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  • July 30, 1992

    Near Ramallah, Shin Bet arrests 3 members of Hamas-'Izz al-Din al-Qassim faction, believed to be responsible for deaths of 3 Israelis, 20 Gaza Palestinians. (Qol Yisra'el, ITV 8/8 in FBIS 8/10; WP...

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  • March 18, 1992

    In a move destined to change the Israeli political system, Knesset votes to allow direct election of prime minister beginning with first Knesset elections after the upcoming 6/23 vote [first...

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Near Ramallah, Shin Bet arrests 3 members of Hamas-'Izz al-Din al-Qassim faction, believed to be responsible for deaths of 3 Israelis, 20 Gaza Palestinians. (Qol Yisra'el, ITV 8/8 in FBIS 8/10; WP 8/9; JP 8/15)

Palestinian man stabs 2 Israeli policemen in Jerusalem, killing 1, and is shot and killed by a passerby and police. (WP 7/31)

Body of Mahmud Abu Hasan al-Zarini is returned, buried by family in Janin under tight Israeli security. Seven-day commercial strike ends (see 7/22, 27). (MM 7/30)

Jordanian house of reps. issues statement supporting Palestinian national rights and intifada, criticizing all settlements and deportations, and calling for inter-Arab solidarity. (Radio Jordan Network 7/30 in FBIS 7/31)

With Hizballah consent, Syrian-backed Lebanese army force takes over barracks in Ba'labakk, Biqa' Valley, which have been under Hizballah control since 1982. (AFP, Radio Lebanon 7/30 in FBIS 7/31)

Israeli air force raids Jabal Safi, Iqlim al-Tuffah regions, S. Lebanon. Casualties this year from 27 Israeli raids total 44 dead, 100 wounded, mostly civilians. (AFP, Qol Yisra'el 7/30 in FBIS 7/30)

In a move destined to change the Israeli political system, Knesset votes to allow direct election of prime minister beginning with first Knesset elections after the upcoming 6/23 vote [first scheduled elections after that would be in 1996]. The law also lowers number of votes needed to bring down government from 70 to 61, and gives Knesset authority to approve cabinet. (WP, MM 3/19)

State Dept. announced Bush administration has issued a proposal to Israel whereby U.S. would grant $10 billion in loan guarantees over six years providing that Israel restrict settlement activity to completing housing started before 1/1/92. $300 million would be provided immediately under the plan, but the rest would be contingent upon a settlement freeze. Announcement also indicated that the administration is calling for a freeze on settlements throughout 1967 territories, the first time that the administration has used language suggesting that it seeks to halt settlement activity in E. Jerusalem as well as in W. Bank and Gaza. (WP 3/19)

In Beirut, Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for 3/17 bombing of Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires to avenge Israel's 2/16 assassination of Hizballah leader 'Abbas Musawi. (WP 3/19)

Leaflet allegedly distributed in Ramallah by PFLP calls for inclusion of Hamas in Unified National Command of the Intifada (Al Hamishmar 3/19 in FBIS 3/20)

IDF kills 3 Palestinians in three incidents in Gaza, West Bank. (MM 3/19)