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  • January 18, 1994

    Israel-PLO talks on implementing DoP resume in Taba, Egypt. (MENA 1/18 in FBIS 1/18; WT 1/19)

    Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conference to announce 1/6 withdrawal...

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  • November 2, 1993

    PLO delegation suspends participation in talks with Israelis at Taba, Egypt, complaining Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Gaza Strip and Jericho are a redeployment, not withdrawal. (NYT 11/4)...

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Israel-PLO talks on implementing DoP resume in Taba, Egypt. (MENA 1/18 in FBIS 1/18; WT 1/19)

Secy. of Defense-designate Adm. Bobby Inman holds press conference to announce 1/6 withdrawal of his name, citing opposition to his nomination by Sen. Bob Dole, NYT columnist William Safire. Inman says Safire motivated by his 1981 decision as dep. director of CIA to restrict U.S. satellite intelligence provided to Israel after Israeli bombing of Iraqi nuclear reactor. Inman says then-Israeli DM Ariel Sharon complained about limitation to Secy. of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who supported Inman. (NYT, WP, WT 1/19)

PM Rabin says peace btwn. Israel and Syria may require Israel to pay a "painful price," notes he "expected more" fr. al-Asad but would "make do" and negotiate on basis of al-Asad's 1/16 Geneva statements. Rabin echoes calls for national referendum on Golan withdrawal. AP reports opposition by Likud, govt. coalition to plans for Israeli referendum on withdrawal fr. Golan. (MM 1/18, 1/19; NYT, WT 1/19)

IDF clashes with Palestinian stonethrowers at Hebron college. 7 Palestinians shot and wounded. (NYT 1/20)

PLO delegation suspends participation in talks with Israelis at Taba, Egypt, complaining Israeli proposals on withdrawal fr. Gaza Strip and Jericho are a redeployment, not withdrawal. (NYT 11/4)

PFLP delegation holds talks in Baghdad with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq 'Aziz, next day with VP Taha Yasin Ramadhan. (INA 11/2, 11/3 in FBIS 11/2, 11/3)

Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek defeated in mayoral election by Likud's Ehud Olmert by 60%-34% vote. Kollek had served for 28 years. Likud also wins Tel Aviv mayoralty with Ronni Milo defeating Avigdor Kahalani. Israeli local elections were seen in part as referendum on 9/13 PLO-Israel accord. Israeli PM Rabin comments, "I think what happened, especially in Jerusalem, has a negative aspect for us. I neither deny it nor hide it. It's a reality, and it's a very unpleasant one." (NYT 11/3, 11/4)