Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military orders all government schools in W. Bank closed for 2 days [LAT 12/21; FJ 12/27]. Israeli cabinet discusses violence in the...
Arab World: Reports indicate U.S. and Egypt have reached agreement allowing Egypto produce M1A1 Abrams (often called Ml) tanks [WP 6/29]. Municipal authorities...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Attomey for 'Izzat Nafsu, former IDF officer convicted of espionage in 1981, petitions High Court to order military to lift secrecy...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin visits Qalqiliyyah area, defends govemment security measures in area. Chief of Staff Moshe Levy says 4/11 attack...
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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military orders all government schools in W. Bank closed for 2 days [LAT 12/21; FJ 12/27]. Israeli cabinet discusses violence in the occupied territories, defends army's handling of disturbances [LAT 12/21]. Davar reports police investigation into death of 'Awad Hamdan, Palestinian who died while in police custody, had uncovered evidence suggesting 1of 3 Israeli interrogators was involved in Hamdan's death; other interrogators will be reprimanded for lying to Landau Commission [FJ 12/27]. Israel orders Hebron U., Abu Dis College, and al-'Asriyyah Community College closed for 1 month because of recent student protests [FJ 12/27]. Umm al-Fahm residents protest Israeli measures in occupied territories, call for end to occupation [FJ 12/27]. In meeting with Pres. Herzog, Italy's Pres. Cossiga expresses concern about events in occupied territories [FBIS 12/22].
Arab World: Egypt delivers formal protest of Israel's handling of occupied territory disturbances to Israeli ambassador, the 5th such protest in 12 days. Hani al-Hassan, aide to PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, arrives in Egypt for talks [NYT 12/21]. In Sidon, 7,500 Palestinian and Lebanese Muslim protesters join in anti-Israel march [CSM, LAT 12/21].
Other Countries: Pope John Paul II appeals for peace in Holy Land, expresses support for Palestinian people [WP 12/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent disturbances continue in W. Bank and Gaza Strip; at least 6 are shot, wounded in clashes with Israeli troops, 4 of them during large demonstration in West Bank's Far'ah refugee camp [LAT 12/21]. Curfews are imposed on Far'ah and 'Askar refugee camps [NYT 12/21]. Soldiers clash with large demonstration in Ramallah, and Am'ari, Jalazun, and Qalandiya refugee camps [FJ 12/27]. Protesters burn, destroy Egged bus carrying workers from Rafah [FJ 12/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Plestinians call for total commercial strike in E. Jerusalem, Ramallah, Nablus, and other W. Bank towns [FJ 12/13].
Arab World: Egypt condemns Israel's use of live ammunition in occupied territories [NYT 12/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel reports 5 Palestinians wounded by gunfire, 2 critically, in Gaza Strip clashes; Palestine Press Service estimates at least 25 shot in the day's disturbances. Army imposes curfews on Balatah and 'Askar refugee camps in the West Bank. Rock-throwing, tirebombing crowds are reported throughout the territories; a Palestinian is shot, wounded in Hebron [NYT 12/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Hebron, estimated 150 Jewish settlers occupy Ibrahim Mosque's main hall during Muslim prayers [FJ 11/22].
Arab World: Kuwait and Morocco renew diplomatic relations with Egypt [NYT 11/15].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli navy patrol seizes Nadijah, boat flying Honduran flag, off Israeli coast. Israel alleges crew, who are detained, are members of Fateh [FBIS 11/16].
Arab World: Amal and Palestinian fighters trade gunfire east of Sidon [FBIS 11/16].
Arab World: Reports indicate U.S. and Egypt have reached agreement allowing Egypto produce M1A1 Abrams (often called Ml) tanks [WP 6/29]. Municipal authorities from Bethlehem and Bayt Sahur issue statement condemning Israeli proposal to pump water from new Bethlehem well to Jewish settlements; drilling well at planned 900-1,000 meters would drain 5 wells supplying Bethlehem and Hebron areas [FJ 7/5]. Three Israelis are arrested on charges of involvement in attacks on Palestinian workers in their Ramat Gan-Tel Aviv apartment [FJ 7/5].
Arab World: Hani al-Hassan, political adviser to Yasir Arafat, arrives in Cairo for 1st high-level Palestinian-Egyptian talks since 18th session of PNC in April [FJ 7/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Attomey for 'Izzat Nafsu, former IDF officer convicted of espionage in 1981, petitions High Court to order military to lift secrecy order on Nafsu's appeal [JPI 5/2]. Israel Radio reports Israeli authorities have recently discovered several military cells on the W. Bank [FJ 5/3]. Residents of Bayt 'Ula village in Hebron area hold Friday prayers on land scheduled for confiscation to protest government's plan [FJ 5/17].
Arab World: Egyptian delegation walks out of PNC session in Algiers [NYT 4/28]. Abu al-'Abbas says his future attacks will be aimed at Israel, not "innocents" [LAT 4/25].
Other Countries: Israeli Minister Moshe Arens meets with U.S. Sec. of State Shultz in Washington, reiterates Likud opposition to international peace conference [JPI 5/2]. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, speaking at dinner for visiting Syrian Pres. al-Asad, calls for international peace conference, blames U.S. and Israel for continuing conflict in Middle East [LAT 4/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin visits Qalqiliyyah area, defends govemment security measures in area. Chief of Staff Moshe Levy says 4/11 attack was carried out by terrorist group to disrupt good relations between Arabs and Jews in region. [JP 4/16]. Reports indicate that unidentified Israeli who charges Shin Bet fabricated evidence against him was an army officer convicted of espionage in 1980 [NYT 4/16]. Red Cross closes offices in Gaza and Khan Yunis to protest army raid of offices, attack on women conducting sit-in [FJ 4/19]. Israel denies Egyptian request to allow 52 PNC members living in the occupied territories toattend the PNC session in Algiers [FJ 4/19]. Palestinian student is wounded when guard at Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron opens fire [FJ 4/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot 2 Palestinians in legs during protest in Rafah. Arab student is shot in chest when he attacks a guard at entrance to Kiryat Arba [JP 4/16].
Arab World: Israeli planes fly over Sidon on reconnaissance missions monitoring movement of Syrian troops [BG 4/16].