Druze and Phalange forces clash in Bekaa; Lebanese Army reveals elaborate network of concretelined tunnels linking PLO strong-holds with 3 refugee camps, which sheltered...
IDF, PLO forces clash with rockets, artillery, gunfire near airport and in Burj al-Barajneh; Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon attacked by Phalangist forces, 40 houses...
Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy...
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Military Action:
Druze and Phalange forces clash in Bekaa; Lebanese Army reveals elaborate network of concretelined tunnels linking PLO strong-holds with 3 refugee camps, which sheltered Palestinian guerrillas and military supplies from IDF bombardment; Lebanese Army continues door-to-door searches and arrests.
ICRC visits 3 IDF soldiers held by Syria, reports them in good condition, 6 other IDF soldiers still missing; US protests arbitrary arrests of Palestinians to Gemayel; IDF in Beirut posts list of 12,276 killed in Israeli invasion (thousands more than Israeli Government previously acknowledged).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli paratroopers sign petition accusing Sharon of slandering them, demand public apology (Sharon reportedly accused unit of refusing to fight in Lebanon); Likud and Alignment Knesset members visit refugee camps in South Lebanon.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Haddad says negotiated withdrawal must include continued links between Lebanon and Israel, permanently open border; Gemayel reported to favor special relationship with Syria (fuels speculation on possibility of mutual defense pact in return for Syrian withdrawal).
Arab Governments: Jordan grants amnesty to Palestinians accused of security offenses during 1970.
US and Other Countries: US developing plan for phased pullout; Habib briefs Reagan, Shultz and Weinberger; White House claims it has assurances from Lebanese authorities to safeguard Palestinian rights during crack-down on illegal Beirut residents (follows complaints from US, French and Italian diplomats in Lebanon); US delays talks on Israeli fighter project.
UN: Libya calls on UN to expel Israel.
Military Action:
IDF, PLO forces clash with rockets, artillery, gunfire near airport and in Burj al-Barajneh; Mieh Mieh refugee camp near Sidon attacked by Phalangist forces, 40 houses burned; cease-fire broken with bazooka fire and snipers in the Museum area; IDF air force attacks PLO positions in Beirut, allegedly destroying a PLO headquarters.
Thousands continue to flee West Beirut, choking the one crossing left open (hundreds of Lebanese seeking to enter W. Beirut to bring out relatives and friends are barred by IDF); food, water, fuel, electricity remain cut off (UNICEF tells its personnel to leave); none of those leaving are being allowed to stay in East Beirut; only Lebanese, no Palestinians being allowed to leave (Phalange say this is at IDF orders); ICRC finally gets IDF permission for one truck of medicine, four of food to enter West Beirut.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel Committee Against the War in Lebanon sponsors march through Tel Aviv; Women Against the War begin vigil outside Begin offices; Israel confirms receiving substantive proposal on withdrawal.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amin Gemayel (Bashir's brother) enters West Beirut, says war needs to stop; PLO reportedly prepared to leave Beirut as Syria agrees to accept guerrillas; Wazzan, after meeting Habib, is optimistic evacuation will begin in a few days; Camille Chamoun says presidential elections cannot take place until crisis resolved; effort to reconcile B. Gemayel, Jumblatt fails.
Arab Governments: Syria, Egypt reportedly offer refuge to PLO guerrillas (Egypt's foreign minister later says PLO withdrawal must be preceded by establishment of a global resolution of the Palestinian problem); Arab governments reluctant to accept substantial numbers of guerrillas; PLO expresses anger at this hesitation to accept trapped fighters.
US and Other Countries: US officials say difference between US and Israel may affect military and economic ties (US seeks Saudi and Jordanian participation in Camp David); in Munich, West Germany 1,000 protest against IDF attacks on Beirut; Nicaragua breaks relations with Israel; Italy and Greece offer peacekeeping troops.
Military Action:
Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon continues, as Tyre residents are told via air-dropped leaflets to go to beaches to avoid bombings, city is shown in flames; 15,000 people try to enter city from countryside, saying they have no food; Israelis move 100 tanks into mountains east of PLO stronghold of Damour; Israeli shells re-portedly destroy a Red Cross center on the edge of Sidon; tank battles near Jezzine, and Israelis reportedly aim to cut highway to Syria; Israeli planes blast road 2 miles south of Beirut airport; fierce fighting between Israeli and Syrian troops on edge of Beirut; Israelis capture Lebanese president's summer residence at Beiteddine; third attack on Beirut sports complex.
Syrians engage Israelis on southern edges of Beirut, along Beirut-Damascus highway; major Syrian-Israeli tank battle shaping up in Chouf region, stronghold of PLO ally and Lebanese National Movement (LNM) leader Walid Jumblatt (temporarily out of country).
Fierce resistance from PLO units continues in Tyre and Sidon; a few PLO-fired rockets fall on northern Galilee, from enclave controlled by Syria; PLO and Lebanon accept UN call for a cease-fire.
Beirut residents stockpile goods and Palestinian suburbs almost deserted as residents fan out into city; Red Cross center in Sidon destroyed by Israeli shelling; thousands of refugees pour into Beirut from southern Lebanon; 10,000 people placed under Red Cross care in Tyre alone.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Prime Minister Begin lays out 4 conditions for withdrawal from Lebanon, including removal of all Syrian and PLO forces from Lebanon, creation of a 40 km demilitarized zone north of the Israeli border; Knesset defeats no-confidence vote, 94-3; Israeli Ambassador Arens meets with Deputy Secretary of State Stoessel, Defense Secretary Weinberger and Senator Percy as a former Israeli general meets the US press; Begin calls on Assad not to engage Israeli troops; UN reports continue to be censored; about 40 demonstrators opposed to the invasion are attacked in Tel Aviv.
Palestinians/Lebanese: Arafat meets with USSR Ambassador; Lebanese president appeals to Arab League to hold a meeting; Lebanon's UN Ambassador says casualties run into thousands, mostly civilians.
Arab Governments: Iranian volunteers reported arriving in Lebanon via Syria, as well as Palestinian volunteers from Jordan and Kuwait; Arab diplomats from Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrein, Jordan and Algeria ask the US to pressure Israel to withdraw immediately, accept cease-fire; Syria rejects any troop withdrawal from Lebanon, reacting to reports of new Israeli conditions for a withdrawal.
US: Reagan, in London, appeals for an end to hostilities; Haig later says US would not deny Israel the "right of legitimate self-defense."
UN: Lebanon and the PLO accept the UN call for a cease-fire; Israel rejects the Security Council demand for withdrawal. Lebanon circulates a petition condemning Israel, threatening sanctions if it does not withdraw. UNIFIL General Callaghan makes first offi-cial protest of the invasion to Israel.