of torture at Khiyam detention center in S. Lebanon (run by SLA with Israeli supervision), including detailed account of torture of West Bank resident; group says it is publicizing charges because Israel has failed to respond to its appeals for an independent probe (WP 9/17). In Paris, bomb explodes in police station, killing one and wounding 51 (NYT 9/16).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Spain's first ambassador to Israel, Pedro Lopez Aguirre de Goa, arrives to take up his post [JP 4/7]. Twenty black union leaders from South Africa are attending a course at the Histradrut's Afro-Asian Institute in Tel Aviv [JP 4/6]. They are receiving training in social organizing and economic leadership skills, in preparation for power sharing in the event of a transition from white rule [WP, LAT 4/8].

Arab World: Syrian-sponsored cease-fire takes effect around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, ending 10 days of fighting between Amal and Palestinian fighters; at least 46 have been killed [BG 4/7].

Other Countries: West Germany's defense minister arrives in Israel for 4-day visit [JP 4/7]. American Israel Public Affairs Committee begins 27th Annual Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. [JTA 4/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Herut party convention ends in chaos and intra-party violence; no new party chairman is named [JTA 3/13; NYT 3/14]. Foreign Ministry expresses official dissatisfaction with Egypt's report on Ras Burqa massacre [JP 3/14].

Other Countries: Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper, states during visit to Washington, D.C. he is exploring possibility of an international conference without preconditions, in which individual Palestinians would be part of a single Arab delegation [JTA 3/13]. Pakistani Pres. Zia al-Haq urges PLO to recognize Israel's right to exist, supports peace plans put forward by King Fahd and King Hussein UP 3/14]. U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy ends visit to Tunis, Cairo, and Jerusalem with no significant progress made [JP 3/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports West Bank Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Balu to Jordan. (Balu was never released from jail following completion of his 16- year term; although Israelis offered to let him go abroad, he chose to complete his sentence and be reunited with his family) [FJ 2/14].

Arab World: Christian Science Monitor reports King Hussein demanded written acceptance of UN resolutions 242, 338 from Yasir Arafat during last week's negotiations as basis for negotiating with Israel. Hussein had obtained 2 U.S. concessions in return: acceptance of intl. conference hosted by UN, including permanent members of Security Council, and direct negotiations with PLO (if it accepted 242, 338) [CSM 2/6].

Other Countries: U.S. vetos UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel for intercepting Libyan jet [PI 2/7; JTA 2/10]. Hundreds of evangelical American Christian leaders attend 5th annual pro-Israel National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. [WP, JTA 2/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deputy advisor on antiterrorism to P.M. Peres, Gideon Mahanayimi, states "best way" to fight terrorist organizations is by assassinating their leaders [BG 1/12]. American Enterprise Institute (Washington, D.C.) and Arab Council for Public Affairs (East Jerusalem) cosponsor panel in which Palestinian political scientists respond to papers prepared by AEI academics [FJ 1/171.

Arab World: Islamic Conference Organization concludes annual conference with condemnation of U. S. economic sanctions against Libya, fails to adopt concrete response [CSM 1/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Druze policeman Jamil Faris is shot to death, another policeman, 4 Palestinian passers-by wounded in Nablus by unidentified gunmen; round-the-clock curfew is imposed, house-to-house searches are conducted, number of Palestinians are arrested [WP, JP 1/12; JTA 1/13; FJ 1/17].